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Peel Pub


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If anyone wondered why I didn't spend too much time in the Peel Pub and was hoping more people would move to McLean's, the reason was everytime I went in to the Peel Pub, the management were being complete assholes to me. I don't think the majority of Voyageurs in Peel Pub realized this and were having a good time there (despite the Bluejays game being in extra innings so that CBC didn't show most of the TFC match) but I think they should know what was happening behind the scenes. In dealing with the Peel Pub while arranging the event they were not as accomodating as I would have liked but the manager I was talking to was still ok.

I chose the Peel Pub because it is one of the largest pubs in downtown Montreal, some of the Toronto guys were planning to go there anyway and I thought that McLeans was too small because I didn't know that McLeans had a large second floor until I watched an Impact game there a week before. When I talked to the manager of McLeans (we needed a second place because Peel said they would only take 80 to 100 customers and minors are not allowed there) he was far more accomodating than Peel Pub was being. However, I didn't want to change the pub for the third time so just added McLeans to the list of pubs. In the end I think we were about 200 with 160 at Peel Pub and 40 at McLeans.

The manager of Peel Pub there on that day was a different one than the one I had negotiated with and there was also a higher up person who was either senior manager or the owner. The manager wasn't happy about a few things but at least was somewhat polite. The senior manager or owner gave me a lecture about not telling them exactly how the event was going to transpire (something I didn't know myself) and bitched about various things and then had the gall to give me his card and say "next time you will know better and can call me directly". He was extremely rude. Among the various things that upset them was that we were not buying enough food, that we had flagpoles in the restaurant (what is it about Montreal and flagpoles?) and that we were selling t-shirts while they strictly forbid selling anything at their pub. Believe me there will never be a next time at Peel Pub if I have anything to do with it. In fact, I don't plan to ever visit that establishment again. I organized 160 guys buying significant amounts of beer at their bar at a time of day when it otherwise would be empty and they can only complain to me and treat me in a rude and disrespectful manner.

I don't know when we will play again in Montreal but if we do I will most likely arrange the pre-game meeting at McLeans. We had the post-game meeting at McLeans and it was only between 20 and 30 Voyageurs probably because everyone was depressed by the loss. I told McLeans manager about the attitude of Peel Pub and he said if we wanted to sell t-shirts he would even see that we had a place set specially set aside to do so. He also said that if he has enough advance notice he could arrange to get whichever tv stations necessary to show any games we would want to see. I would suggest that if any Voyageurs are in Montreal on Peel street and want to go for a few beers to choose McLeans over Peel. I would also be curious to know what those people who were in Peel Pub thought about the place and service on that day.

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^When I went to pay for my food, I was about to give the waitress about a $5 tip on the $10 I spent when she literally started begging me for a tip, saying that this was the part of her job that really paid and trying to lay a guilt trip on me. which, obviously, is pathetic and un-professional. I left at 3 to check into my hotel and had planned on going back, but not after that. The food was alright, but honestly, telling people to give you a tip?

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quote:Originally posted by Daniel

One of the issues with McLean's was that the upstairs didn't have as good TVs as downstairs.

When I was trying to move people from Peel Pub, they also erroneously told me they didn't have GOLTV.

I don't think they had setanta though...

And the waitress wasn't too keen on all of us staying down staris with the big, HD TVs, when you asked.

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quote:Originally posted by Daniel

One of the issues with McLean's was that the upstairs didn't have as good TVs as downstairs.

When I was trying to move people from Peel Pub, they also erroneously told me they didn't have GOLTV.

Next time if I arrange things with McLeans in advance they can get whatever channels we want. The tv's downstairs in McLean's are actually better quality than those in Peel Pub but you are correct that they need at least one bigger screen upstairs. I will mention this to the manager next time we talk. Not that he will change that because of us but this is probably one of the reasons not many people go upstairs in the bar. We were actually supposed to be on the second floor of McLeans (which is why the waitress might have wanted us to move). I felt a bit sorry for the waitress upstairs who had no customers but when everyone saw the huge big screen downstairs and several other decently sized tvs no one wanted to go upstairs where there are only a couple of smaller tvs. Regardless of what was good or bad in the two bars, I am confident that McLeans would work with me to improve anything that was unsatisfactory while Peel Pubs attitude is we have to do everything the way they want us to.

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the food I ate at Peel Pub was crap, just like the food I used to get a Peel Pub in Toronto.

Other than that, it was fine (i liked those 4L jugs of beer that never managed to even give me a buzz...watering down draft must still be happening at the PP).

Sorry to hear you were given a hard time Grizz. It was a great pre-game meet regardless.

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

the food I ate at Peel Pub was crap, just like the food I used to get a Peel Pub in Toronto.

Other than that, it was fine (i liked those 4L jugs of beer that never managed to even give me a buzz...watering down draft must still be happening at the PP).

Sorry to hear you were given a hard time Grizz. It was a great pre-game meet regardless.

Yes the old Peel Pub was famous for watering down beer so maybe they have continued the tradition. The old Peel Pub for all its flaws was a pretty cool place though, the new one is not. I do think most people had a good time there but this was inspite of the Peel Pub not because of it.

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Short version: My Peel pub experience was not good....would NEVER go back even if that was where we we meeting.

Long Version: We arrived at 4 pm and we wanted to sit downstairs (to watch NCAA football which was not showing upstairs) we were told we were not allowed...so we had to move upstairs. Once there we order our food and drinks the food came out all separately with each person finishing their meals one at a time...not a huge deal..except for the fact that one of our group never received his food. He asked the waitress...she forgot...but had our bills because she was done. We paid for our food and beer and were still waiting on the other food...which was re asked about...the waitress who was "done" was still there and waiting tables and hour later we asked a third time for the food....she said she forgot again but was done a new waitress would take care of it...the next waitress did take care of it a little over 2 hours from the original order they arrived burnt.

Before he had even taken a bite the waitress was on him to pay his 7.99 bill he did...and did not leave a tip as a 2 hour wait for food is awful service (usually the house would comp that kinda thing) at this point the waitress starts berating him for not tipping and knocks my beer over on too his lap (she was leaning over my shoulder as I poured) overall one of the worst experiences I have ever had in a pub.

Now to top it off we went to McCleans on the Sunday to watch the NFL games and the service there was phenomenal...the waitress there was prompt the food excellent and the atmosphere generally better.

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I think the only good service I got in Montreal was at the Sheraton hotel Bar, and Reubens. Every other place we went to the waitresses would ask for tips. This happened to me too at the Peel pub and thought it was kind of odd. It's not like I spent a lot of time in Montreal, but the places I went to I just found the service to be kind of average.

Edit: Then again I work in a service related industry so I'm probably pretty picky. lol

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Guest Jeffery S.

When I studied at McGill 25 years ago I recall waiters and waitresses in and around the campus harrassing us for tips as well, and we thought it was very unusual as well, I still recall bad experiences of service trying to humiliate clients for no reason at all.

I have never seen that anywhere else.

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What's with all the idiot servers? Asking for tips? I was the DD and ate on the road so I didn't make the Peel pub money that day but the rest of you sure did. Thanks for taking the agro, Griz. It was great meeting you. Razcle, I love the V's shirt. And now I'll make sure I'll drink at Mcleans from now on. I wouldn't worry about the tv's. Couple more pre games with all of us there and they'll pay for the new tv's they can get;)

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Hmm...I had about 4 glasses of beer in a very short span and felt absolutely nothing so this watering down of beer may actually be true. I did have a dozen of their overpriced chicken wings. All I can say is I didn't get food poisoning which means they passed the test. :-)

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I bought a pint downstairs from the bar and the bartender with the buzz cut slammed my change on the till after I didn't tip him. That, after he took a full 3 minutes to serve me cuz he was performing the urgent task of wiping wet glasses while I was the only one waiting.

When will some people realize that asking for a tip is like asking your girlfriend for a BJ. You're more likely to get one if they think they're doing you a favour rather than fulfilling an expectation.

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quote:Originally posted by CanadianSoccerFan

When will some people realize that asking for a tip is like asking your girlfriend for a BJ. You're more likely to get one if they think they're doing you a favour rather than fulfilling an expectation.

[8D] Love the analogy here.

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