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Michal Misiewicz


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i hope that one of the other canadian clubs pick him up as a suitable back up. this guy has/had some good skills. has to be better than freddie hall in toronto!

Don't even get me started...

Did Bermudans save Mariner from a shipwreck or something?

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i hope that one of the other canadian clubs pick him up as a suitable back up. this guy has/had some good skills. has to be better than freddie hall in toronto!

Yeah, but will he sign for the same amount?

Remember than next year Stefan Frei will be back, and he's the clear number 1 at TFC. If Kocic comes back, he's the backup. In that scenario, there's no way they sign Misiewicz as well, seeing that Quillan Roberts is also on the books.

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Still talks with Kocic about a new contract, apparently he is demanding too much. Think he could be off, don't think we will spend that much on a back up keeper. We won't sign Michal, my guess would be 1) Frei 2) Hall 3) Roberts although I would prefer Michal to Freddy.

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Wow. Sad. Seemed like he was a rising star at the U-23

I remember this quote though:

i'm certainly not a coach but man he was great with the u23 team. outstanding in fact. and having watched freddie hall play, i can say he is better than him that's for sure.

this could be a great opportunity for toronto to trade kocic right now if he is demanding too much money (so tfc can get a player) and give michael a shot.

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There is a big difference between playing professionally and doing well in a youth tournament. The main argument for signing Misiewicz is that Hall sucks. While FCE had a bit of a goaltending glut, Misiewicz still did not manage to even get into the main backup spot there. Saying that he should be signed as backup keeper for an MLS club does not seem logical. He might be a good signing for the reserve team though. Ideally we would have more NASL teams in Canada because that is exactly where a guy like that should be at the moment. Hopefully he can catch on with another NASL team or find his way over to a league in Europe where he will get playing time like Finland.

I think TFC may be making a big mistake with Kocic. From what I have heard his contract demands are around $100 000 which I don't think is unreasonable for a guy who is a backup keeper capable of challenging the starter for playing time and able to fill in for the starter without much drop in quality. Especially when said starter is coming off a major injury and has had other injury problems in the past. Plus, Kocic was essentially the TFC starting keeper this year for $44000. I thought Kocic was very capable as a keeper and one of the best players on TFC this year. If they had players of similar ability to Kocic at every other position they would not have been as poor a team this year. There has been a marked downgrade in ability at the position since Hall has come in (and I do agree he should be released). If TFC thinks they can go cheap on the backup with an injury prone starter whose form in recent years even when healthy seems to be going in the wrong direction then they are truly on the same bad management path they have been on for the last 6 years. I would not be surprised if Kocic were capable of winning the starting job from Frei even if Frei were healthy.

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Hall definitely is weak. He is not that good of a shot stopper nor is he that mobile. Kocic played great and really started to command the box well. Plus, I think he may be better in the air than Frei. I like Frei but I am not so sure how he will bounce back from such a terrible injury. Get Kocic signed and stop playing around TFC.

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There is a big difference between playing professionally and doing well in a youth tournament. The main argument for signing Misiewicz is that Hall sucks. While FCE had a bit of a goaltending glut, Misiewicz still did not manage to even get into the main backup spot there. Saying that he should be signed as backup keeper for an MLS club does not seem logical. He might be a good signing for the reserve team though. Ideally we would have more NASL teams in Canada because that is exactly where a guy like that should be at the moment. Hopefully he can catch on with another NASL team or find his way over to a league in Europe where he will get playing time like Finland...

Micky had a bad run out during the home opener against the Stars, letting in 4; one was in the last minute and arguably a bit of a softie at that. Does nothing for the confidence. Maybe a step up too early but Parker was also on the way back by then. Smits has been an able stand in a Dave Monslave has also put himself out there as a club man in both terms of "Kick it for Kids" and working the Media Dog and Pony shows.

Mickyto some extent became surplus to requirements. I would note that Many EPL /championship teams only hold three Keepers. In the Case of Leeds United I'd go so far as to say 2 and a half!

I also note The Reseves* have a Keeper who can now step upto the bench if needs be, so 4 keeprs on the payrole was probably too much. Unfortunatly for Micky he had dropped into that 4th spot. Personally I hope the clubs been talking to Ottawa on his behalf.

* although they are mostly academy Kids. they have played the whole AMLS this year, with players on the main roster droping in and out as required.

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Defintely think he has the calibur to be a MLS goalie. Was the best player on U-23 team. I personally have him ranked above smits, monsalves. Makes huge saves, FCED probably can't afford to carry four goalies with 17 year old prospect coming up.

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There is a big difference between playing professionally and doing well in a youth tournament. The main argument for signing Misiewicz is that Hall sucks. While FCE had a bit of a goaltending glut, Misiewicz still did not manage to even get into the main backup spot there. Saying that he should be signed as backup keeper for an MLS club does not seem logical. He might be a good signing for the reserve team though. Ideally we would have more NASL teams in Canada because that is exactly where a guy like that should be at the moment. Hopefully he can catch on with another NASL team or find his way over to a league in Europe where he will get playing time like Finland.

I think TFC may be making a big mistake with Kocic. From what I have heard his contract demands are around $100 000 which I don't think is unreasonable for a guy who is a backup keeper capable of challenging the starter for playing time and able to fill in for the starter without much drop in quality. Especially when said starter is coming off a major injury and has had other injury problems in the past. Plus, Kocic was essentially the TFC starting keeper this year for $44000. I thought Kocic was very capable as a keeper and one of the best players on TFC this year. If they had players of similar ability to Kocic at every other position they would not have been as poor a team this year. There has been a marked downgrade in ability at the position since Hall has come in (and I do agree he should be released). If TFC thinks they can go cheap on the backup with an injury prone starter whose form in recent years even when healthy seems to be going in the wrong direction then they are truly on the same bad management path they have been on for the last 6 years. I would not be surprised if Kocic were capable of winning the starting job from Frei even if Frei were healthy.

Agree. Michal did well in the U23 tournament but you could see that he was struggling with some parts of the game. From what I remember he didn't looked comfortable with his kicking and controlling his box some times. Anyways, not an MLS caliber keeper IMO. NASL looked to be a good place for him to grow as a player. He clearly has some upside so if he can get a chance somewhere maybe he'll become an MLS keeper in a few years from now.

As for Kocic, agree as well, he was really good most of the time I've seen him this year and it looked to me that he had cut down on the soft goals a little bit. He also has everything you want from a keeper. He could easily become one of the best keeper in MLS. Of course a little help from his team could help.

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Defintely think he has the calibur to be a MLS goalie. Was the best player on U-23 team. I personally have him ranked above smits, monsalves. Makes huge saves, FCED probably can't afford to carry four goalies with 17 year old prospect coming up.

Dave M effectivley Kept him out of the reserve keeper spot whilst Smits was the bench man for Parker.

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The fact that FCE had three Canadian keepers bottlenecked behind a pretty strong American NASL keeper shows how badly we need more NASL teams. All 3 are reasonably young and with some upside but definitely needing experience and playing time before moving to a higher level. I think all 3 should be able to play NASL level if given a chance and may develop into something more but need the opportunity. Hopefully Ottawa will give players like that a chance but that will still not be until 2014. Saputo is still interested in operating a NASL team as a reserve/U23 team for the Impact so that could possibly lead to another team also. He is very unsatisfied with the structure of the current reserve league and wants his players to be in competitive games. He is on the MLS committee for the reserve league and says that MLS is much more open now than it was previously to the idea of owners having teams in both leagues and being able to place MLS players there.

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The fact that FCE had three Canadian keepers bottlenecked behind a pretty strong American NASL keeper shows how badly we need more NASL teams. All 3 are reasonably young and with some upside but definitely needing experience and playing time before moving to a higher level. I think all 3 should be able to play NASL level if given a chance and may develop into something more but need the opportunity. Hopefully Ottawa will give players like that a chance but that will still not be until 2014. Saputo is still interested in operating a NASL team as a reserve/U23 team for the Impact so that could possibly lead to another team also. He is very unsatisfied with the structure of the current reserve league and wants his players to be in competitive games. He is on the MLS committee for the reserve league and says that MLS is much more open now than it was previously to the idea of owners having teams in both leagues and being able to place MLS players there.

As I recall both VWC and Impact still retain their NASL franchise rights and were founding members, so if MLS (and NASL) did allow this it would be absolutely huge as their simply is no good answer for how to transition a domestic U18 player to a the MLS senior team.

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He can't be worse than Sutton. Montreal will need a 3rd keeper and could use another canadian in the pro ranks. Definitely wouldn't hurt them to sign him to play in the reserves. He would get excellent training there and level in games would be similar to NASL.

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He's still with Blyth Spartans, and is their regular starting keeper. I've been keeping a close eye on him since he moved to Blyth. Been starting every game, pretty much. Here's a report from the Spartans website on their most recent game.


I think playing regular football even at a low tier would certainly be beneficial, I imagine he's had some improvement since his stint at Edmonton. I don't even care if he catches on for an American club, if an NASL team is interested, it would be nice for him to come back west, if nothing better is pending in England.

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