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Lucas Cavallini


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Those are all valid points, but I get the impression that the Uruguayan league is a step up from Finland. A small step up, but a step nonetheless.


Also, for what it's worth, I once stumbled upon a thread on big soccer that ranked all the South American leagues. The thread interchanged from English to Spanish so I presume these were Latin American's giving their opinion based on observation. I am too lazy to find the thread again, but there was a general consensus that went like this:


1. Argentina

2. Brazil

*3. Mexico (yes - this entered the conversation at one point)

4. Colombia

5. Uruguay

6. Chile

7. Ecuador

8. Paraguay

9. Peru

10. Bolivia

11. Venezuela 


So... take that for what you will.

Looks like national team ranking rather than domestic league ranking.

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Argentina ahead of brazil? I wouldve thought those two leagues would have been swapped. Seems like there are a bunch more notable clubs in Brazil rather than Argentina. About 10 of the best clubs in both leagues are located in the 3 cities lol. 

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Wait, i didn't even notice that. No way Brasilierao isn't the top league in SA.

Agreed.  Combination of player pool and financial heft easily puts it above Argentina, who has a lot of great players, but has been tremendously unstable by comparison.  It's a deep league too, lot of clubs can compete for top of the table in any given year.  

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These rankings tend to go off of Club Champions league results.  If an Argentina league wins the final, then clearly they have the better club football.  Right?  Right?


Anyway, the fact that Argentina and Brazil regularly battle it out in those leagues definitely shows some parity, but as was mentioned right above me certainly doesn't take into account stability, or depth of the league or pyramid in general.

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These rankings tend to go off of Club Champions league results.  If an Argentina league wins the final, then clearly they have the better club football.  Right?  Right?


Actually, those rankings were based on personal opinions from supposedly informed viewers that post on Bigsoccer.com. It is very arbitrary and was only being used as a general guide for discussion, since I presume most of us are not particularly knowledgeable in South American football.  

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Disappointing he is not involved again. I can to a point understand he, like Tiebert, Akindele and Johnson in the past wanting to help their club sides over what they may deem as less important international friendlies than their club games. However we are in a rebuilding process and we need buy in from players with commitment to the cause. Do we just let those back in for the qualifiers and shunt out those that have been there bought into the philosophy and improved. Maybe not that tough a decision when it's a results business and playing your best available players affects those results.

At least with Cavallini and Tiebert they are cap tied. I hope they keep up their form and obvious improvement. Hopefully they will be involved further down the line in Floro's squads. The MLS off season international camp will be telling to their immediate futures.

Edited by toontownman
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Tiebert has a great attitude and is a team player, don't understand why he wasn't called up and its a mistake IMHO.


Cavallini on the other hand seems to have an attitude problem possibly as he's turned down invites a few times now. He's young though and hopefully just a reflection of his youth and will mature very soon. I really like him as a player and think he could contribute significantly in the future.

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Actually, those rankings were based on personal opinions from supposedly informed viewers that post on Bigsoccer.com. It is very arbitrary and was only being used as a general guide for discussion, since I presume most of us are not particularly knowledgeable in South American football.  


I meant that to imply that these people are overly influenced by those same results.


But you do have a point, it is difficult to assume that Uruguay soccer is necessarily a higher level than, say, MLS, or Liga MX or something.


Take Europe as an example.  With unlimited caps and profit sharing and TV deals keeping lower level teams afloat, the same teams win year after year.  That wouldn't work (currently) in North America, every city needs to be competitive.  Which makes it even HARDER to compare, say, Columbus Crew to, say, FC Saarbrucken for who develops our players better.  


That said, I think of Cavallini as a talented player.  I would judge him based on him alone, and not his league, necessarily, just as should be done with most players in my mind.

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Teibert continues not to be selected. Either there is a conflict, or Floro has been doing a poor job of selecting his squads. Either way, it's a problem.

I don't believe that. The same way I suspect Floro calling up Cavallini when it matters. These guys are pro's, their respective clubs are paying their bills. If MLS for instance would keep international FIFA dates open, no doubt in my mind Teibert would be in camp. Right now getting Caps into the playoffs is more important than playing some meaningless friendly in New Jersey.


Same goes for Cavallini, he's trying to showcase his skills to earn a transfer to a bigger club and he's in a flow. Why would he take 2 weeks off?


It would be different if it was a qualification-match though.

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I don't believe that. The same way I suspect Floro calling up Cavallini when it matters. These guys are pro's, their respective clubs are paying their bills. If MLS for instance would keep international FIFA dates open, no doubt in my mind Teibert would be in camp. Right now getting Caps into the playoffs is more important than playing some meaningless friendly in New Jersey.


Same goes for Cavallini, he's trying to showcase his skills to earn a transfer to a bigger club and he's in a flow. Why would he take 2 weeks off?


It would be different if it was a qualification-match though.


scoring a goal against the third best national team in the world is a good way to showcase your skills and move on to a bigger club

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