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Will Johnson


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We have some versatile players on our team, some have suggested using Atiba at RB but he's too valuable in our central midfield. But how about moving Johnson to right back? I mean, JBB was given a shot to start there why not Will? With Bernier coming back into the squad soon (fingers crossed) and some up and comers at central midfield I think this is something that wouldn't be a bad idea. I know Will is a right footed player, a hard worker with good instincts, having him on the pitch would also give us a better corner kick taker (DeRo was poor last night). Now I know he may not have played right back at the club level but I have seen him play left back for Real Salt Lake and he looked really good going forward, I'm sure that could translate to the other side of the pitch being his natural one.

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I'm with you on this one Keegan. We need to have our best XI on the field, and JBB is not in our top 11 players (or top 20 for that matter). Having Johnson play out of position likely won't hurt us in this round, and as long as we're trying DMs at RB, why not one of our best DMs? I'm sure he would be more of a threat going forward; he has pace, is good on the ball, and can deliver a decent cross. Definitely worth taking a look at.

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I hate sacrificing Hutch's midfield contribution, but our depth at RB as disastrous (as long as Hart continues to prefer Hainault as a CB) while there are several decent options in the middle of the park. I could live with a midfield like yesterday's, but with Johnson in for Hutch while Atiba slides to RB where he'd instantly be one of the best right backs in CONCACAF.

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I acknowledge that it's pretty slim pickings at RB (and discouragingly so for far too long a time) but I would have major issues with moving our clearly best midfielder into the RB spot. I personally think there's a notable fall off in our midfield when he's not there in part because I think De Guzman's on the wrong side of his best days from a defensive standpoint. Hutchinson's our best player so where is he going to be most influential for us? Where most of the action is, primarily in the middle of the park, ranging from both ends to both flanks as needed. I think the negatives of his absence from midfield would overshadow the upgrade he would bring to the RB position.

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I've watched too much Jeb Brovsky this season to think moving a central midfielder to right back is a good first option. I know it works sometimes, but I'd rather see Jaime Peters get a chance. (I suspect Hart was deliberately rotating the squad a bit yesterday and we'll see Kluko, Peters, etc. against Puerto Rico when we'll need them more.)

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I've watched too much Jeb Brovsky this season to think moving a central midfielder to right back is a good first option. I know it works sometimes, but I'd rather see Jaime Peters get a chance. (I suspect Hart was deliberately rotating the squad a bit yesterday and we'll see Kluko, Peters, etc. against Puerto Rico when we'll need them more.)

A key difference is that Hutchinson has played about 20 games at right back in the last year, on a strong team in a decent league as well as in Europe, and to largely good reviews, so much so that many of the fans still prefer him there to the current starter (Manolev at PSV). That's probably more games than Peter has played at the same position in the last 2 years, and at a higher level.

The question is not whether Hutchinson can play RB. I have no doubt that he'd be our best player at that position. It is more a question of trade-offs: whether the upgrade he represents to the back 4 over Peters (or Hainault, or JBB or Ledgerwood) is more than offset by the fall-off in quality with whoever replaces him in midfield.

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hutchinson at right back is pure unadulterated madness. yea he'll stop attacks on that side and we'll also lose all ability to control midfield possession and score goals. thats a great move.

ledgerwood and peters and maybe edgar will have to do. nothing can be perfect.

I agree with those who have said we lose too much with Hutch at right back and that's the whole reason I'm suggesting Will Johnson. If there was one player besides Hutchinson who I would trust to do a professional job at almost any other position it is Will. I can't see him being out of his depth at right back, especially in this round which is where we should let him get his feet wet.

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I agree with those who have said we lose too much with Hutch at right back and that's the whole reason I'm suggesting Will Johnson. If there was one player besides Hutchinson who I would trust to do a professional job at almost any other position it is Will. I can't see him being out of his depth at right back, especially in this round which is where we should let him get his feet wet.

Moving WJ to right back is a bit of an extreme/desperate move. If we had an intercontinental playoff tomorrow, then i would support this move, but not at this stage. We have to try to groom a suitable right back now, while we have a bit of breathing room. JBB is not that guy though, seemed like a waste to have him out there.

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Moving WJ to right back is a bit of an extreme/desperate move. If we had an intercontinental playoff tomorrow, then i would support this move, but not at this stage. We have to try to groom a suitable right back now, while we have a bit of breathing room. JBB is not that guy though, seemed like a waste to have him out there.

So you agree that we have time to groom a suitable right back but moving Will Johnson to right back would be desperate? Tell me how it would be desperate now but not in an intercontinental playoff...? Johnson is the second most versatile player on our squad behind Atiba imo (one could also make an argument for Simpson but I have never seen him in the middle).

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Will Johnson at RB is not the worst idea I've heard, but I certainly feel we need Hutch in the midfield. I would rather opt for a left-footed player at RB if that individual was a good footballer. Kluka on the left might not be ideal, but would it not be a significant and credible upgrade?

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Will Johnson at RB is not the worst idea I've heard, but I certainly feel we need Hutch in the midfield. I would rather opt for a left-footed player at RB if that individual was a good footballer. Kluka on the left might not be ideal, but would it not be a significant and credible upgrade?

I think you mean Klukowski on the right correct? I think it actually would do more harm than good to have Klukowski on the right because of his crossing ability, something we really lacked last match. Klukowski has proved to be one of our best crossers over the years and it would be a shame to put him on his off foot (for the majority of crosses). Moving De Jong to the right however may not be a bad idea when he's available. With De Jong's powerful left boot cutting in from the right that could cause teams problems (remember the goal vs. Costa Rica in 2009, he was playing left back but scored from the right due to a set piece).

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A key difference is that Hutchinson has played about 20 games at right back in the last year, on a strong team in a decent league as well as in Europe, and to largely good reviews, so much so that many of the fans still prefer him there to the current starter (Manolev at PSV). That's probably more games than Peter has played at the same position in the last 2 years, and at a higher level.

The question is not whether Hutchinson can play RB. I have no doubt that he'd be our best player at that position. It is more a question of trade-offs: whether the upgrade he represents to the back 4 over Peters (or Hainault, or JBB or Ledgerwood) is more than offset by the fall-off in quality with whoever replaces him in midfield.

I was referring to WillJo as someone who it would be risky to move, not Hutchinson. Atiba's proven he can play right back at the required level, although as others have pointed out moving him still might be a bad idea.

Paul Stalteri's read this forum, right? Are you sure you don't want to sign with FC Edmonton, Diesel?

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I would rather plug the hole at RB with an adequate defender than take our only real playmaker out of midfield. Peters should be a given a chance next match to show what he can do. However, if we are going to play the likes of JBB at RB, I do not see why we are not calling Poz who at the very least is an upgrade over JBB. If Peters can not cut it and we are not going to call Poz, we have a number of guys who could play out of position and we need to try them to see the best fit. One of the CBs such as Edgar, Hainault or Jakovic (when healthy) could slide over. I think Klukowski is one of our three strongest players and needs to play in his proper position but we certainly could try DeJong or even Jazic on the off side. I thought Jazic had a decent game even though he is certainly not at the same level as Klukowski. If we wanted to move a defensive midfielder back, I don't think Johnson is the best choice. I would, however, consider moving JDG to RB. As much as his offensive skills seem to have declined and he is starting to be iffy as a midfield starter, he is still pretty solid defensively.

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I would, however, consider moving JDG to RB. As much as his offensive skills seem to have declined and he is starting to be iffy as a midfield starter, he is still pretty solid defensively.

At first I dismissed it, but the more I think about it the more I like the idea of JDG playing back there. Not saying I would necessarily go for it as I still think Edgar and Hainault look a more likely (and probably wiser) option but I do think JDG back there could be something seriously considered.

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Guest Brethers
A key difference is that Hutchinson has played about 20 games at right back in the last year, on a strong team in a decent league as well as in Europe, and to largely good reviews, so much so that many of the fans still prefer him there to the current starter (Manolev at PSV). That's probably more games than Peter has played at the same position in the last 2 years, and at a higher level.

The question is not whether Hutchinson can play RB. I have no doubt that he'd be our best player at that position. It is more a question of trade-offs: whether the upgrade he represents to the back 4 over Peters (or Hainault, or JBB or Ledgerwood) is more than offset by the fall-off in quality with whoever replaces him in midfield.

Yes Hutch has played RB for a top team in a top league + in Europe, and I know he's quality there, but to be fair to Peters he was Ipswich's right back for the whole of the first half of last season. The season before that he was playing there half the time. In fact, he never comes on in an attacking role anymore. Give Peters a crack, yeah he's not playing at club level at the minute but allow him to build some confidence in his play. Can easily help him get his RB spot back at Ipswich, especially as Carlos Edwards is one of the worst right backs I have seen. I would also like to see Peters' pace and ball control on overlapping runs, cause it would tear these smaller countries apart. Although, there is also Edgar who can do a job there. Especially if Eggy isn't going to play CB for us in the forseeable future with McKenna, Jakovic and Hainault

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The notion of putting WJ at right back is strange. An RB or LB is a defender. A defender who has more offensive liberties to support the attack than the CB. Qualities needed: defensive skills, defensive abilities, and a defnsive awareness and ideally good good pace. Under certain systems and formation the RB will have more offensive responsiblities and requre pace, strenght and ball distribution or ball crossing abilities. The good ones in the sport will have all round skills and an ability to overlapp with the right sided midfielder and provide the same offensive support.

So unless i have competely misunderstood the definition of RB or LB, where does that match WJ? Will J is an offensive oriented player who plays in MF. . Always has been as far as I can recall. I am not aware that he ever played a defensive role at any level including club level.

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Thoughts on playing Atiba at RB.

Maybe the first tactical thing that I (or anyone of us that have played any kind of organized soccer say at minor, high school, rec league, mens league, intramurals etc) learned was that you want to make sure that your best, most skilled and most talented player, plays someone in the the middle of the pitch. That means central mid field, central defender(For the best d man), or fwd. Thats because thats how you get the maximum from his abilities. When you play in the middle you are involved in the play wherever the ball ( left side or right side of the pitch) is played and you want your best player involved in the play as much as possible and be given as many responsibilities as possible.

So if Atiba is our best player and we put him on the right side that means he cant influence anything that happens on the left side of the pitch during the game. I'll stick to this philosphy even when it comes to our nation team. Imo, we dont have an abundace of talent and depth to afford not having Atiba involved as much as possible in the play. So i say no to the suggestion.

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The notion of putting WJ at right back is strange. An RB or LB is a defender. A defender who has more offensive liberties to support the attack than the CB. Qualities needed: defensive skills, defensive abilities, and a defnsive awareness and ideally good good pace. Under certain systems and formation the RB will have more offensive responsiblities and requre pace, strenght and ball distribution or ball crossing abilities. The good ones in the sport will have all round skills and an ability to overlapp with the right sided midfielder and provide the same offensive support.

So unless i have competely misunderstood the definition of RB or LB, where does that match WJ? Will J is an offensive oriented player who plays in MF. . Always has been as far as I can recall. When and where does he or did he ever play a defensive role at any level including club level.

Will has played in more defensive roles for both Canada and Real Salt Lake lately.. for us he has been playing in the midfield and for RSL he has been used as a holding midfielder and even at left back.

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1st off.. JBB wasn't as bad as people made him out to be... our entire D was napping at points (the second goal chance was an unforced error by Mckenna that went STRAIGHT to the opposing attacker) and the goal McKenna could have blocked. As a defender JBB did the right thing in that situation.. from that range... that level of opponent.. you let them shoot from that angle... especially when you know you have a centreback in their... who you expect to block it... cause that's what they do... or your goalie to save it... though I think people are right who have said in other places that McKenna likely provided something of a screen... which is simply bad luck... (aside note.. what is with this forum and having to find scapegoats for every situation... seriously... if it isn't Friend... it's DeGuz... or MeRo.. now JBB... when there was equal blame going around for all sorts of stuff in that game... with the way people talk you wouldn't know that we won...)

NOW REGARDING THE MAIN POINT OF IS THREAD: I'm not sure how people can be so naive to think that the switch from Midfield to Defense is that easy... I mean, sometimes it is... but Johnson's style is anything but defensive... he tackles hard.. and goes in physically all the time... and often gets very lucky... as a RB he would be an absolute disaster... a sending off/penalty waiting to happen.... he is too aggressive and rash... defenders have to be patient... and anticipate.. remember... they've got the penalty area around them... and nobody to back them up... if they miss a tackle or misread a ball, THEY ARE DONE!!

I agree that Hutchinson.. despite having played there even in the last few years... should not be put there.... it would be a waste... unless certain circumstances... i.e. the sending off of Will Johnson because he was put there out of position... made it necessary...

Will JBB start there next game.. I don't know... should he be given another shot... probably... given the errors made by EVERYONE at least all the starters at times... I don't think his suitability at RB can be judged that accurately... after this particular game....

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While I would generally agree with the notion that you want strength down the middle of the pitch, I would argue what you want more than anything is the best team you can field. The part that makes sense in putting Atiba at right back is if you believe Will Johnson can play the midfield position played by Atiba. If not, then it is probably better to leave the midfield alone because it was in fact the strongest part of the team against St. Lucia.

If Johnson is viewed as capable of playing a little more of a defensive role in MF, we know Atiba can play RB probably better than anyone on the team. And in fact, if Atiba is capable of making accurate cross field passes (I think he can), he can influence what happens on the left side of the field. His position on the field would also pull the opposing defense out of the middle of the field and open things up. In the hey day of Total Football in the 1970s, Johann Cruyff (the Dutch's most dangerous player on the field by far) would pull back into a fullback position from time to time during a game and really complicate defensive adjustments because you knew he could jump back into his No. 10 role (even though he wore 14) at anytime.

Bottom line is that systems need to be designed to fit the players you have and maximize the overall strength of the team. If a move can strengthen the team, it should be considered. If the feeling is that it won't help then it should be avoided. At this stage, I have no confidence in Hart being capable of making within-the-game adjustments so I think it might be wise to stay away from attempts at making player positional moves during a game (except basic ones).

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