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4 hours ago, maplebanana said:

Posted nearly simultaneously with you. You're actually living in Melbourne (presumably), so you're probably right in the 'unofficial anthem precedence'.

I can't really think what Canada's might be, other than (the unfortunately non-applicable) 'The Good Ol' Hockey Game'.

Was my first thought too. In the same vein, could we work with Sudbury Saturday Night. 

The yanks are out to foul us right up here in our snow palace
And we think no more of 8-1 on a Hamilton Sunday night.
The yanks all fall and fizzle while our Fonzie starts to sizzle.
And we'll dream we make the World Cup on a Hamilton Sunday night

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Ive noticed that allmost all countries have a song that everybody knows and is played at sporting events, national concerts, etc. We are one of the only countries that do no have one. So The P.A just has to play one out, maybe like ahead by a century by the hip or stand by me and everyone needs to follow along. Do it a couple times at more games and boom!, it becomes a tradition and can transfer to other Canadian events.

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15 hours ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

I'll get in trouble for this, but that's never stopped me before.  Does everything need to be copied off someone /somewhere else?  From Wheel's' Goooolllll call to the lame Ole chant, calling the hexagonal Ocho (we're not Spanish here folks)  This drove itself home to me the other day when I was watching a hockey game from France and they were doing the Viking clap with the players at center ice.  I get that it is a nice thing for bonding with players but shit can we do something other places aren't doing.

At the risk of offending everybody, I'll also say how lame I think the haka is, a bunch of white guys doing a Maori thing, that would be like us doing a war dance.  And I thought that a long, long time before the woke culture, I can use that word because I am old and white and we're the only people that can use it.

The All Blacks aren't "a bunch of white guys."   The haka, along with other parts of Maori culture are a lot more mainstream in New Zealand than anything indigenous is in Canada.  

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2 hours ago, vancanman said:

The All Blacks aren't "a bunch of white guys."   The haka, along with other parts of Maori culture are a lot more mainstream in New Zealand than anything indigenous is in Canada.  

Actually, I never mentioned the All Blacks, aside from seeing it being done by many teams on TV, I did see an all white softball team do it in person.  This might be the one and only time I'll ever use the words "cultural appropriation"  I stand by what I said.

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I'm trying to figure out who you expect to do this, the entire crowd or the Vs section.  Because some of you are posting almost whole songs that would be complicated enough even if people knew all the words, which they don't.

Personally I think the foul mouthed stuff is lame, grown men should be able to come up with something better .

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2 minutes ago, TOCanada115 said:

Whatever you guys decide in here, make sure it’s easy and catchy so the rest of stadium can join in. 
Nothing worse than 30 people singing a song, and everyone else having trouble understanding it/joining along. 

You got it in one and this thread is still way off the mark, so far.  I don't mind people crapping on my suggestions but at least they weren't too difficult.  Contrary to popular belief, kids and soccer moms are fans too and want to participate.

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26 minutes ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

You got it in one and this thread is still way off the mark, so far.  I don't mind people crapping on my suggestions but at least they weren't too difficult.  Contrary to popular belief, kids and soccer moms are fans too and want to participate.

OK. Here's one for the soccer moms:

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

And... Ole.

Discussion and thread over. No more creativity out of you lot. You might hurt someone's brain. 

Edited by DeRo_Is_King
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1 minute ago, DeRo_Is_King said:

OK. Here's one for the soccer moms:

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Ca-na-da. Clap. Clap. Clap.

And... Ole.

Discussion and thread over. No more creativity out of you lot. You might hurt someone's brain. 


It's either hockey chants, or we challenge people a bit and see if they can string five syllables or more together.

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