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Sam last won the day on June 1 2014

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    Kingston, Canada.

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  1. Anyone grab a video of last nights game?
  2. The big games will start in 2016, but qualifying will actually start in 2015 with the prelim round.
  3. According to this none of their players are Canadians but who knows. http://ca.soccerway.com/teams/uruguay/canadian/25670/
  4. The article says the Uruguayan second amateur division, not the real second division. Still a cool find.
  5. Again I agree that we should take whatever we can get and if he wants to play for us let him play. That being said we shouldn't be expecting to get anything special from a guy who frankly hasn't done anything special in the last 2 years. And yes none of our other attacking options are that good either...
  6. Did you read the article? I'm not saying they are equal in quality, all I'm saying is their production numbers are almost identical and have played a similar number of minutes. If we're going to go after a player with as much enthusiasm as we have with Hoilett we need to actually understand what he would concretely add to the team, and on current form that's not a lot.
  7. Also I agree with the stuff on here about his attitude. If he really doesn't care enough to commit during our time of greatest need in 2012, what kind of commitment can we expect when it really comes down to the big games?
  8. I'm going to shamelessly self-promote since I just wrote about Hoilett's season this year. Basic story: his numbers this year in the Championship are almost identical to Kyle Porter's. Porter is a nice player to have, but would someone producing chances as often as Porter really be worth all this fuss? I think people are still envisioning the player Hoilett had the potential to be in 2010-11 and not the player he has developed into today. http://rednationonline.ca/Articles2014/IsHoilettWorthit.aspx
  9. I think the chances of him suiting up for anyone at this point are low as Jeff says. Also looking at Zee's post... it looks like we can swear on the new board!
  10. He'll fit right in with the national team.
  11. He could come to Canada and win a Voyageurs Cup.
  12. I'm glad that he decided to stay in Uruguay. I agreed with Hart's sentiment that having players playing in a wide variety of leagues and exposed to different playing style is beneficial to the national team.
  13. According to Jason De Vos's twitter this move is now official.
  14. He said on twitter it was the best choice for his injury recovery.
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