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costarg last won the day on October 24 2023

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  1. Pretty sure there is nothing in the rule book about dropping a bee hive on the keeper during a PK, but it still shouldn’t be done.
  2. CANWNT needs to be the first team to play a tournament without a coach, end up winning and see the sport completely changed forever!
  3. No. This is too far. There is a massive gap between ridding ourselves of a loser mentality and cheating. There is also a huge gap between inviting a Soca band and fuck Croatia. It’s about class and self respect. I don’t want to win at all costs, i want to preserve our self respect as well as being an honorable model and example. We’re better than that as a soccer team as well as Canadians. If other countries want to lower their standards then that is on them, i prefer we not match them, we don’t need to. A cheater is never a winner. Edit: it was late last night, didn't get all my thoughts out. Made a mental note to come back. Just wanna add... Just cause Concacaf is a group of special opponents, doesn't mean we need or should sink to their level. If I look at the global scale I want to be Japan, not Honduras both in methodology and success. I feel it fits and represents Canada better. Re: the drone being dumb, its soo much more than dumb, illegal, unprofessional, unsportsmanlike, un-Canadian just scratches the surface. Are you sure this has nothing to do with our level of players? You really think Herdman did more than Davies, David, Borjan and Stache? If anything he held us back the last 18 months when it was obvious it went to his head. There is a difference between pushing limits and crossing the line professionally as well as legally.
  4. I don't agree. For example, an opponent would love to know if we were playing Davies at LB or RW. That could make a huge difference to their prep for a match. CB lineup, starting striker, etc.... this is major information which a team can prepare for. It helps you prepare for strengths and weaknesses. Set plays for corners and free kicks, PK practice.... there is sooo much a team can learn from the drone data.
  5. LIke @Ed_S mentioned, I don't think sports teams care what happened before somewhere else. I doubt Herdman gets affected by this now.
  6. Trying to "get an advantage" like playing in -15c, is one thing. Flat out cheating and breaking laws is a whole other thing. Herdman had lost a lot of points on my scale that time between qualifying and his resignation, the only good thing I could still manage to give him was that run. Even without evidence or knowing 100%, my gut just tells me this has his finger prints all over it. Part of me hopes the whole story does not come out, but a part of me feels like we already know.
  7. Depends. If we go by Hutch, they develop and improve until about 36.
  8. I didn't mean "he doesn't get yellows", I meant "he didn't get a yellow in that play" which is something we'd seen happen with the old guard.
  9. You should come over to my igloo and we can talk about it sometime, bring your hockey stick.....
  10. What's wild is for years we'd watch Vitoria in that situation, he'd strategically place himself in the way of Rondon's run, block, hold or trip him and draw a yellow, or he'd get blown past and put his partner in a messy situation and his partner would have to get the yellow, or Borjan would have to do his magic and we'd be like "ya, that's experience!". Now we have this diamond who manages to fix his own mistakes and make highlight reels without drawing cards, who's still figuring out his timing playing against elite level strikers, cause he's only been doing this for a few months, and we're like "ya, he's got soo much to learn". We're a really tough crowd.
  11. Also helps he's on the D side of the ball. Someone with defending awareness and talent is "usually" not averse to putting in the work, where as a creative and attacking talent can often be one dimensional and crash and burn once the level rises. See: Adu, Tabla, Boakai.
  12. I like them both, but I feel the white has more pop to it.
  13. Bit of a stretch to say TFC produced JRR. Played 1 match for TFCIII and minutes for TFCII. Crew gave TFC $50k for him, estimated value is now $2M. They obviously did not understand what they had in their hands. Same for Shaffini, they underestimated what he could and did become. $300 GAM for a player now worth $5.5M 2 years later.
  14. I'm surely the outlier here, but I hated the hate involved in the Canadian Classique those high intensity years. I'd look forward to the games to see two of my teams faceoff, compare Canadian talent, etc... but the ignorant rage filled fans just turned me off. I'm the guy walking past out of city supporters at a game wishing them luck and giving low 5's. I'll take these low key Classiques over the nastiness of those years any time. I get the passion that goes with sport, I just understand and prefer the supporting side more than the hate side of it.
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