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New Logo - Canadian Soccer Association


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Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to bring up the Logo question. I have seen that there have been some pasts posts about it.

I for one think we are in dire need of a new one. Change needs to start somewhere, and there's no where better place to start than a new logo.

I wanted to know what you guys thought of this one. I have others, so if you would like to see them let me know. Any feedback would be appreciated.



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I like your design,Sergio. It is certainly Canadian with Maple Leaf, and the 1912 adds some tradtion and history. It just looks more like a badge as are seen with other nations, and less like a corporate logo. I would take this over the present logo any day.

I would like to see the others as well.


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This has be discussed to death previously but for the sake of it:

1) Your logo looks really good.

2) Take "canada" off that badge (the csa one, not yours) and you have something that looks like it came from a minor league team. It's bad enough we have our reputation (not so hot) attached to our merch, does our logo explicitly have to look like %#$# as well?

3) You could easily pay a small amount of money and a marketing / design firm would re-create many vastly superior options.

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Hello again guys,

I'm glad the majority of people like it. I will be sure to put up my variations soon.

I just did this on my spare time, I'm actually a Masters student in Sport Management...doing my research on the History of Soccer in Canada.

I appreciate the constructive criticisms, let me know what you'd like changed and i could manage it...


dsqpr, i actually thought of putting just "Canada" and "1912" on it!

I'll put it up!

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what has to happen here (and no offense to sergio or any other aspiring artists out there) is that the csa must have canadian soccer properties (their marketing company) hold an official request for proposal for a rebranding of their identity. and although normally a good branding agency would tell them that they shouldn't completely abandon their current identity, (in this case they don't have a strong identity) they should improve upon it.

the csa had a contest open to anyone that would like to submit an idea. this is the wrong way to go about it because that says their philosophy is: let's ask everyone what they think and do what we want. the csa needs to sit down with an agency to work out who they are currently and "who they would like to be". this is a long a tedious process.

i work in this industry and i would love to have this conversation with them. it's not up to the people who fields the team or which players are to be fielded. and this rule applies to the csa's identity as well. i hope that they choose to do this in the correct fashion and also think about a "marketing plan" as well because they way the csa markets itself is terrible.

shirts and merchandise should be sold at games regularly and they should also be sold at places like walmart, or sears or other retailers using licensed merchandise. some of teh proceeds would go to help the csa and their need for a "real coach" supporting teams on trips etc...

one of the first tasks would be to "create" a marketable personality for all of the teams - including men's, women's u17's, u20's and u23's. for instance, a player like julian de guzman whose face would appear on products, would make in-store appearances, and would be an advocate to certain charities or media events. some of this does happen but very little of it and in such a way that does very little for the csa's credibility or the expansion or marketability of soccer in canada.

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quote:Originally posted by hodgkiss

one of the first tasks would be to "create" a marketable personality for all of the teams - including men's, women's u17's, u20's and u23's. for instance, a player like julian de guzman whose face would appear on products, would make in-store appearances, and would be an advocate to certain charities or media events. some of this does happen but very little of it and in such a way that does very little for the csa's credibility or the expansion or marketability of soccer in canada.

I could have sworn I saw him on a jar of Nutella...

As for the logo, I kinda like it. It gives the appearance of history and prestige, especially with the "1912" thrown in. But then, as you said, hodgkiss, whether that's good or not depends on what the CSA wants the team to be perceived as...

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quote:Originally posted by squizz

I could have sworn I saw him on a jar of Nutella...

lol. i wonder for those people who don't buy nutella if they ever saw him anywhere else...? i know they used to do taht a few years ago but my daughter has a nut allerg so we don't even buy stuff liek taht any more... anyway, u get my point right? besides teh inside of nutella cap, where are their faces???

As for the logo, I kinda like it. It gives the appearance of history and prestige, especially with the "1912" thrown in. But then, as you said, hodgkiss, whether that's good or not depends on what the CSA wants the team to be perceived as...

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No offense sergio, I'm not a fan of your design. Reminds me of

Volleyball Canada, and from a graphical perspective (my family has

also has a professional graphic arts background), it tries too much

that it becomes pedestrian. And yes, it may (as someone suggested)

look like a stained-glass ornament in your grandmother's house.

The current one we have is very simple, and yet has some history behind

it. Our only WC appearance had a design which our current one is based,

also at a time where we were the best in CONCACAF (other than Mexico).

That being said, I can see that there is room for improvement in the

current design especially in light of a marketing angle, but the best marketing

angle is IMHO a more successful MNT and better marketing of Canada merchandise

to its grassroots fans. Sometimes the simplicity of the design tells more.

What's next, an angry beaver clawing a soccerball (just like the old Raptors logo)?

That may work for the U10s, but how comical would that be for the senior squads?

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quote:Originally posted by SthMelbRed

The first one looks really good, the two variations look very raw and unclean.

I think your right...as much as it would be nice just to have "Canada" on it...I think it may be better to have the complete "Canadian Soccer Association" Wrapped entirely around in a nice lettering.

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

The current one we have is very simple, and yet has some history behind

it. Our only WC appearance had a design which our current one is based,

also at a time where we were the best in CONCACAF (other than Mexico).

Just because we made a World Cup, doesn't necessarily mean we were the best in Concacaf. I dont think you realize that we had an easier first group (Haiti and Gutamala) than anyone else...not to mention Mexico didn't even have to qualify.

You are right the logo does represent that time, cause it looks like its from the 80's, and thats what makes it so unappealing. No offense, if you would like a logo that reminds you a time when we made our only WC appearance and scored 0 goals...i dont know what to tell you...

All I know is I would like to see any change in the logo, ANYTHING!! As far as Im concerned they could put a ginat red maple leaf on the jersey, but change has to be made...even the most successful teams do it...look at the FIGC! (They've changed it 4 times since I have been alive!

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quote:Originally posted by sergiop3

Just because we made a World Cup, doesn't necessarily mean we were the best in Concacaf. I dont think you realize that we had an easier first group (Haiti and Gutamala) than anyone else...not to mention Mexico didn't even have to qualify.

You're wrong. We had to beat Honduras AND Costa Rica (I even have

it on video.)

Mexico didn't have to qualify, true, but we're the champs in 1985

with the win over Honduras. Ask any of us old Voyageurs. ;)

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quote:Originally posted by sergiop3

...look at the FIGC! (They've changed it 4 times since I have been alive!

Pardon my ignorance, but what's FIGC?

Regardless, you're entitled to your opinion. Respectfully,

and from a graphical perspective, any change for the sake of change

may not bring the preferred result.

BTW, what's the big deal with no goals in 86? I think, with the

group we had (USSR, France, and Hungary), we got respect. What

kind of respect do we get with a snazzy logo, but failing to make

it to the hex?

Fix the team, not the logo. Spend the money where we need it.

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

You're wrong. We had to beat Honduras AND Costa Rica (I even have

it on video.)

I dont want to get into this, but...

I know we played Honduras and Costa Rica...in the Final stage of qualifying...I said easier first stage (bolded above)

Also, (and I see that you have edited your error out already) we did not play U.S.in qualifying (whether or not they could of beat us then anyways...)

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

You're wrong. We had to beat Honduras AND Costa Rica (I even have

it on video.)

I dont want to get into this, but...

I know we played Honduras and Costa Rica...in the Final stage of qualifying...I said easier first stage (bolded above)

Also, (and I see that you have edited your error out already) we did not play U.S.in qualifying (whether or not they could of beat us then anyways...)

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quote:Originally posted by sergiop3

I dont want to get into this, but...

I know we played Honduras and Costa Rica...in the Final stage of qualifying...I said easier first stage (bolded above)

Also, (and I see that you have edited your error out already) we did not play U.S.in qualifying (whether or not they could of beat us then anyways...)

Fine. We suck. And apparently the U.S. could beat us.

Here's some results for you:

April 2, 1985: Canada 2, US 0

April 4, 1985: US 1, Canada 1

And I suppose we should consider the first round, but not the

final round? The U.S. didn't even MAKE IT for the final round.

Whatever. Let's forget our only WC appearance and change our logo.

Just make sure an amateur doesn't design it.

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

If you took the time and read it carefully, you could see that I was agreeing with you... (bold) Dont get excited!!!!!!!!! LOL

And of course, its great that 1986 is our only WC appearance...but here I do disagree with you, as it is about time we DO FORGET ABOUT IT and make another one (world cup that is)...

And even you could agree with that ;)

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