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Estonia roster


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My picks for a 22-man roster for the Estonia friendly:

It is probably unlikely (and thus a bit of a cop-out since I don’t have to make many tough choices) but I have thought of a 22-man roster as there would seem to be few chances to get the full first team together, and many of the players are playing nearby so there would be slightly less cost involved (unlike for SA, for example) and now may be the best time to make some final decisions on players.










De Jong







de Rosario


J Simpson




As Ive said before I would love to see deVos and Edgar involved, but it seems very unlikely for this year at least. Perhaps if we make the hex and if either of them look better than our other options (or in the case of injury) we could have another look.

Peters playing at such a low level has been overtaken by Nakajima in my opinion, especially given the latter's form for us as of late. Gerba is more of the same despite a strong Gold Cup – we have too many convertible players like Radz, McKenna, DDR, and Hume who all might be better than Gerba anyways, even if he was playing at a higher level.

As for the game itself, I would stick to (mainly) the first team

Occean Friend

DDR Hutch deGuzman Bernier

Klukowski Brennan Hainault Stalteri


Although I am usually a critic of not giving most of the lads a run out, I think Mitchell should start (or perhaps stick to is the better expression here) using only three substitutions for Estonia since we are so close to meaningful matches.

If we can agree that a lot of guys (like Hastings and Imhof and Serioux, for example) don't need a long look in terms of what they can do for the club, it might be best to use those three subs to give half games to three pairs: Klukowski/DeJong, Brennan/McKenna (since Brennan at CB for Canada is still an experiment- and, I can concede, one worth trying - and McKenna has mostly been out of the team), and Bernier/Nakajima. I am tempted to say Simpson should get a little look at DDR’s spot but will stick to my 3-sub argument.

These six guys getting half games should clear up a lot of the issues regarding who can play best in what position. I don't think the result matters a whole hell of a lot as long as

long as we can solidify the core group of players and most of the guys know where they stand.

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quote:Originally posted by nolando










De Jong







de Rosario


J Simpson




Wow that's a strong squad, but I like it. We pretty much need to be playing our A team to prep for WCQ, which is just around the corner. I agree Issey is ahead of Peters on the depth chart (has been for awhile IMO). My back 4 would look something like:


I'd also definitely give Imhof a shot at the D-mid position Bernier has been playing lately. Bernier has had a couple bad games in a row IMO and I think it's time to give Imhof another look there.

Also, Friend-Radzinski up front. Both have been in great form. Radz is almost always used as a midfielder for Canada, perhaps a pairing with Friend would work out. Yes, I'd play 2 strikers for this game, 4 in the midfield.

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quote:Originally posted by Bertuzzi44

Wow that's a strong squad, but I like it. We pretty much need to be playing our A team to prep for WCQ, which is just around the corner.

yeah, if my memory serves me right, (and barring injury) this year might bring the first wcq rosters without a single usl player - kinda says something about our growing depth, doesnt it?

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quote:Originally posted by nolando

yeah, if my memory serves me right, (and barring injury) this year might bring the first wcq rosters without a single usl player - kinda says something about our growing depth, doesnt it?

You just jinxed us twice in one paragraph.

Now we will definitely have injuries and be required to use USL players.

(Of course, I would have been shocked if we hadn't needed to even before your irresponsible post.)

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quote:Originally posted by nolando

My picks for a 22-man roster for the Estonia friendly:

It is probably unlikely (and thus a bit of a cop-out since I don’t have to make many tough choices) but I have thought of a 22-man roster as there would seem to be few chances to get the full first team together, and many of the players are playing nearby so there would be slightly less cost involved (unlike for SA, for example) and now may be the best time to make some final decisions on players.










De Jong







de Rosario


J Simpson




As Ive said before I would love to see deVos and Edgar involved, but it seems very unlikely for this year at least. Perhaps if we make the hex and if either of them look better than our other options (or in the case of injury) we could have another look.

Peters playing at such a low level has been overtaken by Nakajima in my opinion, especially given the latter's form for us as of late. Gerba is more of the same despite a strong Gold Cup – we have too many convertible players like Radz, McKenna, DDR, and Hume who all might be better than Gerba anyways, even if he was playing at a higher level.

As for the game itself, I would stick to (mainly) the first team

Occean Friend

DDR Hutch deGuzman Bernier

Klukowski Brennan Hainault Stalteri


Although I am usually a critic of not giving most of the lads a run out, I think Mitchell should start (or perhaps stick to is the better expression here) using only three substitutions for Estonia since we are so close to meaningful matches.

If we can agree that a lot of guys (like Hastings and Imhof and Serioux, for example) don't need a long look in terms of what they can do for the club, it might be best to use those three subs to give half games to three pairs: Klukowski/DeJong, Brennan/McKenna (since Brennan at CB for Canada is still an experiment- and, I can concede, one worth trying - and McKenna has mostly been out of the team), and Bernier/Nakajima. I am tempted to say Simpson should get a little look at DDR’s spot but will stick to my 3-sub argument.

These six guys getting half games should clear up a lot of the issues regarding who can play best in what position. I don't think the result matters a whole hell of a lot as long as

long as we can solidify the core group of players and most of the guys know where they stand.

I'd rather see Radz start in place of Bernier. I have a hunch he'll be important in WCQ.

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I think we're at the point where we need to play our strongest team as often as possible over the next 21 months. Therefore I make no distinction between what I'd pick for Estonia, SVG, or the semi-final group matches.

If we play 4-4-2:





If we play 4-1-4-1:






If we play 4-2-3-1 (my preferred):






*I've not actually seen much of Klukowski, but I defer to the fact that most seem to have him as first-choice at left-back. I would be just as happy with Brennan there. Brennan's versatility will make him very valuable off the bench. Issey and Simpson will also be good off the bench if we're down and our wide midfielders start to tire (Radz ain't as young as he used to be and Hume's workrate means that he'll likely tire in the late stages). Our depth is likely the best it's been since at least the '94 qualifiers. We just need a bit of good fortune and hope that the ref's don't pull our pants down.

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I'd like to see Imhof be given a fair chance in his natural position. His only appearance in the last year (I think...) was as an emergency central defender vs. Iceland. He is playing 90 minutes most weeks for a competitive team in the 1. Bundesliga as a midfielder, so he is obviously showing his coaches something, and I think this something could be of value to Canada as well.

I haven't seen much of him, admittedly, but he seems like smarter, but less athletic, version of Bernier. Which of them plays could depend on which attribute is more in demand in the squad.

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quote:Originally posted by jonovision

I'd like to see Imhof be given a fair chance in his natural position. His only appearance in the last year (I think...) was as an emergency central defender vs. Iceland. He is playing 90 minutes most weeks for a competitive team in the 1. Bundesliga as a midfielder, so he is obviously showing his coaches something, and I think this something could be of value to Canada as well.

I haven't seen much of him, admittedly, but he seems like smarter, but less athletic, version of Bernier. Which of them plays could depend on which attribute is more in demand in the squad.

Agree 100 %. We need to give a chance to Imhoff. In a 4-5-1 he could be a part of this midfield:



Imhoff is playing at an higher level than Bernier, so if he continues to start at Bochum he should have his chance to grab a starting spot with CMNT.

Another player I want to see being given a fair chance is Olivier Occean, he's never been given a real 90 min in the last year (except in Bermuda) but continues to score at a pretty good rate in Norway.

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Imhof came on against Costa Rica, played the second half in place of Hutch.

I agree that he should be given a shot, particularly if playing in a 'Nashian' role in front of defence. I thought Bernier looked terrible during the stretch of the CR match when he was playing that role...he is simply not a distributor, and he was hopeless on set pieces. I prefer him wide (as in stretches at the Gold Cup), or as a back-up to Hutch in a 'destroyer' role.

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From what I understand, JDG has been playing further forward with his club...in that spirit I would suggest:




I love Hume as much as the next guy (probably more) but I would prefer him as an energy sub.

I can't really speculate about the back, Kluko was beyond awful against South Africa, Jazic is out long term, JB has expressed a preference for CD...so maybe its De Jong.

FWIW, from the reports I've read Serioux is back in midfield with Dallas - and getting decent reviews there - I think there is room for him as a swiss army DM/CD/RB.

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Guest speedmonk42
quote:Originally posted by jpg75

I'd have it:




I know we have improved, but I think playing only six players is crazy.

Anyway, that looks pretty good.

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quote:Originally posted by jpg75

I'd have it:




I like this midfield but IMO we need to adapt to the situation we're in.

For example, in Azteca and other tough away games I would play with 2 holding midfielders but at home a more offensive formation (inversing the triangle) would be possible.

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quote:Originally posted by gkhs

I thought Bernier looked terrible during the stretch of the CR match when he was playing that role...he is simply not a distributor, and he was hopeless on set pieces.

I thought Bernier had a really poor second half vs SA and I don't think he delivers quality set play service, but I disagree about the September CR match in Toronto. I watched that game on tape a couple of times and thought he did a good job with short distribution but he impressed me more with the times he was able to fake a pass to one of our defenders and then turn away with the ball, leaving two pressuring Tico strikers caught upfield. I've never been impressed with the offensive side of his game when he played the wide right of midfield but conversely he did a good job defensively in that position.

That said, I too wouldn't mind seeing how Imhoff Bundesliga's experience translates into our MNT d-mid role so I believe he warrants a start ahead of Bernier for this match.

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quote:Originally posted by BearcatSA

I thought Bernier had a really poor second half vs SA and I don't think he delivers quality set play service, but I disagree about the September CR match in Toronto. I watched that game on tape a couple of times and thought he did a good job with short distribution but he impressed me more with the times he was able to fake a pass to one of our defenders and then turn away with the ball, leaving two pressuring Tico strikers caught upfield. I've never been impressed with the offensive side of his game when he played the wide right of midfield but conversely he did a good job defensively in that position.

That said, I too wouldn't mind seeing how Imhoff Bundesliga's experience translates into our MNT d-mid role so I believe he warrants a start ahead of Bernier for this match.

Bernier is much MUCH more technically skilled than imhof and has plenty to offer going forward. He does tend to cough the ball up more than he should though.

Imhof however, will not make any mistakes, will stick to his defensive duties and always make the safe pass.

really depends who were playing and what we need out of the game.

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

I like this midfield but IMO we need to adapt to the situation we're in.

For example, in Azteca and other tough away games I would play with 2 holding midfielders but at home a more offensive formation (inversing the triangle) would be possible.

I agree. However, i don't think Estonia away is anywhere near as strong as Mexico at Azteca! ;)

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Good lineups guys, but we know what Kluko's about. I hope we start DeJong. After watching McKenna get faked out of his skin on the first South Africa goal I wonder if he's our man at center back. That was cringe inducing defending. I hope he can switch on strong against Estonia or else bring on the ginger ninja.


Diesel---Angry Mac--Hastings---DeJong

-------------Imhoff------------------ (Bernier gets the other half)

Radz---Hutch---JDG------DeRo (Canada's untouchables for qualifying/Hume super sub)

----------Friend------------- (Still his place to lose IMO)

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just re-watched the costa rica game and a few other highlights and am starting to waver in my confidence in Hainault - he has made a lot of dodgy plays in his most recent games for canada and with him not potentially sitting on the bench for the rest of the season at club level (gawd, lets hope not)...i love Hainault's overall skill package and that he is playing CB naturally, but wonder if Serioux, who looked strong and pretty relaxed back there vs CR and who offers so much to the offense with his throws, should also get a shot at his spot.

tough, tough choices ahead for Mitch

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Center back continues to be our major issue. Hastings, McKenna, Hainault, Serioux, Gervais and possibly Cann are our options, anyone missing? From that list I'm most confident in Hastings and Serioux right now but I think McKenna is going to be around a lot through qualifying. If only Edgar had a couple more years experience and more regular playing time. I wish Bernier could play back there too but I guess that would've been tried if at all possible.

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