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FIFA Presidential Election


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Yes, I'm sure the Ex-KGB president of Russia who has long been accused of outright murder of his political rivals is outright terrified that his country might lose the world cup. 


I sure the ex KGB Assassin-in-Chief is terrified of being seen as helpless in addressing the current events as they are unfolding.  Because for all the usual huffing and puffing that is going to come out of the Kremlin, everybody at home and abroad knows that he is.


Gawd, I hope Blatter gets re-elected tomorrow.  I swear to crap that I do.

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As predicted, the Russophiles have given their 2 cents worth. And Stalin never divided Polad up with Hitler in 1939.

If you are going to make false historical claims that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, at least learn to spell the name of the country you are lying about.

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It seems odd to me that Blatter, who is from Europe, is supported by most of the Asian conference and almost none of the UEFA members. On the other hand, the Prince, who represents an Asian country has support from most of UEFA but virtually none of the Asian members. I wonder why the Prince has so little traction in his own conference? I get that Africa and the Caribbean are happy with the Blatter status quo but I thought there would be more of a split with the rest of them.

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CONCACRAP has what, 50ish members?  Three of those members have 85% of the population and directly or indirectly are responsible for generating at least that much of the revenue related to any FIFA property.  But they can (in theroy) still be out voted by a scale of 15 to 1 against.  Think you'll find that circumstance echoed in Asia.  Blatter has Africa locked down until the day his heart stops.


I don't read too much into the vote, as a popularity contest anyway.  Think a lot of associations voted with their "block" for their own political reasons.  If there was more of a feeling that the old crook was going down I think you'd have seen a far greater willingness from some associations to break with their continental association.  

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