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Hume's next club? Burnley?


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It would be nice to see a number of our guys playing for the same teams, though I wonder if that will make it more difficult to secure them for international play.

I have wondered that as well, but it shouldn't be too much of an issue if it was only two. Doesn't seem like a problem whenever the USA calls up Bocanegra and Edu.

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"Meanwhile, contrary to rumours, Preston striker Iain Hume is not training with Burnley.

The 28-year-old is one of eight North End players who have been told to stay away from the club by manager Graham Westley, who is keen for them to find new clubs this summer. "


Man, SO much unresolved Canadian content. I'm newer to being THIS in depth with knowing where all the Canadians are (probably only last three years I've taken a big interest), and it seems like there has never really been this big of number of guys who are displaced without clubs who we didn't expect! Hope they all find work!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I heard the Caps offered him a contract, but retracted immediately after discovering that despite being born in Scotland he has decided to represent Canada internationally.
Figured. (Oh, there will be Canadians playing for the 'Caps yet. Just hold on my friends.
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I heard the Caps offered him a contract, but retracted immediately after discovering that despite being born in Scotland he has decided to represent Canada internationally.

hahaha, love it.

But yes, Humey would fit in perfect with Rennie and the Caps style playing off a CF or as a wide attacking option. I believe he'd be an upgrade over Camilo but I don't want to lose Camilo - but also fear based on "cap" rules they couldn't afford to keep Camilo in this case.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FWIW, Hume is still in exile. Someone purporting to be his friend posted this on one of the PNE forums, where is regularly being raked over the coals, this after receiving possibly the worst "good riddance" in footballing history:

quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Eddie7 viewpost-right.png

Where do you get this drivel from,Iain Hume has not been given any opportunities to rejoin the squad.Iain was left in little doubt that he would not be part of the squad before pre season started, he may not agree with the manager or his methods( I am assuming this to be the case) but he has never at any time during his career refused to work for his team. The reason he left Barnsley was Mark Robins preferred to play with a lone target man, Iain left to get more playing time and took a substantial cut in wages to do so. Rant over!!


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