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James urges CSA to dump Hart as coach


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Although I don't disagree with Hart as coach, if this all goes horribly wrong we will have time to replace him! The man has to be given a chance, play some quality friendlies, home and away, then we can see how the team is performing under his guidance!

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quote:Originally posted by youllneverwalkalone

Lame, as per usual from Paul James.

Ah yes, he's reverted back to vintage form.

For a guy with his experience, i would appreciate at least a modest stab at tactical analysis of our last match. We lost 3-0 and missed two pk's, at the very least someone who (I assume) watched the match might have a few inklings about what went wrong out there. Especially considering he's saying Hart isn't the guy for the job and if he's left his basement in the past month he probably knows all indications point to them hiring him.

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It might have seemed harsh or timing off, but he is on record a while back for saying that he feels Hart is best suited as Technical Director and he might not be the best choice for head coach. Paul doesn't mince words, sometimes it's hard to handle other times it's spot on (ie TFC!!).

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quote:Originally posted by ag futbol

Ah yes, he's reverted back to vintage form.

For a guy with his experience, i would appreciate at least a modest stab at tactical analysis of our last match. We lost 3-0 and missed two pk's, at the very least someone who (I assume) watched the match might have a few inklings about what went wrong out there. Especially considering he's saying Hart isn't the guy for the job and if he's left his basement in the past month he probably knows all indications point to them hiring him.

When watching the highlights of the game I realized we were quite lucky to get those PK int he first place. It's not like we had guys going all alone with the keepers.

Missed pk's or not, the fact remains that we didn't create much scoring chances and that's a concern.

I do think James concerns are valid and it's good to hear some people from the press voicing their opinions. I'm not sure why Hart is receiving that much love while a valid article like that is perceived with such hostility here. Hart has never won anything and has very little experience. At the moment, his coaching résumé is similar to Mitchell's résumé when he was hired. To me, that's a major concern with the fact our players have seems to be involved in to much decision concerning the coaching staff lately.

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quote:Originally posted by The Ref

What is eating James? I think with his comments he just lost credibility.

What credibility? As a soccer analyst, he is becoming our version of Don Cherry - he'll say anything to get a reaction.

I still have respect for his contribution to Canadian soccer, just not as a member of the media.

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What's supposed to be so lame about this?

Playing on the edge, as though your position is on the line can, only be achieved when you are under no illusions that your boss is acting as a boss and not as your friend. One only has to look at the performance of the England team under the disciplined guidance of manager Fabio Capello and then compare it to the performance of ostensibly the same players when they played under Steve McClaren, to get confirmation of the point.

What he is saying is that another Holger Osieck type manager is needed and it's time to stop going with coaches who have come up through the CSA system like Dale Mitchell and Stephen Hart. Seems blindingly obvious to me that the CSA would do that if they had the money available to attract a credible respected coach with strong credentials in the game and that it's lack of finance that is holding the CMNT back in that regard right now. People should maybe ponder why free access to a 20,000 seat stadium in Toronto has not been used more effectively to try to change that situation given international dates are usually seen as a chance to make money by other national associations. If the answer revolves around fieldturf there will be no excuse from next summer onwards.

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The way I read Paul's piece, he's saying that Hart should not be named permanent head coach. he's operating on the idea that SH is still interim head coach and should continue as TD.

BrennanFan, there are definitely alot of good coaches that the CSA could afford. The questions I would have if they go with someone other than SH is:

a) are they prepared to bring in a non-english speaking coach on the men's side the way they have on the women's side. With the type of budget they have budgeted for MNT technical staff, the best value for the money will be found in south america, IMO, although there are other off the beaten path places to look as well)

B) do they have the connections to find those type of people?

c) are they prepared to give that coach the resources needed to have any hope of success (i.e. unlimited travel budget to go out and see his entire player pool in person, games...lots of them, camps...lots of them, a commitment to spending on sports science, etc...)....and if not, why bother looking outside the box for a coach?

Personally, I'm comfortable with Hart as head coach, at least until the end of 2010. I'm definitely not convinced that a Holger type of coach would be successful with this group. Like it or not, the bulk of the players that failed to qualify for 2010 are going to be the ones we need to get us to 2014 and I don't see those players responding to a Holger type.

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^I like your assessment of the whole situation. I particularly like your comment at the end about the bulk of players who were part of the failure to qualify for 2010 still being the same guys needed for 2014. Like you and others, I don't have a problem with Hart being the head guy for the short term. The thing I'm hoping for in the next 10-12 months is for some newer faces to truly step and make claims for starting spots on this team, mixing with (but also lighting a fire under the asses of) that veteran core.

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

....I'm definitely not convinced that a Holger type of coach would be successful with this group. Like it or not, the bulk of the players that failed to qualify for 2010 are going to be the ones we need to get us to 2014....

Maybe on paper it looks like the group that need to be there but after the dismal performance last time around maybe people should start to question exactly how motivated some of that core group is and should be a bit more relaxed at the prospect of losing the services of certain players if they can't handle a Holger type?

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Honestly... the players who are out there for us right now are NOT the A-squad for us! There are players missing who have shown they have positive attributes to give to the squad when they're out there, like Johnson and Hainault (sorry DeRo... I just haven't seen it from you yet...).

Give Hart Time!

If we go under the assumption that the CSA will actually be able to get the MNT 30 games prior to WCQ 2012 then we aren't even at a significant percentage of games played after the Poland match tomorrow. I will judge Hart when it comes to a friendly in a Central American country other than Guatemala with both European and North American based players being combined into our A-squad. If we fail horribly at that point, then he has to go. Right now, he is using what he has available to him. While I certainly hope a player like Attakora gets a look sooner rather than later, I have faith Hart will call him (and others) before the end of 2010.

Give Hart Time.

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quote:Originally posted by BearcatSA

The thing I'm hoping for in the next 10-12 months is for some newer faces to truly step and make claims for starting spots on this team, mixing with (but also lighting a fire under the asses of) that veteran core.

Having spoken to some players on the MNT recently, I think many of the more ambitious players share your opinion in this regard. They know that they need new players coming into the program to push people for spots at every position.

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IMO, Canada would be attractive for an experienced foreign Coach that, for whatever reason, has not received the profile he deserves. However, I would be more inclined to save the pennies until about 2011-2012 to hire.

At the same time, I believe the development system in Canada is currently disorganized at best and the role of Technical Director probably should be given a much higher profile over the next couple of years.

For the sake of an example only, here is a bit of an ironic example. Diego Cerri is currently the Technical Director of the club I follow (Barueri) in Brazil. He is given a fair degree of credit for the success of senior team in its first year in Serie A this year. The club also currently has its U20 in the quarterfinals and its U17 team in the semifinals of the respecitive State leagues and last year, it was the only club to have two youth teams in the Sao Paulo State finals. From my information (not verifired), Cerri, apparently, also was named the State of Arizona's soccer coach of the year sometime in the 1990s and has been on the staff of a soccer school in the USA for a few years even while working at Barueri. The irony is that when the clubs senior coach chose to leave for a bigger club (Botafogo), Cerri was installed as the interim coach. After having some success under difficult circumstances (Star player being unavailable to play), he was asked to return to the role of Technical Director because the board felt he was too important in that role to be burdened with the day to day grind of coaching the senior team. The role of coaching was handed over to the then assistant coach (of course after the club had virtually secured its position at the top level).

While as a fan of Barueri, I would not like to see Cerri go, a younger technical expert with experience setting up successful development programs may be an attractive compromise for the CSA. Then leave SH where he is for the moment and perhaps working with the Technical Director to surface quality players. The TD would also have a role in developing the next generation of Canadian coaches.

At the same time, I believe when the time is right, a top coach with experience and credibility among seasoned professional players (not necessarily with a high profile) should be hired for the push to qualify for the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. And yes there are many affordable ones around.

As for PJ, didn't he publicly support the hiring of Dale Mitchell saying that the senior team should have a Canadian?

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

Having spoken to some players on the MNT recently, I think many of the more ambitious players share your opinion in this regard. They know that they need new players coming into the program to push people for spots at every position.

Well, that's good to hear. I think when there's more legitimate competition for spots you're definitely going to get better effort, if not better performances.

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