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Winnipeg Fury

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I support the idea of Jesse Marsh also. He did a great job with the expansion Montreal Impact and he does have some International experience both as player and coach . Lets face it like the above post states we are not in the greatest financial position here at the CSA so we cannot hire a big time coach . iF mARSH IS THE BEST CHOICE i SAY GO FOR IT

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I support the idea of Jesse Marsh also. He did a great job with the expansion Montreal Impact and he does have some International experience both as player and coach . Lets face it like the above post states we are not in the greatest financial position here at the CSA so we cannot hire a big time coach . iF mARSH IS THE BEST CHOICE i SAY GO FOR IT


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I like Marsch. The way he had Montreal playing at the start of the season, for an expansion side, was awesome. I think they were third in the east for a few weeks.

However I have reservations. I worry, that were he selected, we would see something happen similar to what happened to AvB @ Chelsea.

The 'old guard' for CMNT includes, some well, self-centered characters, who are used to being fixtures of the CMNT. And they will cause trouble if they don't get their way, similar to what Terry, and Lampard and Drogba and co did @ Chelsea.

Marsch is 38, and to select him would make a pretty bold statement, because unless he proved to be a really good manipulator the only way he would make it 'his team' was if he brought in a lot of new faces.

All this aside, if he was brought in to see us through the GC and just kind of 'fill in' for a few years, it would probably go pretty well, since I think he probably has a decent amount of respect from some quarters, I just don't think his appointment would lead to the radical changes in attitude in the CMNT program that we are all hoping for.

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I like Marsch. The way he had Montreal playing at the start of the season, for an expansion side, was awesome. I think they were third in the east for a few weeks.

However I have reservations. I worry, that were he selected, we would see something happen similar to what happened to AvB @ Chelsea.

The 'old guard' for CMNT includes, some well, self-centered characters, who are used to being fixtures of the CMNT. And they will cause trouble if they don't get their way, similar to what Terry, and Lampard and Drogba and co did @ Chelsea.

Marsch is 38, and to select him would make a pretty bold statement, because unless he proved to be a really good manipulator the only way he would make it 'his team' was if he brought in a lot of new faces.

All this aside, if he was brought in to see us through the GC and just kind of 'fill in' for a few years, it would probably go pretty well, since I think he probably has a decent amount of respect from some quarters, I just don't think his appointment would lead to the radical changes in attitude in the CMNT program that we are all hoping for.

This certainly is a concern but perhaps he would go with a youth movement and many of the 'trouble-makers' would be pushed aside. If he was looking at 2022 as an ultimate goal with 2018 being more of a building cycle (although I would rather not wait that long) the old guard begins to become less of a factor.

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I like Marsch. The way he had Montreal playing at the start of the season, for an expansion side, was awesome. I think they were third in the east for a few weeks.

However I have reservations. I worry, that were he selected, we would see something happen similar to what happened to AvB @ Chelsea.

The 'old guard' for CMNT includes, some well, self-centered characters, who are used to being fixtures of the CMNT. And they will cause trouble if they don't get their way, similar to what Terry, and Lampard and Drogba and co did @ Chelsea.

Marsch is 38, and to select him would make a pretty bold statement, because unless he proved to be a really good manipulator the only way he would make it 'his team' was if he brought in a lot of new faces.

All this aside, if he was brought in to see us through the GC and just kind of 'fill in' for a few years, it would probably go pretty well, since I think he probably has a decent amount of respect from some quarters, I just don't think his appointment would lead to the radical changes in attitude in the CMNT program that we are all hoping for.

Whoa hold up there.

I don't think we can say for sure if AvB's poor spell at Chelsea has to do with Terry, Lampard, or Drogba "causing trouble". I don't even think it is fair to say Lampard, Terry, and Drogba are self-centered (certainly no more than any other world class player with an ego). Speaking of ego's, there was no indication during the whole 2014 cycle that we had trouble within the groups. The "old guard is selfish" rhetoric originated from the fiasco that was WCQ 2010 (Julian the party animal, the birth of "MeRo", etc..) but all that was replaced by a sense of togetherness. Lets not act as if we have any Balotelli's in our team.

Perhaps we credit that to sense of 'togetherness' to Hart? One could say his man management was his biggest strength, or you could say the players simply 'liked him'. Whatever way you cut it, I think it is unfair to currently consider some of the old guard as 'self centered characters' when there has been no evidence to back that up for the entirety of this past cycle. If we are picky we could bring up the JDG announcement about Jono the day before Honduras, but I think that was more a case of 'lack of common sense' rather than some kind of 'selfish agenda'.

Anyways, I don't think Marsch would have a problem dealing with any attitudes in the group (assuming there is any). He is not a 'my way or the highway' character like Preki, but I do think he is firm enough to command respect. He has also had a successful career in MLS as a player, was part of a winning coaching staff with the USA, and has professional coaching experience now with the Impact. I feel really good about his interest. Like I said before, we can not expect a coach to come in and safe us. Our program needs a long term fix, so if we can get someone like Marsch who has the right character and right resume that will be fine, while Fonseca cleans up the mess the CSA has created.

I am waiting for some Impact fans to chime in here and tell us more about Marsch...

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Please not Pesch

For me this pretty much eliminates him from contention: "It's fair to say I didn't see eye to eye with the German coach (Osieck) and I thought my time would be better served here rather than travelling across the world to play for him," Peschisolido told Sheffield United website.

Loved him as a player but whether you get along with the coach or not, when you are turning down Canada call ups you are not national team head coach material (and that is not even taking into account a fairly significant lack of qualifications on his CV for a national team position).

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Anyways, I don't think Marsch would have a problem dealing with any attitudes in the group (assuming there is any). He is not a 'my way or the highway' character like Preki, but I do think he is firm enough to command respect. He has also had a successful career in MLS as a player, was part of a winning coaching staff with the USA, and has professional coaching experience now with the Impact. I feel really good about his interest. Like I said before, we can not expect a coach to come in and safe us. Our program needs a long term fix, so if we can get someone like Marsch who has the right character and right resume that will be fine, while Fonseca cleans up the mess the CSA has created.

I am waiting for some Impact fans to chime in here and tell us more about Marsch...

I would have some mixed feelings about a Marsch appointment even though I have promoted him as the best of the less well qualified guys whose names have been thrown around here. My reservations would be that his qualifications and experience are a bit on the thin side for what I would consider ideal for the position. I also think that while I know him better than most other candidates for the job, the evaluation period was pretty short and it is hard to tell if the better than expected year was a one-off or he would consistently produce results like that.

That being said, my opinion of Marsch is pretty favourable. He did some things with the Impact that I did not always agree with but when they did not work he learned from them and changed his approach. I think he is a coach of very good character, very principled and while likable would demand a lot more from his players in terms of attitude and discipline than Hart did. He also is a lot more inspirational and would have the team playing with heart and fight. I don't think he is a tactical genius by any stretch but still much superior to Hart in that respect and a lot more flexible. He seems like a hard worker who would do his homework and who would not be biased for or against any players or teams (though it is possible he might have a slight MLS over Europe/hard worker over skill bias though I am not sure about that, he did discover Felipe after all). On the other hand he would be to some extent learning on the job which is not ideal for such a position. I also heard stories of Nesta helping him run practices and at times running better practices than Marsch did. There is some lack of high level playing and coaching experience but he does seem like a quick learner. I also think he is someone who if he committed to the job would stick with it even if a better offer (like US national team coach) were to come along unless he felt the CSA was not living up to their commitment or hindering his work in which case I could see him leaving similar to him leaving (or probably more accurately getting fired) by the Impact.

On a personal level I have spoken with him for quite a while on two occasions and was very impressed. And that includes me asking some pretty direct point blank questions on sensitive subjects which he answered very honestly and seemed to take no offence at any questioning of a previous decision. Indeed his answers often made me think about some things in different ways and provided a lot of insight about things that are hard to understand as a fan. And if he had made a decision that really did not work out he was not afraid to admit it and say he screwed up and it did not turn out how he expected.

It is difficult to say with our budget which other coaches are interested and available. I think Marsch's qualifications and experience are a bit on the thin side and certainly below Ossieck for example. On the other hand it is always hard to predict how the personality of a manager would fit with a team and one can often hire a good coach who may not mesh with the team or coach exactly the way one expected. I think Marsch would be a bit less of an unknown quantity in this regard. So I would prefer a better qualified coach but I think many of those coaches might also be riskier choices personality and approach wise. So overall I would be happy with a hiring of Marsch. Plus if we hired him now and it did not work out there would always be time to hire someone else before WCQ.

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It is difficult to say with our budget which other coaches are interested and available. I think Marsch's qualifications and experience are a bit on the thin side and certainly below Ossieck for example. On the other hand it is always hard to predict how the personality of a manager would fit with a team and one can often hire a good coach who may not mesh with the team or coach exactly the way one expected. I think Marsch would be a bit less of an unknown quantity in this regard. So I would prefer a better qualified coach but I think many of those coaches might also be riskier choices personality and approach wise. So overall I would be happy with a hiring of Marsch. Plus if we hired him now and it did not work out there would always be time to hire someone else before WCQ.

This pretty much mirrors by thoughts on the manner. It is too bad Marsch never had say, 2 or 3 seasons of MLS head coaching experience. However, at least he has more professional head coaching than Hart which is an upgrade, and yeah I feel his appointment might be much less risky personality wise than other foreign coaches with more coaching experience, so I would take that trade off.

Anyone know what his salary was at impact?

And have we ever had an American coach before?

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The 'old guard' for CMNT includes, some well, self-centered characters, who are used to being fixtures of the CMNT. And they will cause trouble if they don't get their way, similar to what Terry, and Lampard and Drogba and co did @ Chelsea.

The difference is that, unlike Chelsea, we can just cut those *******s, most of whom would be too old to be of use for 2015-16 even if they weren't self-absorbed detriments to the team.

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I get the sense from many of the comments on Marsch that he is a pretty principled and honest guy, and also a guy where the idea of a challenge is not only appealing but tailor-made for his sensibilities. Is this an accurate reading? The reason I ask is that any coach that we are going to get is going to have to be willing to embrace (perhaps relish is a better word here) challenges on a number of levels. All coaching jobs have their challenges, but taking on the CMNT is a challenge where the level of personal commitment to overcoming the variety of obstacles that we face may well be as much of a determining factor as tactical ability, experience, etc.

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I really like Marsch and from the general sentiment on this thread I sense there would be a lot of support from the Voyageurs for Marsch, but I asked Jason DeVos what he thought of Marsch for the job and he said: "I like Jesse, both personally and as a coach, but he has absolutely no chance of being the next Canada coach."

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I really like Marsch and from the general sentiment on this thread I sense there would be a lot of support from the Voyageurs for Marsch, but I asked Jason DeVos what he thought of Marsch for the job and he said: "I like Jesse, both personally and as a coach, but he has absolutely no chance of being the next Canada coach."

Did he give you any reason why?

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Did he give you any reason why?

My guess would be a slim CV.

People seem to think no one would want to coach the Canadian NT, but if the CSA are actually offering decent pay like they did a decade ago then there's no reason we can't expect a soild candidate.

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