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Canada names 'American' Quon to Roster


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American U-23 International Rachel Quon has been named to the Canada roster for our friendly vs. the US on June 2. They are still awaiting final approval of the switch from FIFA, though it is expected. She is from Lake Forest, Illinois, and represtented the USA at the U-17 World Cup in New Zealand, and all levels in between.

Her Wikipedia page:


So, does this change how Leroux gets treated? In light of de Guzman, Begovic, Leroux, **********, how does this one compare? Or does it not matter at all, because we're on the benefitting side?

EDIT: It seems this was mentioned in the starting 11 thread first by Blackdude:

It looks like Rachel Quon who plays for Chicago will play for Canada. She played for the US at the U17, U20 and U23 level. That's according to Jeff Kassouf.
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So, does this change how Leroux gets treated? In light of de Guzman, Begovic, Leroux, **********, how does this one compare? Or does it not matter at all, because we're on the benefitting side?

I'm a big fan of being a hypocrite. Why is that so bad?

If you don't want to play for my team, I have no respect for you. If you do want to play for my team, then I can, for some reason, find it in my heart to think you're the best.

It's illogical but logic has no place in sports and in sports fandom in particular.

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Guest Future CanWNT
I'm a big fan of being a hypocrite. Why is that so bad?

If you don't want to play for my team, I have no respect for you. If you do want to play for my team, then I can, for some reason, find it in my heart to think you're the best.

It's illogical but logic has no place in sports and in sports fandom in particular.


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Since when have we started to be the home for American rejects? Not saying she isn't a good player but if she can't make the USNT... we show up to pimp her out, mercenary style? Disappointing and not a good message to send to up and coming young Canadians. Didn't like it with Bircham, still don't now. Let the record show...

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It is odd. She's with their U23s but not the senior side (is that right?). Guess you could interpreted that as a sign that her betters don't really rate her, yet, for the senior side but at worst still think shes worth the grooming. Maybe she's just cynical about her USWNT future and sees greater international opportunity by striking the Stars & Stripes and running up the Maple Leaf.

Or maybe the northern Quans talked her into it. Don't know but yeah, bit of a puzzler eh? Got me curious about it all though. Not exactly the sort of thing one does on a whim.

Bit of a stretch comparing her to LaWhore. Not as though we're stealing a rival's senior team member (or am I over rating LaWhore's assessment by the CWNT?). More like Canada taking Bircham from England.

Almost nobody in England noticed and those that did said "Who?".

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Nothing like Bircham. Bircham wasn't starting in the Premier League after a lengthy career with the England youth teams.

Quon is in the American U-23 pool but as far as I can discover hasn't played for the team. (The U-23 team isn't very active, though.)

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It's a different situation when superior nations poach the best players from inferior nations; this locks nations like Canada to be insignificant forever. Why is it bad for inferior teams to give a chance to players deemed not talented enough for the superior team? Yes Canada has played people who had little ties with this country, but when you look at the talent not playing for Canada with stronger ties we are still get the short end of the stick.

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