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Ottawa CPL Club

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35 minutes ago, KW519 said:

 Greater Ottawa has a population of 1.3 million people. 4618 people attended Fury home games on average last season in a 24k capacity stadium, so less than 1% of the population consider the Fury embedded enough to show up on a regular basis. Unless the Fury is drawing support from other metro areas and getting lots of views from areas outside of Ottawa those numbers are pretty weak and can be easily surpassed. Not trying to discredit you loyal fans, there's no club without you at the end of the day. But the opportunity is real for the right person willing to invest some money 

People that care to watch this level of soccer are already going to Fury games.

Adding a second team would only mean about 2,500 people going to Fury games, and 2,500 people going to CPL games. Ottawa soccer doesn't draw enough to have two pro teams. I can't say with full confidence, but I am pretty sure there is something in Soccernomics about how capital cities tend to not do great for sports

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13 minutes ago, Ansem said:

Funny as the CSA still hasn't confirmed their sanctioning yet...Don't forget that the way the Fury blindsided both CPL and the CSA most definitely contributed in them getting this 2019 extension (which is a formality but the CSA wasn't thrilled either)

You have no basis or proof of what you're saying. Ultimately, it's the CSA's call and it will do what's in its own interest. A successful CPL league trumps the personal preferences of 1 club.

If CSA weren't to sanction Fury, it would be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Fury are still providing opportunities for Canadian players, and still have fans going out to enjoy the games. There is really no point in trying to drag them over kicking and screaming.

The best way to showcase the league would to have them WANT to come over on their own accord. I still personally believe they should be there, and will not be attending any Fury games until they enter CPL (though in fairness I only went to a handful of games per year anyway. CPL would've changed that)

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38 minutes ago, deschamp86 said:

If CSA weren't to sanction Fury, it would be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Fury are still providing opportunities for Canadian players, and still have fans going out to enjoy the games. There is really no point in trying to drag them over kicking and screaming. 

I totally agree, you don't punish the players over backroom drama. I also don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything, however, they are also trying to force CPL out of Ottawa while forcing the CSA to grant them full exclusivity on the market over questionable reasons in questionable fashion. That's equally wrong...

38 minutes ago, deschamp86 said:

The best way to showcase the league would to have them WANT to come over on their own accord. I still personally believe they should be there, and will not be attending any Fury games until they enter CPL (though in fairness I only went to a handful of games per year anyway. CPL would've changed that)

It's like being in a relationship... If your girlfriend wants to get marry and have kids...see what happens when you tell her "We'll see"

I don't oppose the Fury wanting to see how CPL turns out, but HOW they are going at it is wrong. First, they publicly blindsides potential future partners and the sanctioning body allowing you to play in USL in the first place. That's a HUGE "no no" in business. The tone used by Clanachan the next morning was telling...just like Bettman, he's the owners voice. We need to keep in mind that OSEG aren't dealing with your typical bureaucrats at the CSA but deep pocket business people who didn't make their fortune by being "understanding", "nice" or "taking this kind of BS". They'rich because they had to bend or crush competition. We have to stop thinking of CPL like the CSA in that regard.

Going to my point with the Girlfriend story, OSEG is telling CPL "We'll see". What does that mean? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? Never? So it's equally ridiculous to assume that CPL and CSA will just sit back, pray and hope the Fury joins while blocking other investors from bringing a team and shutting themselves out of the market over a "we'll see" and a potential partner that went rogue on you in the media. Now you have De Guzman who pretty much implies that he wants a trophy within 3 years. How realistic is it that they will be allowed to stall CPL for at least 3 years?

From a business perspective...slim to none. Going back to CPL ownership being successful business people and not typical bureaucrats, they are rich because they KNOW how to compete, HAD to compete and WON when they DID compete. To think that they will just lay down now goes against every fiber in their business being.

Point of reference? MLS vs NY Cosmos. Did MLS Owners sat and cave to NY Cosmos demands or did they show them the middle finger and put NYCFC in their face? Clanachan saying CPL wants Ottawa and other groups are available means the same thing here. The league (group of owners) recognize the vital piece that represent Ottawa for the long term success of the league and they aren't going to let that go. They'd rather compete for it than abandoning it. If pressuring the CSA to facilitate the takeover of the market is a viable strategy, they will also do just that.... that's is if they haven't already done so. That would be the preferred route

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Every time I read this thread it just disappoints me that the Fury didn't join CPL, I was feeling pretty sure it would happen despite the initial hesitation and I know there are lots of Ottawa V's who are pissed about this, hopefully it happens soon or other options are explored, I want another good road trip destination!?

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3 hours ago, KW519 said:

 Greater Ottawa has a population of 1.3 million people. 4618 people attended Fury home games on average last season in a 24k capacity stadium, so less than 1% of the population consider the Fury embedded enough to show up on a regular basis. Unless the Fury is drawing support from other metro areas and getting lots of views from areas outside of Ottawa those numbers are pretty weak and can be easily surpassed. Not trying to discredit you loyal fans, there's no club without you at the end of the day. But the opportunity is real for the right person willing to invest some money 

Using average attendance as a proportion of the entire population of the census metropolitan area and telling us that a ratio below 1% indicates weakness for D2 pro soccer in Ottawa and justifies a 2nd professional soccer team in the Ottawa-Gatineau CMA is a pretty weak argument in itself.

And once again, I say this as somebody who spent many days over and over again arguing with many many Fury fans about why the Fury absolutely should be in CPL for 2019.

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5 minutes ago, ironcub14 said:

Using average attendance as a proportion of the entire population of the census metropolitan area and telling us that a ratio below 1% indicates weakness for D2 pro soccer in Ottawa and somehow justfied a 2nd professional soccer team in the Ottawa-Gatineau CMA is one of the most statistically laughable argument I have ever seen. Some of you need a serious dose of reality.

And once again, I say this as somebody who spent many days over and over again arguing with many many Fury fans about why the Fury absolutely should be in CPL for 2019.

Not arguing anything, the support is there for everyone to see. I'm not suggesting have 2 functioning clubs in Ottawa, i'm suggesting more of a "this town aint big enough for the 2 of us" hostile takeover backed by a big name signing and a couple local players the community can get behind...you can sit there in your reality and laugh at stats and ratios all you want, but 20% occupancy at home games is far from sustainable, and they're probably barely covering costs in a league where clubs will be spending more and more money. The Fury model is far from perfect, and they're in a vulnerable spot at the moment. 

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3 hours ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

No basis or proof beyond on the record quotes from Victor Montagliani? People in Ottawa close to the Fury front office were stating that the decision not to join was made at least as far back as June, so the blindsided thing is not established fact.

Conveniently ignoring the CPL as a source while as CPL share more info we're starting to see that some reasons provided by "said Fury FO contact" might have exaggerated a bit...

Keep pick and choosing your sources

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17 minutes ago, KW519 said:

Not arguing anything, the support is there for everyone to see. I'm not suggesting have 2 functioning clubs in Ottawa, i'm suggesting more of a "this town aint big enough for the 2 of us" hostile takeover backed by a big name signing and a couple local players the community can get behind...you can sit there in your reality and laugh at stats and ratios all you want, but 20% occupancy at home games is far from sustainable, and they're probably barely covering costs in a league where clubs will be spending more and more money. The Fury model is far from perfect, and they're in a vulnerable spot at the moment. 

Respect to you for your calmness throughout, my bad and I apologize for getting all worked up today for no reason at all.

It would honestly in an ideal world be something to think about for sure, but I'm just going to be hard to be sold on an actual fight to the death between a USL club and a CPL club in the same city, because in the end, it has to be about growing soccer in Canada as a whole, and I think it would definitely be way more ideal to see the Fury be convinced to see the light and join CPL asap as soon as possible, rather than two clubs trying to see if they can possibly bleed each other out. I think there are a number of Fury fans who are on the forum and IRL who will keep up the pressure throughout this offseason and the 2019 season calling for OSEG to join CPL as soon as possible, and not mess up this situation any more than it already is, because it really is pretty ridiculous, CPL's 1st signings are quite indicative that this league will be very close to, equal or better than USL on a number of metrics from the get go.

But hey, any derby within CPL where we are all for Canadian soccer as a whole, and we have clubs beefing it out for city or province pride? I'm most definitely down for that. A future where a club like FC Gatineau is in CPL1 or CPL2 later down the road and financially sustainable? Would be cool to see for sure. Cheers bro, have a good weekend. 

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I think the CPL waits patiently for the Fury over the next year to see if they decide to join for 2020, and the CSA gives Ottawa one more year with notice its the last they will sanction them for USL if they don't end up joining CPL in 2020 or commit to plan to do so for 2021.


As for two teams battling it out in Ottawa, it won't end well for either and would be a mistake.

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16 hours ago, rob.notenboom said:

Anyone have a solid figure on what the Fury’s season ticket total was for 2018?

I've been looking for any indication about it throughout the last season, but couldn't find anything. From random threads and people's comments though, I think it was in the 2,500 range.


I'm certain we won't hear any more details next season, but I am bloody curious to know how their renewal drive went, as, anecdotally, I know there are at least a few on this board who didn't renew, myself included.

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7 hours ago, Sébastien said:

I've been looking for any indication about it throughout the last season, but couldn't find anything. From random threads and people's comments though, I think it was in the 2,500 range.


I'm certain we won't hear any more details next season, but I am bloody curious to know how their renewal drive went, as, anecdotally, I know there are at least a few on this board who didn't renew, myself included.

I’ve heard a significantly lower number from a solid source, but I was curious to confirm it. Tough to get this kind of information. 

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While one part of me finds this hilarious, the other part of me is worried the Fury might fold over this. People rich enough to own sports teams don't like to be dictated to, the only way Goudie was going to switch was on his own terms

Whatever you think about the Fury for skipping out on CPL, they would be a loss to Canadian soccer

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2 minutes ago, Complete Homer said:

While one part of me finds this hilarious, the other part of me is worried the Fury might fold over this. People rich enough to own sports teams don't like to be dictated to, the only way Goudie was going to switch was on his own terms

Whatever you think about the Fury for skipping out on CPL, they would be a loss to Canadian soccer

They can and will be replaced quite easily. In fact, I think that would be the best way forward in Ottawa. The Fury are now damaged goods.  Time for a fresh start.

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6 minutes ago, BrennanFan said:

They can and will be replaced quite easily. In fact, I think that would be the best way forward in Ottawa. The Fury are now damaged goods.  Time for a fresh start.

Easily? OSEG controls the best stadium in Ottawa, which will not be easy to replace.

Regardless, this is far from over.

EDIT: You should know by now that there is no such thing as 'easily' when it comes to pro soccer in this country.

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