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FIFA Bias Towrads the USA


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Do you know what would be great? If in one of these fantastic David-vs.-Goliath games, Canada played brilliantly and lost because their opponents were just a little bit better. At this stage I would sincerely be willing to take that: a game where we played to 99% but the opponents played to 100% and what a game it was even if we were beaten. Not the ****ing FIFA refereeing **** show which makes international soccer such a laughingstock around the world to those not as mental as us.

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Do you know what would be great? If in one of these fantastic David-vs.-Goliath games, Canada played brilliantly and lost because their opponents were just a little bit better. At this stage I would sincerely be willing to take that: a game where we played to 99% but the opponents played to 100% and what a game it was even if we were beaten. Not the ****ing FIFA refereeing **** show which makes international soccer such a laughingstock around the world to those not as mental as us.

Well said.

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What evidence of FIFA bias towards the USA is there other than a bad ref who was in over their head tonight? Hardly a bias, yes we all remember the missed call in the 2008 Gold CUP, but it's like saying every time we go to Central America for the men there's a "fifa bias", that's not really accurate.

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What evidence of FIFA bias towards the USA is there other than a bad ref who was in over their head tonight? Hardly a bias, yes we all remember the missed call in the 2008 Gold CUP, but it's like saying every time we go to Central America for the men there's a "fifa bias", that's not really accurate.

Read a great piece once from a Canadian ex-Rugby World Cup ref. His article was an analysis of the psychology of a ref in such tournaments (specifically looking at various coaches' media commentary leading up to last RWC, and how this was likely to affect the officiating at the tournament).

One of his main points (quite candidly) was that for a ref it can be a very bad career move to preside over a major upset, because the intensity of people analyzing the ref's decisions is exponentially greater than in any other type of outcome. In such games, on a subconscious level a ref fears a missed call against a top nation much more than one against an underdog, and is thus likely to be a little bit more whistle happy in their favour - particularly if the scoreboard is reading the "wrong" result.

Anyways, long story short: I don't think the fix was in (although I wouldn't rule it out... this is soccer AND the Olympics after all), but I do think we got 100% ****ED over by a perception of inferiority, which on the day was simply not the case.

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Brilliant match by the ladies in white tonight. Eff'ing brilliant. Each and every one of them deserves to be front and centre at the closing ceremonies.

Dramatic win by the Yanks at the death can't perfume over the stank coming off of this match. A incredible athletic contest completely ruined.

P.S. If Herdman and co don't get a big, fat, contract extension after this its time to completely scrap the CSA and start right over.

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Brilliant match by the ladies in white tonight. Eff'ing brilliant. Each and every one of them deserves to be front and centre at the closing ceremonies.

Dramatic win by the Yanks at the death can't perfume over the stank coming off of this match. A incredible athletic contest completely ruined.

P.S. If Herdman and co don't get a big, fat, contract extension after this its time to completely scrap the CSA and start right over.


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Was I the only one to see Ms. Peterson smiling at the camera ever so often. I found it very odd to see Ms. Peterson being told to look at the camera and smile when she was in the camera frame. This happen several times during the game and I found it very curious as to what was going on between the officiating team and that their actions were very unprofessional in how they were using the officiating teams communication gear.

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Was I the only one to see Ms. Peterson smiling at the camera ever so often. I found it very odd to see Ms. Peterson being told to look at the camera and smile when she was in the camera frame. This happen several times during the game and I found it very curious as to what was going on between the officiating team and that their actions were very unprofessional in how they were using the officiating teams communication gear.

I doubt she was being told by anybody to look at the camera as that just isn't feasible BUT I certainly noticed her smile and giggle after certain plays while she was on close-up. Don't forget that there are cameras everywhere at these events.

She's just too immature as an official to be calling a game of this magnitude. She had refereed only four international matches in her career. I don't know what she has done at club level but at this level, she has refereed four times and been the fourth official fives times .... prior to today.

She simply isn't qualified to be refereeing at this level of the game.

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What evidence of FIFA bias towards the USA is there other than a bad ref who was in over their head tonight? Hardly a bias, yes we all remember the missed call in the 2008 Gold CUP, but it's like saying every time we go to Central America for the men there's a "fifa bias", that's not really accurate.

This is one situation that does not need a devil's advocate. Stop. That is all.

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I can live with that as a nickname. Blat Sepp has the biggest sponsons.

I always Like Slip Bladder Myself...

Anyway to enter the debate on how to 'NOT' fix a match, but ensure a favoured team wins,

Its not Quite the same as the comments regarding the Ref in Victory/ Escape to Victory. but its along similar lines.

The Tournament organisers just ensure the Ref is fairly Junior and inexperienced. Therefore once the game is underway the mind games employed by the team with the reputation for been "the better side" often wins out.

How often do you see penalty calls for home sides been waved away by Junior referees?

As for this poor Lady... anyone remember Anders Frisk?

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Anyway to enter the debate on how to 'NOT' fix a match, but ensure a favoured team wins,

Its not Quite the same as the comments regarding the Ref in Victory/ Escape to Victory. but its along similar lines.

The Tournament organisers just ensure the Ref is fairly Junior and inexperienced. Therefore once the game is underway the mind games employed by the team with the reputation for been "the better side" often wins out.

Yeah; the NBA does that quite a bit lately. And we all know the way CONCACAF will finesse any rule to help the United States and Mexico out come Gold Cup time without technically fixing the match. I'm personally inclined to agree with you.

It is, however, still bull**** and corruption of almost the highest order; the fact that certain people in the Canadian media seem to think it's not a big deal that FIFA is ruining the point of the sport infuriates me more than the actual refereeing.

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