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Luca Koleosho


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5 hours ago, Kent said:

This is what I was responding to. "If that one clip is indicative of his skillset, he might be second to Davies for us in terms of creating his shot."

I wasn't saying anything about ignoring what people say that have watched him play. I was warning against never seeing a player play a full game, then watching a highlight package and then jumping to the conclusion that this guy is better at creating his shot than Tajon Buchanan, Junior Hoilett, or Liam Millar.

But you said he was playing against kids, and those clips are him playing against pro men, the Liga team he was playing against needed a goal in the final minutes to not relegate, they were critical and highly intense pro minutes.

So warning people to see those with caution was unwarranted. 

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5 hours ago, Kent said:

This is what I was responding to. "If that one clip is indicative of his skillset, he might be second to Davies for us in terms of creating his shot."

I wasn't saying anything about ignoring what people say that have watched him play. I was warning against never seeing a player play a full game, then watching a highlight package and then jumping to the conclusion that this guy is better at creating his shot than Tajon Buchanan, Junior Hoilett, or Liam Millar.

It’s not about the competition, it’s about his skillset. The competition doesn’t matter when it comes to seeing how fast you are, how strong you are with the ball, your ability to quickly find open spaces to get a shot off of, etc. That isn’t to say he’s better than all of the guys you mentioned, but if this is what his raw skill package looks like, by the time he’s playing for our NT, he’ll be closer to Davies than he will be those other guys. Just what I’ve observed so far.


anyways, we all know he won’t play for us since you’d have to be an insane person to commit to Canada when you aren’t even really Canadian to begin with, but if for whatever reason we get this kid, man that’ll be sweet. 

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1 hour ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

But you said he was playing against kids, and those clips are him playing against pro men, the Liga team he was playing against needed a goal in the final minutes to not relegate, they were critical and highly intense pro minutes.

So warning people to see those with caution was unwarranted. 

True, I was apparently off on that. I didn't have the context for the games.

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This whole situation has either really helped his chances of committing to Canada or really messed them up, we can hope it’s helped but I don’t know about that, hope he’s having a good time and guys like eustaqio and Davies are trying to make him commit and convince him but I’m not sure about his future with us tbh

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3 hours ago, Approve My Account Pls said:

So Mitchell Ryan lasted exactly 100 days maximum as a fan

To be fair, I joined this forum in late 1999 or early 2000 because I'd had enough. I was fed up, especially with the CSA, from before day 1.

I would think that a kid walking into a major labour dispute and being made one of the group would be impressive. It's his first full week with top pros, he's only trained a bit with the Espanyol 1st team and always as a kid brought up with other kids. 

IMO his parents are encouraging him to try out Canada and are mentoring him on his choices. 

BTW they've finally hired a new coach at Espanyol, Diego Martínez, so the pre-season and where he'll be starting will be decided in the next few days. I'm pretty sure he will be moved to the B team and from there get the odd shot at the 1st team 

Edited by Unnamed Trialist
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