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Shway last won the day on December 30 2023

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  1. Never heard of that before lol. Do you put the speed back to normal when he's on the ball?
  2. But that's why I said it depends on the players position. Very rarely do you see that for outside players. Regardless, a lot changes quickly year over year. So I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the premier league in 26'.
  3. I think it more varies by the position the player plays. Wingers are a young man's position, especially if you haven't established yourself as consistent goal scorer or "assister". What's key for him and what has been lacking is club consistency. 5 clubs in 5 years is very tough to truly hone/develop your craft.
  4. Crazy how time flies, I'm just realizing Liam is 25 this year. At what age do you think development stops? Or when a player has reached their best self? I understand this varies by position.
  5. This is a joke. It's stupid that you would try to include Argentina in with the entire South America. Bunch of Nazis in that country. It's a safe haven for racists, reason why the country had open arms to thousands of Russians.
  6. We need to stop this stupid formation/system/ or whatever Peter is trying to do. If you want to play with 3 CDM/CM just play a 433 or a 352. Badwal, Dimitrui, Biello, Costa, Kane....4 of 5 CDM played. Stewart-Baines, Bunbury* are the only wide players. I'm now realizing this team was horribly constructed with 18 field players selected. But onward we go, maybe Peter will scumbag are way to success.
  7. Please someone, I need some kind of perspective. WTF are we playing. Why am I now seeing Costa in the RM position. We didn't see this formation for the senior side so why are we seeing this now. Why is CDM/CM playing on the RM!? Did we not bring enough outside guys?
  8. I'm convinced this system/formation is stupid. We are playing with an inverted RM. Just watch where Theo is all the time. We play one way on one side and different on the next.
  9. So our RB is supposed to get past our RM or act as a RWB? This system is so confusing.
  10. I know we play it at the senior level, but I strongly dislike the 442 formation...
  11. It bothered me that he didn't use his bench...and I was okay with him standing on that decision. But then he goes into a press conference talking about Argentina was able to rotate a lot of their guys throughout the tournament, talking as if he's a pundit and not the coach. Like what? Why didn't you make those subs...you burnt David to the ground, you didn't sub Larin when Tani, JRR, and Bair were all on then bench fresh. He was willing to (rightfully) bench Kone, and look what it did for him after.
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