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Califax last won the day on May 11 2022

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    Toronto (via Halifax), Ontario (via well you get it...), Canada.

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  1. Herdman totally should have been the guy who said “sure did, what of it” Instead, he lies. Lie gets debunked inside of 15 minutes.
  2. I totally agree with you and I should have been more clear. I'm just saying, at the end of the day, there are massive technological loopholes. The more fanatic people are, the more options there are to exploit advantages.
  3. Could have been. I know Panama was the street party with the comically large speakers. I've tried to block out so much. But it's a valid point: What are the "around the game rules" to prevent this happening again? I can't imagine the chef in Honduras or the sound guys in Panama asked for compensation for gaining an advantage. Is the result of the advantage different if I use my drone and then mail it to the team because I'm a crazy supporter and ask nothing in compensation?
  4. Ii'm sure it's been said, but I'm super surprised that the assistant and the analyst doing this were coaches coming up through the ranks. It feels super bizarre that this wasn't super off the books and changing cabs to pay a contractor a large some of money. Why do you need a coach certification to be a videographer? Secrecy? Also, it's fascinating what we do to try to get to soccer country status, learn tactics, teach players, and play catch up / play with the big boys. The money and effort spent on promoting young people as players, refs and coaches, like this coach who got to the national team and whose coaching career is essentially now over, stands in stark contrast to relative ease that other countries stand up people who study Pep religiously, or even run a mean 4-4-fucking-2. We've got ours scheming and cheating for an edge. Not saying it's right but did they feel they needed to cheat because it takes so god damn much to get people to care? Were they just so high on how much they saw people cared when they cheated and won? Or was it Herdman's ego.
  5. I remember them poisoning our food too, so...
  6. Update is officially out. https://inside.fifa.com/fifa-world-ranking/men This is 40.
  7. it was really difficult to reconcile how invested I was in the last World Cup qualifying cycle and how much I loathed John Herdman’s bullshit. Can’t come close to describing how much I love Jesse. Just over the moon with this hire.
  8. I mean, the allure of being a starter / arguably top strike option for a team hosting the World Cup has to be big. Him and david both in the Prem and the starting for us would be wild. Felt like we really could have used him.
  9. Alex and team: good a place as any to say thanks so much for running a well oiled machine on tight timelines to get tickets into hands - and giving up a ton of your own time to make it happen. It's one thing to have a great run for the die hards, it's another to create new ones when the opportunity arises and that only happens with y'all busting your ass. Can't imagine that anyone regrets traveling for this tourney. I certainly regret not pulling the trigger. Thank you!
  10. Before I forget again, this chant is must.
  11. The sound is the sticking point. A lot of time you still get funny looks for asking.
  12. Gotta figure the Pint in Halifax will have it on in the back. Gonna do some digging. edit: looks like the Pint is advertising it. 🙏
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