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Bunbury tears ACL


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Never like to be happy at someone's injury. There is another traitor we know of who had a career debilitating injury after turning his back to Canada. I won't name him, but his from Alberta. Good luck to Bunbury in his recovery

Where's O'brian White? He chose Jamaica over Canada.

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Does every player who bails on Canada get a devastating knee injury now?

Hoilett should declare for us just for protection :cool:

No Neck #1;

"Junior. So glad see you."


"Umh. Hi guys? Who are you?"

No Neck #2;

"We represent yur friendly neighbour-hood player trade union representative, Kanada International #1"


"Ah! Umm.... hello. Sorry. Never heard of you, and if I had I wouldn't really have expected to run into you sort at a filling station but.."

No Neck #2;

"That way we work best. Unexpected and unannounced."

No Neck #1;

"Junior, we know you good Kanada bohy. Why you no sign card and declare Kanada yet?


"Well, you know. It's nothing personal. Just the whole international thing isn't a priority for me just now. Signing with QPR might make it seem all smart and sorted but really it isn't. At a career level it's still very new, fragile really when you think about it. I've got to stay focused. Look to securely establishing myself professionally before I go off adventuring with the responsibilities of international footie."

No Neck #2;

"Load of ****."

No Neck #1;

"Furgive my less than eloquent compatriot. What he mean to say in polite English terms is that is player trade union Kanada International #1 can see to it that no additional, otherwise unforeseen harmful injury befalls the persons of a good Kanada bohy like yourself, and thus jeopardize the long-term professional club career of said individual."



No Neck #2;

"You should be saying "Eh?" "



No Neck #1;

"Good. Good. Very good. See, we start understanding yes?


"I UNDERSTAND this as being a threat against my personal well being."

No Neck #1 & No Neck #2;



"Really? No?"

No Neck #1;

"NO! You misunderstand us! We here, through kindness extended only to fellow Kanadians abroad, to protect you from those who might wish out of bitterness (God forbid) to harm you. To offer you the protection of Kanada International #1 union if you wise enough to accept it."

No Neck #2;

"So far, a friendly invitation."


"Well, I have to admit the list of Canadians that chose to represent their so called "adoptive countries" internationally who've found themselves with career-threatening injuries or worse still, employment in Scotland or MLS is a pretty impressive one. I mean you can't but suspect that there has to be something to it right? That some great cosmic force, (or otherwise) is in the big scheme of things not just plotting but actually delivering a healthy taste of poetic justice on those who're happen enough to travel the world carrying a Canadian passport but are not just unhappy with but also unwilling to represent that self same country on the international football stage.

"It does give one pause for thought, doesn't it?

"Knowing that no matter how young I was when I left Canada, no matter how much of Europe I've seen in my short life, no matter how much of my father's Jamaican identity we retained as I grew up in Canada that I still do, and always will, view the world and my experiences in it through my eyes lens. A lens polished and shaped by the vibrant, dynamic, eclectic, mix which can only be found in a place called Canada.

"Or pay the price for falsely denying that fact. Wow. An epiphany."

No Neck #1;

"Good! You begin to understanding. You lucky man, you get to chose who you will be and why you be that. You begin to understand why celebrating that choice through futball important to you and to many others."


"Yeah. Yeah, your right. I think I'm getting it. Thanks, bro. You may have saved me from making a mistake I'd regret all my life.

No Neck #1;

"No problem. Keep you stick on the ice."


"Ha. That's cool. But I have to ask, "So far, a friendly invitation". What's that suppose to mean? Is somebody with a less friendly invitation suppose to follow?"

No Neck #1;



"Yeah? No insult intended but I don't know what sort of act could follow up a pair of brawny, war-scarred, ex Soviets, like you two that could be more intimidating."

No Neck #1;

"You no sign Kanada International #1 union card, other will follow, and then, you WILL sign card."


"Man, like I said. You two are a hard act to follow."

No Neck #2;

" Paul Stalteri will come."


"?!!! You got a pen? YOU got a pen? FOR GOD SAKE DOESN'T ANYONE HERE HAVE A FUK'IN PEN!"

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