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Argentina - Canada May 24


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As predicted, Presidenta Cristina is pulling out al lthe stops and has planned an extravaganza at Monumnetal Stadium before the match, with Ricky Martin and Shakira taking centre-stage for the 6 pm show before the match starts at 7:15 pm local time (projected, may be changed). My girlfriend now wants to go so she can see Ricky's ass.

On television and radio, a lot of discussion: the culture nationalists are upset about the non-Argie headliners, and the futbol purists about the distraction to the national team.

No announcement about ticket sales yet.




El Gobierno prepara en River una fastuosa despedida de la Selección

En la antesala del Bicentenario habrá una fiesta del estilo Super Bowl en la que actuarán artistas de la talla de Shakira, Ricky Martin y Fito Páez. Vicentico entonará el himno


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Pese a que Diego Maradona se había manifestado contrario a la idea, el próximo lunes 24 de mayo la selección nacional de fútbol tendrá su despedida formal de la Argentina, antes de emprender viaje a Sudáfrica, con un partido amistoso ante Canadá que será, apenas, un condimento más de la jornada “popular” que el Gobierno está organizando como uno de los fastuosos festejos del Bicentenario de la Nación.

Ese lunes, en el estadio de River, y rodeando a Lionel Messi, Gonzalo Higuaín, Carlos Tevez y Javier Mascherano, entre las tantas figuras que el “10” llevará al Mundial, habrá grandes sorpresas con un show lumínico, visual y artístico de nivel internacional con estrellas que empezarán a definirse esta tarde cuando funcionarios estatales y Guillermo Tofoni, presidente de World Eleven, la empresa organizadora, se reúnan para definir los aspectos “finitos”.

La idea es que el partido comience a las 19.15, y que el espectáculo previo arranque a las 18, con un in crescendo que tendrá su momento culminante minutos antes de las 19 con un repentino apagado de luces para que, con el fondo de una música intensa acompañados de rayos láser, desemboquen en el Monumental un par de helicópteros. De las máquinas descendería, para cantar uno o dos temas, alguna de los cantantes internacionales que el Gobierno tiene contratados y que pondría a disposición para este evento, siendo los nombres más probables los de Ricky Martin, Shakira, o el colombiano Carlos Vives, idolatrado por Maradona. De igual modo, un reconocido actor argentino (¿Ricardo Darín?) aterrizaría en el círculo central para llevar a cabo una lectura vinculada con el hecho histórico que se conmemora.

Por supuesto, que en semejante fiesta no podrá faltar la ejecución del Himno Nacional Argentino, que será entonado por el cantante Vicentico, quien estará acompañado, en un semicírculo, por todo el plantel argentino que jugará el Mundial más un grupo de “notables invitados” compuesto por viejas glorias del deporte nacional sobresaliendo, desde ya, los integrantes de los seleccionados que se consagraron campeones del mundo en Argentina ‘78 y México ‘86. También desfilarían, entre otros seleccionados recordados, planteles destacados de Los Pumas y Las Leonas. Tal vez, también, diga presente la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner o algún funcionario destacado del Gobierno.

Quienes tengan la posibilidad de acceder al Estadio adquiriendo su entrada por Ticketek a los mismos precios que costó ver el agónico triunfo ante Perú, en la última Eliminatoria Sudamericana, o estén sentados frente a la pantalla de Canal 7, se encontrarán, renglón seguido, con Fito Páez y su piano con el ya clásico “Y dale alegría a mi corazón”. Emoción garantizada.

Tal vez ese sea el final del show, antes del “cotillón” de ocasión que, por supuesto, incluirá los legendarios papelitos blancos y celestes. Y empezará a rodar la pelota, y a volar la imaginación de los tantos futboleros argentinos que querrán darle su voz de aliento a una Selección que, aun con tropiezos y varios pasos en falso, llegará a la cita mundialista con la firme ilusión de repetir viejas epopeyas a partir del extraordinario momento por el que atraviesan muchos de los jugadores que, finalmente, integrarán la famosa lista de 23. Después vendrá el debut ante Nigeria, y los choques con Corea del Sur y Grecia que permitirán establecer para qué está el equipo. Pero para esos capítulos, todavía falta. La primera cita será en Núñez, el 24.

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As predicted, Presidenta Cristina is pulling out al lthe stops and has planned an extravaganza at Monumnetal Stadium before the match, with Ricky Martin and Shakira taking centre-stage for the 6 pm show before the match starts at 7:15 pm local time (projected, may be changed). My girlfriend now wants to go so she can see Ricky's ass.

On television and radio, a lot of discussion: the culture nationalists are upset about the non-Argie headliners, and the futbol purists about the distraction to the national team.

Are futbol purists upset about the choice of opponent for the Argentinian team?

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They were complaining about it in early February when the match was announced both in terms of interest in watching and in terms of a true test of readiness, but now they are complaining more about the distraction of the hoopla of the bicentennial concert before the match. I think that in the light of the realization that it will be early days for them in terms of preparation, the fans are now relieved at the opponent, especially given Maradona's panic about the need to rest in late February. The ones that truly know about football know that Canada is not Mongolia (apologies to the many Mongolians here) in terms of futbol.

Most Argentineans , though considering themselves futbol savy, are not really that knowledgeable of the international game. I wish I had a bottle of maple syrup for everyone who asked me: "Canadá tiene un seleción de futbol?!?" (similiar to anyone in, say, Timmins, would ask: "Argentina has a hockey team?!?" ) . If we perform decently in BA, hopefully I will not be asked that question anymore. :)

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That's a big party for a Monday.

Hoping Messi will be playing on the Saturday in Madrid, if he does I seriously doubt he would even get on the pitch for our friendly. Same with any other Argie playing the Champions Final. Celebrate on the Sunday, fly on the Monday.

It is a dumb way to prepare a team for the world cup, the match is in fact a few days too early as is. Sounds to me like they will play this, then after, when they are done with us, will start really preparing for South Africa.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As predicted, Presidenta Cristina is pulling out al lthe stops and has planned an extravaganza at Monumnetal Stadium before the match, with Ricky Martin and Shakira taking centre-stage for the 6 pm show before the match starts at 7:15 pm local time (projected, may be changed). My girlfriend now wants to go so she can see Ricky's ass.

I think Ricky would much rather have you staring at hit butt...


This will be some major event now... I hope we can secure tickets cause now every Tom Dick and Harry will want to come just for the spectacle and less for the game.

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So there is Hart's secret weapon. At the game with Argentina, just let a dog lose on the field and the K9 will know what to do.

Actually, I think our secret weapon is not to have Maradona bitten by a dog or in any other way removed as coach of the Argentine team!

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From a business perspective, what was he (Ricky Martin) thinking? He just lost like 90% of his target audience...

Most people didn't know if he was still alive. Just marketing strategy to re-launch his career and get some media attention. Yeah so how 'bout that Mardona?!?

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From a business perspective, what was he (Ricky Martin) thinking? He just lost like 90% of his target audience... QUOTE]

Are you saying hetrosexual women will abandon Ricky ? Geez the world is changing next you will tell me figure skating is not popular with middle aged hetrosexual women !!!!

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They were complaining about it in early February when the match was announced both in terms of interest in watching and in terms of a true test of readiness, but now they are complaining more about the distraction of the hoopla of the bicentennial concert before the match. I think that in the light of the realization that it will be early days for them in terms of preparation, the fans are now relieved at the opponent, especially given Maradona's panic about the need to rest in late February. The ones that truly know about football know that Canada is not Mongolia (apologies to the many Mongolians here) in terms of futbol.

Most Argentineans , though considering themselves futbol savy, are not really that knowledgeable of the international game. I wish I had a bottle of maple syrup for everyone who asked me: "Canadá tiene un seleción de futbol?!?" (similiar to anyone in, say, Timmins, would ask: "Argentina has a hockey team?!?" ) . If we perform decently in BA, hopefully I will not be asked that question anymore. :)

I was surprised when I saw Argentine jersies at the Hockey Hall of Fame quite a few years back. I wonder if they will get any good at it.

From a business perspective, what was he (Ricky Martin) thinking? He just lost like 90% of his target audience...

No, he'll still have his audience. This was a move to revitalize his career. It would be a bad move for someone like Chris Cornell or what not.


Maradona is slowly getting things right.

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Maradona is slowly getting things right.

Just because he won a friendly against Germany? I don't think so. I was tempted to believe that but after the game there was this funny incident... In Germany, it seems to be usual to make press conferences with players and coaches, when Maradona realizes there's a "person" besides him he wants to leave because he's used to do conferences alone. Not only he hasn't education at all but also he proved a lack of responsability as a coach. That "person" was a German player and it looks like Maradona didn't know all the players his side was playing against!


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The match, previously scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm local time, has been rescheduled so President Cristina can also attend the opening of the newly refurbished Teatro Colon that evening. It will now be at 4 pm local, presumably after the Ricky/Shakira specatacular

This means Trilliums luch meeting may be turned into a brunch meeting if we wanti to catch the concert as well as the warm-up. But, it also means we can start partying earlier.

Also announced is that Argentina will play a friendly in Dubai against the UAE on the 29th of May. They will fly to Dubai the 26th of May, and to Pretoria right after the match. This negates the earlier plan to fly to Frankfurt for a friendly with the South Africa team.



Amistoso de la Selección argentina en Dubai


La Selección argentina confirmó hoy su amistoso frente a un combinado de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, por lo que el próximo 26 de mayo se trasladará a Dubai, mientras que dos días antes se despedolon that eveningirá del público nacional con un encuentro frente a Canadá.El elenco nacional jugará el 24 de mayo frente al conjunto canadiense a las 16:00. El cotejo se disputará en el marco de los festejos por el Bicentenario y contará con un show al estilo Super Bowl.En tanto, el 26 de mayo partirá hacia Dubai para enfrentar a un combinado local días antes del comienzo del Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.

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La Selección argentina confirmó hoy su amistoso frente a un combinado de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, por lo que el próximo 26 de mayo se trasladará a Dubai, mientras que dos días antes se despedirá del público nacional con un encuentro frente a Canadá.

El elenco nacional jugará el 24 de mayo frente al conjunto canadiense, aunque en lugar de llevarse a cabo a las 19:30, se realizará a las 16:00.

El motivo del cambio de horario responde a que si el partido comenzaba a las 19:30, iba a coincidir con la ceremonia de reapertura del Teatro Colón.

El cotejo se disputará en el marco de los festejos por el Bicentenario y contará con un show al estilo Super Bowl.

En tanto, el 26 de mayo partirá hacia Dubai para enfrentar a un combinado local días antes del comienzo del Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.

Entonces, la Argentina no enfrentará a Sudáfrica en un amistoso(a pesar de que la FIFA había dado vía libre para que pudieran enfrentarse ambos equipos a pocos días del inicio de la cita ecuménica) y sí lo hará con un combinado de Dubai, el 29.

Finalizado ese encuentro, Maradona se trasladará a Pretoria para quedar instalado allí a la espera de las acciones mundialistas

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