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Here are a few confirmed upcoming international friendlies that feature CONCACAF countries:

14 November 2012:

Panama - Spain

Honduras - Peru

Costa Rica - Bolivia

Jamaica - Paraguay

USA - Russia

18 January 2013

Guatemala - Nicaragua

Honduras - El Salvador

Costa Rica - Belize

20 January 2013

Guatemala - Belize

Panama - El Salvador

Costa Rica - Nicaragua

22 January 2013

Panama - Honduras

Costa Rica - Guatemale

Unfortunately, up until today the CSA has not announced any upcoming friendlies for Canada. Why is that? How can we ever expect to qualify for the Hex and beyond if we do not make the same preparations that our CONCACAF opponents do? Also, while our CONCACAF opponents continue to collect ranking points because they remain competitively active, Canada will continue to drop in the FIFA ranking and will be forced to play an extra round of World Cup qualifying in 2015 as a result of that, while the top six CONCACAF nations will be exempt from playing those matches. Therefore, the arguement that the CSA doesn't have the money to arrange friendlies does not make sense, because the CSA will be forced to spend that money on the extra round of qualifying match instead. Those matches will be against unattractive opponents like St. Kitts & Nevis and Puerto Rico, while countries like Panama continue to play friendlies against the likes of Spain and Portugal. So what gives Victor? Please give us an explanation.

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Okay guys, yes Robert has been spamming the hell out of this place lately, but he makes a good point here.

Why do we not have any friendlies? Because we have no coach or TD? That is a lame excuse. We should still be playing games. Maybe not 4 out of 4 on those dates, but AT LEAST 2.

No coach? Get Tony Fonsaca to take over while you look. This is becoming a joke. Is it really that hard to line up even 1 friendly? Somebody please convince me that we are doing the right thing by NOT playing?

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Okay guys, yes Robert has been spamming the hell out of this place lately, but he makes a good point here.
Agreed. MOAR friendlies.

However Robert is somehwat full of shhhhh...Spam.


Here are a few confirmed upcoming international friendlies that feature CONCACAF countries:

18 January 2013

Guatemala - Nicaragua

Honduras - El Salvador

Costa Rica - Belize

20 January 2013

Guatemala - Belize

Panama - El Salvador

Costa Rica - Nicaragua

22 January 2013

Panama - Honduras

Costa Rica - Guatemala

Are not friendlies. They are:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Copa_Centroamericana (Gold Cup qualifiers).

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Okay guys, yes Robert has been spamming the hell out of this place lately, but he makes a good point here.

No, he doesn't.

For the love of God, don't rush the choice for a new TD and coach. In the mean time, divert the funds to U17 and U20 qualification, which are more important right now. We are 3+ years away from playing a truly meaningful game at the senior level. It will not break the program if we take a couple of international breaks off. Divert the funds and concentrate on picking the best possible coach to have in place when the Gold Cup starts this summer.

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Okay guys, yes Robert has been spamming the hell out of this place lately, but he makes a good point here.

Why do we not have any friendlies? Because we have no coach or TD? That is a lame excuse. We should still be playing games. Maybe not 4 out of 4 on those dates, but AT LEAST 2.

No coach? Get Tony Fonsaca to take over while you look. This is becoming a joke. Is it really that hard to line up even 1 friendly? Somebody please convince me that we are doing the right thing by NOT playing?

I agree with you, we need to start identifying the younger players who may factor in the future and you cannot do that without playing matches! Just because there is not a coach in place for the long term doesn't mean there would not be much benefit to these matches! I can see us possibly not playing in this next window but as far as I'm concerned we should play in every window afterwards!

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I agree with you, we need to start identifying the younger players who may factor in the future and you cannot do that without playing matches! Just because there is not a coach in place for the long term doesn't mean there would not be much benefit to these matches! I can see us possibly not playing in this next window but as far as I'm concerned we should play in every window afterwards!

Agreed. I've mentioned this before, but I do wonder if the new sponsorship by Bell will end up making these friendlies happen more often thanks to renewed financial feasability.

Seriously, FIFA ranking is interesting, but even just getting the guys based in North America together to play friendlies would STILL be a move in a positive direction, while being a little less cost prohibitive due to overseas flights. Make it happen!

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Here's a thought to ponder: Honduras is able to afford a friendly in EVERY FIFA window and we can't afford to fund all of our programs properly! This is a political hot potatoe and I don't want to be misinterpreted but we give somewhere in the region of 30 million dollars in foreign aid to that country to prop them up! Shouldn't their government be looking after social problems before spending money on their National Football Team, just sayin'!

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Here's a thought to ponder: Honduras is able to afford a friendly in EVERY FIFA window and we can't afford to fund all of our programs properly! This is a political hot potatoe and I don't want to be misinterpreted but we give somewhere in the region of 30 million dollars in foreign aid to that country to prop them up! Shouldn't their government be looking after social problems before spending money on their National Football Team, just sayin'!

How well is the Honduran Women's program funded? Rightly or wrongly, the Women's program takes a significant portion of CSA funding when compared to 95% of the countries out there.

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No, he doesn't.

For the love of God, don't rush the choice for a new TD and coach. In the mean time, divert the funds to U17 and U20 qualification, which are more important right now. We are 3+ years away from playing a truly meaningful game at the senior level. It will not break the program if we take a couple of international breaks off. Divert the funds and concentrate on picking the best possible coach to have in place when the Gold Cup starts this summer.

I agree we should not rush the choice for a new TD and coach, but does that mean we should not play games? Make Fonseca the interim manager and get some games! It is pretty sad that we cannot play games because we do not have enough money. I am tired of accepting this.

But for arguments sake I will accept this and assume they are choosing not to play so they can divert funds to the U17 and U20 qualification. Well, that is a good idea, but I would have to see ALOT of preparation for those teams to justify no friendlies for the CMNT from now until February. That is four months and unacceptable in my opinion.

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How well is the Honduran Women's program funded? Rightly or wrongly, the Women's program takes a significant portion of CSA funding when compared to 95% of the countries out there.

This is a good point. I would like to see how much money the CSA spends on the CMNT and compare that to other CONCACAF nations.

Something has to change, I wish I had the answers but I don't. We can't keep doing the same thing (i.e giving the CMNT a small budget) and expect different results.

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No, he doesn't.

For the love of God, don't rush the choice for a new TD and coach. In the mean time, divert the funds to U17 and U20 qualification, which are more important right now.

Why I somewhat disagree is that I think we could play senior friendlies but with more of an emphasis on youth. Friendlies where we play veterans, but also start players like Cavallini, Piette, Morgan etc. Instead of sticking with a static focus on either U-20 or those who are old hands at the senior level; now is the time to transition. Fonseca should be able to do this.

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Why I somewhat disagree is that I think we could play senior friendlies but with more of an emphasis on youth. Friendlies where we play veterans, but also start players like Cavallini, Piette, Morgan etc. Instead of sticking with a static focus on either U-20 or those who are old hands at the senior level; now is the time to transition. Fonseca should be able to do this.

Even if you bring Fonseca in to coach, here are the problems as I see them:

1) Benefits: How much are we going to benefit from playing games just for the sake of playing games? Looking back on it, was it really worth it to have the T&T friendly in August? Ideally whichever coach that comes in on a permanent basis will put his own stamp on the team. Chances are (hopefully?) this will be significantly different from what Fonseca employs both in terms of formation and philosophy. Why cobble together some kids to play a game if everything they're going to learn will change the next time they get together? Especially when you consider...

2) Cost: This has been discussed already. I'd rather take the money that we would've spent on friendlies over the next 4 or 5 months and put that in the coffers for when the friendlies will be useful in 2 years or so.

3) Fonseca as Interim: This might just be me being gunshy but I'm a little worried about what would happen if we throw together some games that mean nothing and Fonseca goes out and wins them. This may seem counter intuitive but all of a sudden the CSA might start to think that Fonseca can do a job. I'm not saying he can't, I'd just prefer if they brought someone in with one or two fresh ideas. Remember that our last two coaches were given the job mostly because of past performances with other Canadian teams (U17, U20 or Senior) and not necessarily because they were the best man for the job. Maybe this time we try to figure out who the best man for the job is?

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Why I somewhat disagree is that I think we could play senior friendlies but with more of an emphasis on youth. Friendlies where we play veterans, but also start players like Cavallini, Piette, Morgan etc. Instead of sticking with a static focus on either U-20 or those who are old hands at the senior level; now is the time to transition. Fonseca should be able to do this.

This is what I am thinking. El Hombre has some good points about Fonseca though, and I understand the argument that his tactics and philosophy may vary to Dasovic's. Why not just make Dasovic the intern manager in that case?

We could call a number of U-20 players and mix in some overage players. I will not pretend I know the U-20 pool well, but from reading game reports and considering club situation, this is an example of who we could call.

From the U-20 program (1993 and younger): Aleman, Alderson, Piette, Henry, Clarke, Roberts, Cordon

Young "overage" players: Cavallini, Morgan, Tiebert, Stinson, Straith, Haber, REB

Experienced NT players: De Jong, Jackson, Edgar, Hutchinson, Simpson, DeRosario, Bojan

This way you can keep the CMNT active and start the youth transition. You can also give some U-20's some more time with each other, and some will surely take confidence back to the U-20's after getting a full international cap.

Even if you bring Fonseca in to coach, here are the problems as I see them:

1) Benefits: How much are we going to benefit from playing games just for the sake of playing games? Looking back on it, was it really worth it to have the T&T friendly in August?

Benefits: Cavallini, Tiebert, and Henry got their first caps. Looks like the three of them are ready for the CMNT as well. How many more are ready? Lets find out in the next few months rather than right before (or during) GC.

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For a cash strapped organization it's about using money wisely. If there's no coach or TD in place, it isn't a wise move to play a game considering the next coach will (hopefully) be a real shake up from where we are.

Putting Fonseca in place to play some meaningless friendlies is status quo, which is what we're trying to move away from. Keep the money and use it for things that actually push the association forward. A meaningless friendly without a coach won't.

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For the love of God, don't rush the choice for a new TD and coach. In the mean time, divert the funds to U17 and U20 qualification, which are more important right now. We are 3+ years away from playing a truly meaningful game at the senior level. It will not break the program if we take a couple of international breaks off. Divert the funds and concentrate on picking the best possible coach to have in place when the Gold Cup starts this summer.

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