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2008 vs. 2012


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It seems like the media attention following this team going into WCQ is less this time around than last time. Canadian soccer coverage in general is much bigger now than it was back then, but I feel like in 2008 there was a whole lot more talk leading up to qualifiers at this point. I also feel like there was more excitement even on these boards back then than there is right now... Is this down to the MLS taking attention away from our national team? Or just far lower expectations? Even ticket sales are doing poorly this time around whereas BMO was sold out no problem in 2008 and with a very pro-Canadian crowd.

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And that might not be such a bad thing.

Decreased expectation can be a good thing in some respects; but not when it comes to ticket sales and getting the sizable, pro-Canada crowd out that our boys deserve. If we struggle to put butts in seats for this up coming round that's a big problem. And could even be considered a step backward from getting 10,000 out to watch us play semi-pros last round.

I think it's a little too early to be drinking the pessimism Kool-Aid though.

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Wouldn't get too excited about media coverage one way or another just yet its still nearly two months to go before the next angry kick at the ball. If by the end of May it's still tumbleweed and cobwebs out there on the sports pages I'll be concerned.

Kinda need some decent content to. Especially positive stuff. Would be nice to read about DDR scorching up MLS going into WCQ or Dutch and Hoilett jumping on-board for this round. That sort of thing. Not to raise expectations as has been mentioned, just to develop a positive feel about the whole exercise. Get people to try that soup! A-gin.

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Sam, I think fans in this country are still either too busy following European club football or MLS; or more likely the violence of the NHL playoffs. I just got back from Europe a couple of weeks ago and Euro 2012 might as well be taking place on another planet if you read the papers or listen to the radio.

I'm sure things will pick up in late May...by which time the Hondurans will have bought out half of BMO Field. Sad but that's the reality of life here.

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In 2008, matches at BMO were a hot ticket. New stadium, club, etc.

That's all gone and sports are at an all time low in Toronto because everyone sucks, TFC most importantly.

Something needs to happen to help make sports not such a buzzkill in this city.

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It's not just a lack of media coverage though. There genuinely seems to be less interest here on the forums than there was back in 2008. I mean I remember last time tickets went on sale there was a huge rush among Voyageurs and opposing fans trying to get tickets. None of that seems to have happened this time around. I'm just feeling a little underwhelmed at the anticipation levels - I mean the biggest game our national team will have played in four years is less than two months away! This should be huge!

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It's not just a lack of media coverage though. There genuinely seems to be less interest here on the forums than there was back in 2008. I mean I remember last time tickets went on sale there was a huge rush among Voyageurs and opposing fans trying to get tickets. None of that seems to have happened this time around. I'm just feeling a little underwhelmed at the anticipation levels - I mean the biggest game our national team will have played in four years is less than two months away! This should be huge!

Once bitten, twice shy...

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Dare I say... in 2008, with the Jamaica game in Toronto and the relatively recent opening of Stade Saputo, there was an air of novelty. There was also the "best midfield in CONCACAF" hype. Now all the games are in Toronto, whose fans are used to their stadium, to high-level soccer, and the national team. There's also very little question that we aren't really contenders this cycle.

So it's not new and you won't see the team win. The casual supporter is staying away and there aren't enough hardcores like us to bring up the numbers.

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We need to figure out how to make people want to support losers; it sounds stupid but in a lot of places that is part of the football supporter culture. Think of Leeds United filling their stadium in League 1. Part of the CSA's problem is money, they cannot get people into the stadiums/sell gear because they aren't winning, but they cannot put together winning teams because they don't have money to train/host friendlies - which they have to pay for because they suck and are not desirable opponents. Getting people into the stadium to support losers is key, move beyond this vicious cycle of building up expectations to have them dashed and having to convince everyone over again that "this time will be different". And don't say its impossible because the Maple Leafs are still one of the most supported teams...

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In 2008 we had come off a very good showing in the Gold Cup and looked like a force to be reckoned with in CONCACAF. Then we had the most misserable time I can remember and didn't come close to the hex. I think interest will pick up if we take 6 points off Cuba. That will show that we have a chance to make the hex this time.

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In 2008 we had come off a very good showing in the Gold Cup and looked like a force to be reckoned with in CONCACAF. Then we had the most misserable time I can remember and didn't come close to the hex. I think interest will pick up if we take 6 points off Cuba. That will show that we have a chance to make the hex this time.

A lot of people are writing off our chances for 2014, but I think 2018 looks a lot more grim, if that's possible. I'm cautiously hopeful of advancing to the Hex this time around.

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A lot of people are writing off our chances for 2014, but I think 2018 looks a lot more grim, if that's possible. I'm cautiously hopeful of advancing to the Hex this time around.

I'm also wondering why you say this. This current group isn't exactly our "golden generation". I might be naive, but I def put more stock in our next crop of players - presuming they continue to develop.

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I mean if we ever had a "golden generation" the last cycle was it. De Guzman was one of the best players in CONCACAF, Klukowski the best left back in CONCACAF, DeRosario playing very well for Houston, Gerba was scoring overseas in England, Radz and Hume were much more useful players as well back then. Plus after Hastings fantastic performance in the 07 Gold Cup we expected a lot from him. So I would say the 2010 group was much better than both the 2014 and 2018 teams are looking.

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I'm also wondering why you say this. This current group isn't exactly our "golden generation". I might be naive, but I def put more stock in our next crop of players - presuming they continue to develop.

Footballers are in their prime from age 25-30 or so. That means any prime age contributors when we play important matches in 2016 will be 21-26 now. I see very few players of sufficient quality in this age bracket.

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I mean if we ever had a "golden generation" the last cycle was it. De Guzman was one of the best players in CONCACAF, Klukowski the best left back in CONCACAF, DeRosario playing very well for Houston, Gerba was scoring overseas in England, Radz and Hume were much more useful players as well back then. Plus after Hastings fantastic performance in the 07 Gold Cup we expected a lot from him. So I would say the 2010 group was much better than both the 2014 and 2018 teams are looking.

Does feel that way doesn't it? It seems like some of our most promising or most important players have either wilted or not exactly blossomed (underachieved) as they've aged. Don't know if that's entirely accurate though.

I think DDR is twice the player he was 4-5 years ago, seriously. I've done a complete (if gradual) 180 degree turn in my opinion of the man since the last round of WCQ and I put that entirely down to his evolution as a player. His on-field play has really matured to my mind. And I've always been one of Hutch's biggest fans on these forums and have no hesitation in saying I think he's a better player today than he was 4 years ago as well. That's pretty strong praise. So there's two very big, and very important player improvements over last cycle.

Are there also disappointments? Absolutely. The Guz leaps to mind instantly, but I don't think we're especially worse off overall in most cases, just sporting a different look.

2018? I don't give 2018 a thought. Foolish to even try. Three years ago Simeon Jackson was spending his evenings poring pints at the club pub to try and make ends meet. These days he's down at the local Jaguar dealership window shopping on impulse. You know, just in case there's something there which might catch his eye.

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