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CDNFootballer last won the day on October 7 2019

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  1. I can't even find a basic cable list of channels for shaw/rogers. My package, which is the lowest tv package with internet available. I have well over 100 channels and quite a few obscure american channels I don't need or care for. Would love to have Onesoccer added, at least its some Canadian content and would make more sense.
  2. South end grandstand will be closed, supporters will be in section Z and others with GA tickets have been upgraded. Rumour is a new video screen will be tested for todays game.
  3. Vancouver FC has closed the south end grandstands for tonights game vs York. Rumours are they will be testing a video screen. Supporters will be in section Z.
  4. Problem is the league doesn't own or startup teams. Quebec would have a team by now if there was a viable ownership group with a solid plan. Until that happens they won't have a team, and better to wait for a strong group then have a half-assed group accepted into a poor stadium and fail. I'm sure the league would love a Quebec team (as I would, think Quebec City could do well with one), and they've talked about it. Nothing to be embarrassed about either, its a young league and still getting out of its infancy stage with 8 teams.
  5. Saturday Aug 10th still not updated on the leagues website (Cavalry vs hfx)
  6. Really sucks to lose Dyer, he's an exciting player to watch. Don't understand this move.
  7. Its not a turnstile number thats announced so not neccesarily inaccurate. Whats inaccurate is comparing the eyeballing of the crowd to a tickets sold number. Compare it to a turnstile number which we don't get to see unfortunately.
  8. ^^ Wrong thread little parrot, this thread is strictly for questioning, no number announced so stay on topic.
  9. If having another veteran player gets us back on the winning track and adds to the entertainment value then I'm all for it. I didn't get seasons tickets to watch mainly u23 footy. Hope Rommen's turns out to be a positive addition, seems he can be but time will tell.
  10. There up close to 500 fans per match compared to last season so don't think their losing a few more in poor fashion will have that affect. Hopefully they pull out some more W's the rest of the season and continue with the increased fan support they've had this year.
  11. Its a good move for VFC to get the word out about the club, but they have to follow thru more by having it in the surrounding communities local rags as well (Surrey, Ridge Meadows, Abby, Mission). So many that don't know about the club. Its like when they were giving away tickets to caps ticketholders for the Messi game debacle, they mentioned it in places only the diehard VFC fans would hear about it for the most part and made no effort to get the word out to a wider audience so they could take advantage of the offer in bigger numbers. Can't give free tickets out if basically no one knows about it.
  12. For the VFC game friday vs Ottawa, quite a few with tickets on the east side grandstand the camera shows moved on their own to the west side stands as the east side was directly in the sunlight on a very hot day. West side seating had shade (one of the reasons my group moved there for our seasons tickets this year), heard many in the section around me talking about how they moved because of that. Likely more no shows too, some probably at the lake or camping. My group will be no shows next saturday if the weather is nice, will be one of the few we miss this season.
  13. Another great crowd in Ottawa, 5794 today vs Pfc.
  14. Probably a Rob Friend Sixfive stadium similar to Langley : https://sixfivestadiums.com/ Don't foresee Vancouver FC moving there, the league would rather sell another expansion slot for sure and would be reluctant to allow a move. Think its very risky to assume that such a small market like Kelowna (230k'ish) will draw enough over 14 games. A one off is not proof of sustained support. Could see them drawing like York possibly imo, after the new team hype wears off. But the CPL may be a bit desperate to expand to meet their goals of increasing the size of the league. Better to put a League1 BC team in Kelowna and let them prove support over a couple of years.
  15. Another great crowd in Ottawa for todays game, 5640 announced.
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