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SthMelbRed last won the day on March 7 2023

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    South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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  1. Were you recently dropped on your head, mate? You're honestly approaching Robert levels of fuckwittery.
  2. It could be either, to be fair. The decision would turn on whether or not the referee deemed the offence to have occurred in play, or not. So, basically, if the player who took the ball in the face was standing on the pitch, it's Serious Foul Play. If he's standing off the pitch, it's Violent Conduct. At least that's my interpretation. Either way, it's a red card.
  3. I'll be 'sick' on Wednesday, and watching the game in my living room. However, I'll be in Vancouver on Saturday morning, so looking forward to watching us play Colombia in the final with my family and friends on Sunday, too!
  4. Well, if I'm refereeing that game, I'm giving the player in light blue a yellow for interfering with the throw-in and a second one for chest bump. The guy in red/blue is getting a straight red for serious foul play, for throwing the ball in the other guy's face.
  5. I've called MDS many things, none of them complimentary. Balloon head sounds like something that I'd have called him. 😄
  6. I know nothing about this referee, or his general competence for this level of football. However, I've just watched the goal back and I'm still okay with it not being called a foul, and it has nothing to do with the minute in the game in which it occurred.
  7. I didn't think it was a foul, certainly not one that I'd give if I was refereeing. I often tell players that I'm not there just to bail them out when they try something stupid and get caught out. I'd say that that situation was exactly one of those. That said, I've also not seen a replay that shows why the red card was shown, either.
  8. I'm in a What'sApp group with my brother, a bunch of my male cousins, and a few close family friends. Most of the people in the chat are sports fans...hockey and NFL, mostly. I'd say that I'm the only one in the group that's a serious football fan, as in I watch club and international football regularly. However, everyone in the group was hyped for the Argentina game, and there have been comments, not instigated by me, before and during each match since. This hasn't happened since Qatar. So, on that small sample size, I'm going to say that the Copa has definitely had some resonance in the community at home.
  9. Euros' final 4: England, Holland, France, Spain. Copa final 4: Argentina, Canada, Uruguay, Colombia. Giants of football! 😄
  10. MDS is grossly incompetent, so that can't be held against DC, can it?
  11. Yeah, nobody will be able to argue against the VAR intervention in good faith. It was a bad tackle.
  12. Gotta be Donovan Bailey or the 4x100 win a few days later.
  13. I guess if your a Gippsland bogan, it's as good a way to drop your money as VB and crystal meth, eh?
  14. You watch AFL when you don't have to? I guess it could be worse, though. You could have said Collingwood! 😄
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