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El Diego

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El Diego last won the day on January 28 2021

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  1. I can't deny their success but I hate their model
  2. RB Salzburg now in for Bombito according to Scianitti. I can't stand that outfit, hope he doesn't go there.
  3. Thanks for this trick. Using a VPN to say I'm in the States and tried the cache trick, it worked and I got my hour back for the second half! Now I know I have free access to Fox Sports Live, I wonder what else they show...
  4. Oh geez totally forgot that they were playing already. I wonder what the deal is with this Jamaica team? Even without dual nats this seems like a terrible performance.
  5. Finishing first in the group is huge though, we just need to win the quarter final match up to qualify for the WC. If we finish first opponents in the quarters are either Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, or Haiti. If we finish second it would likely be Panama (would be Mexico if Panama beat them).
  6. I'm hoping KSB was just suffering from travel fatigue in the last match and plays much better here. I think he's our best bet to provide offensive support beyond Lopez
  7. Shireen Ahmed from CBC said this is worse than the Ben Johnson doping scandal. Like, what are we doing here? Too bad this is taking away from their actual performance, which was quite good I thought! Very nice to see Lacasse and Viens scoring, two players that should have been introduced sooner to the program. I certainly won't be cut up once Bev is inevitably fired. I get she won the gold, but I can't say there's been that much progress.
  8. My experience is also anecdotal obviously, but I am seeing something similar. It really did seem like everyone wanted to show how morally righteous they were, one upping each other with what level of disgust and punishment they could come up with. Suppuku is a good way to put, something very ritualistic/public about this whole thing. Part of me can't help but wonder if women's national team supporters, who are a very small community, felt a need to be somewhat performative since they are rarely in the national spotlight. Yes, they won gold three years ago, and bronze and bronze before that, but even during the WC the coverage isn't the same -- if they had done better then of course it would have been bigger. Aside from the Olympics, this team gets zero publicity. You can tell me that "Oh everyone knows and loves Sinclair" but the average Canadian probably has a 50/50 chance of knowing her and a 1/99 chance of knowing a second player. I wonder if fans think that they cannot afford to lose any goodwill from the general community so they have to strongly denounce these actions which the general public will perceive as evil since they don't realize that flying a drone over training is not a big deal in the world of soccer.
  9. In my mind there is no doubt Herdman was droning with the CanWNT and then CanMNT. It would be naive to think that the two staffers came up with this.
  10. I am not bothered by this, but what is stupid is that this is being done at the Olympics where flying drones is literally illegal. So these two dummies actually get arrested and it becomes a big thing, and the Olympics is all about (the perception of) fair play so it looks worse than Bielsa doing it at Leeds. Then, to compound things, we react as if Bev killed a guy bringing an even bigger spotlight on the whole thing. I'm totally confused as to the coverage and response this is getting.
  11. Found it. I'm on mobile so can't easily quote the sections but I looked at them earlier and they're general provisions against not doing anything bad, similar to the ones Bielsa was charged with. I'm honestly flabbergasted with how seriously people are taking this. So many people on Twitter are actually saying Canada's gold should be in jeopardy.
  12. I don't know about anyone else, but I always assumed we were spying and that Herdman was being cheeky with his comments. I did kind of think that was the common interpretation, but I don't actually remember the conversation. The main difference here is that no one got arrested so no one really cared. Remember when Bielsa admitted to spying on the entire league? Leeds got slapped with a small fine predicated on violating some general rule, no one really cared all that much, and a new specific rule got put in place to prevent spying on opposition. I am curious what rule using a drone to spy on opposition is violating. I'm not saying there isn't one, but what is in place that says this is not allowed and to punish this?
  13. I assumed (but didn't check) that they are a lot of dual nats. They could be the new Suriname (but decent?)
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