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Quebec City CPL

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CapitaineSoccer (official Quebec Soccer blog) says they have gotten word that a QC investor is meeting with CPL. 

Backed up by Beirne's comments that there's a Quebec investor interested. 

Eric Chenoix (who also writes for NSXI) is the site's editor. Not sure if he posts here but I'd be interested in hearing more 

Edited by Complete Homer
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This makes me happy. A Quebec City team is just as important as a team in Hamilton. It gives the opportunity to have a big rivalry with the MLS teams. It will help solidify the league. Not to mention Quebec the province has a population of 8.5 million. That is a lot of Canadians that would be missing out on the league. 

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Quebec City presence in the league will automatically attract investors in Montreal. 

Cashing in on the pure rivalry/hate (sport wise) is a no brainer. Montreal Impact will be drooling watching CPL Quebec City vs CPL Montreal battle of Quebec...knowing they won't get any of that.

Edited by Ansem
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It's great news, especially if it's not the people behind the Rouge et Or. I would really like for them to build a soccer specific 8-10k stadium. Stade Telus isn't really suited to soccer, but I would take a team playing there over nothing obviously. 

For CPL Montréal, I'm really not sure if it could/will happen. Build it outside of Montréal, and it won't have the "Montréal" identity (a team in Laval, for instance, would really have a minor league ring to it). If you build it in Montréal, you have to create some sort of distinct identity that'll differentiate it from the Impact. That club has been associated with anything soccer in Québec for the last 25 years. 

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On 2017/05/19 at 2:18 AM, grasshopper1917 said:

Montreal always supported the impact very well when it was in the A league- they may do the same (5000+ fans) for a CPL team if the venue and atmosphere is right 

They actually didn't in the early years and Joey Saputo eventually moved the team to indoor soccer in 1999 after a dispute with the A League. The Impact later went bankrupt in 2001 after their return to D2 soccer under a different ownership group. If the Supra of the CSL are factored in as well, it took about 15 years before pro soccer at Claude Robillard finally started to gain significant traction.

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On 18/05/2017 at 6:50 PM, Complete Homer said:


CapitaineSoccer (official Quebec Soccer blog) says they have gotten word that a QC investor is meeting with CPL. 

Backed up by Beirne's comments that there's a Quebec investor interested. 

Eric Chenoix (who also writes for NSXI) is the site's editor. Not sure if he posts here but I'd be interested in hearing more 

Eric posted on here 15 years ago or so.

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On 5/19/2017 at 8:22 PM, fmfranck said:

It's great news, especially if it's not the people behind the Rouge et Or. I would really like for them to build a soccer specific 8-10k stadium. Stade Telus isn't really suited to soccer, but I would take a team playing there over nothing obviously. 

For CPL Montréal, I'm really not sure if it could/will happen. Build it outside of Montréal, and it won't have the "Montréal" identity (a team in Laval, for instance, would really have a minor league ring to it). If you build it in Montréal, you have to create some sort of distinct identity that'll differentiate it from the Impact. That club has been associated with anything soccer in Québec for the last 25 years. 

I'm curious, why do you think the Laval thing would seem minor league?

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On 5/20/2017 at 0:15 AM, lazlo_80 said:

is the impact seen as a quebecois team? Could a QC team have an opportunity in making themselves EXTREMELY quebecois or would that not work?


I'd say the Impact have always branded themselves as "Québec's team" really. They adopted blue and white colors with the lys as part of the logo, they had a CSL team in Trois-Rivières, there's a supporter group in Québec city, etc. I dunno, overall, I could see why some people would definitely feel that they're Québec's team. 

With their branding, they've already out-Nordiques'd Québec city. So i dunno what that team would have to do to become Québec's (the province) team. There is however, a tendency for Québec city to be more relatable to "further regions" than Montréal can be. They would definetly "de facto" be Saguenay Lac St-Jean and Beauce's "team". 

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QUEBEC WALL TOP.pngI'm curious, does Québec already have a supporter group set up? Because I would be interested in helping one get started. I feel like the wonderful logo that GuillermoDelQuarto designed would be instrumental in building a strong grassroots movement in the city and show to potential or interested parties that there is support for a team in Québec.

Supporter Group Potential Names:

-GS Par la Bouche de mes Canons (trs. from the mouths of my cannons SG) Frontenac Quote. One of my favs.

-GS Là où le Fleuve se Rétrécit (trs. Where the River shrinks SG) direct translation of the city's name from the original algonquin.

-GS de Stadaconé (trs. Stadacona SG) was the Iroquois name of the pre-colonization settlement in what is now Québec

-GS de Cap-Diamants (trs. Cape Diamond SG) the famous cape that surrounds the upper city and the location Wolfe took to surprise the french in the Plains of Abraham's Battle

-GS des Ceintures Fléchées (trs. arrowed sash SG) from the famous Bonhomme Carnaval's belt that is the mascot of Québec's Winter Carnival

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5 minutes ago, TonyBruneau said:

QUEBEC WALL TOP.pngI'm curious, does Québec already have a supporter group set up? Because I would be interested in helping one get started. I feel like the wonderful logo that GuillermoDelQuarto designed would be instrumental in building a strong grassroots movement in the city and show to potential or interested parties that there is support for a team in Québec.

Supporter Group Potential Names:

-GS Par la Bouche de mes Canons (trs. from the mouths of my cannons SG) Frontenac Quote. One of my favs.

-GS Là où le Fleuve se Rétrécit (trs. Where the River shrinks SG) direct translation of the city's name from the original algonquin.

-GS de Stadaconé (trs. Stadacona SG) was the Iroquois name of the pre-colonization settlement in what is now Québec

-GS de Cap-Diamants (trs. Cape Diamond SG) the famous cape that surrounds the upper city and the location Wolfe took to surprise the french in the Plains of Abraham's Battle

-GS des Ceintures Fléchées (trs. arrowed sash SG) from the famous Bonhomme Carnaval's belt that is the mascot of Québec's Winter Carnival

Do it!

Even if you just launch a twitter account and a thread, you can get the ball rolling to see who else in your area is interested, and sort out the details later. Seems like deciding on a name at an eventual meetup or an online vote is the way to go anyway, you don't need to decide on one before doing anything

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@TonyBruneau not to mention, we have quite a few people now who are starting to become experienced at bringing these things together who i'm sure would be willing to offer advice/share/retweet the group to help kick it off

@rob.notenboom @Rintaran @Tuscan @marauder01 @Hammer @Nathanael Martin @matty @mlsintoronto @garmc

all it's really gonna take at this point is for someone to grab the reins. 

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Tony, you should talk to the boys from Section Ludovica. They're an Impact supporter's group for now, but they also go to all Dynamo (PLSQ) games. I have no doubt that they would be behind any supporters group for a CPL team as well. They have a facebook and twitter page.



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On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 8:16 PM, Ansem said:

Quebec City presence in the league will automatically attract investors in Montreal. 

Cashing in on the pure rivalry/hate (sport wise) is a no brainer. Montreal Impact will be drooling watching CPL Quebec City vs CPL Montreal battle of Quebec...knowing they won't get any of that.

But in all fairness they will always have that rivalry with TFC and after that semifinal two game series last year in the MLS playoffs where over 60 000 saw the first game in Montreal and another 36000 in Toronto and with great TV ratings for that series , the rivalry now has grown even more, and don't forget if Quebec City gets a CPL team or a CPL team in Montreal, the Impact will always have the chance to play any of these two teams if they come to fruition in the Voyageurs Cup.

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On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 4:25 AM, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

They actually didn't in the early years and Joey Saputo eventually moved the team to indoor soccer in 1999 after a dispute with the A League. The Impact later went bankrupt in 2001 after their return to D2 soccer under a different ownership group. If the Supra of the CSL are factored in as well, it took about 15 years before pro soccer at Claude Robillard finally started to gain significant traction.

Yup Saputo has been at it a long time and it was never easy at one time I thought he was done with soccer after leaving the A League, a good thing he stuck with it or else who knows the state of pro soccer in Montreal and Quebec for that matter.

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