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No suspensions.... yet

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It would be nice if you could provide us with a video of someone keeping balance in the same way Tancredi did.

Call it a stomp, a kick, a landing on an opponent, what I'm saying is that it looks intentional. She clearly knows her opponent is down and isn't off balance enough to not be able to avoid her IMO.

As for the rest, it's a discussion about one play. So I don't think I'm insulting anyone by saying it's a RC offense that was missed by the ref. Tancredi looked like she lost her cool there but got away with it, just like those LA policemen back then. End of the story and no need to take a condescending tone and use childish titles in every post.

How we see the video is not how Tancredi experiences the event. Tancredi's job is to score goals. Her head is towards the play. {My father has a copy of Soviet Sports Review that does a photopgraphic examination of this type of concentration in the performance of a bicycle kick. It is beautiful.} Her view of Lloyd is peripheral at best. Given the blindspot effectiveness of punches and kicks traversing the periphery to the target, it is rational to assume that Tancredi's feet are literally feeling their way along a dynamic path, which is the effect of Lloyd's fall, landing, and response. She does not see Lloyd in any manner of focus/attention/intention.

Feeling is enough to intentionally add something to the step, but she does not appear to do so. It is telling that Lloyd thought nothing of the incident until it was made into an incident.

This is what a stomp (attempted) looks like. Between 56-60 seconds

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXDmCVSnn1U (between 56-60)

At first glance, the Soto/Diaz face step in Argentina looks like balance catching. I have not looked at it closely. Finding a comparable to Tancredi/Lloyd is likely to be difficult, in the short term.

This is an intentional trample/step.

http://network.yardbarker.com/college_basketball/article_external/houston_player_steps_on_chase_budingers_face/486817 intentional bball

This is an intentional trample step by Pepe on Messi.

http://www.dogpile.com/search/video?q=pepe%20stamps%20messi&fcoid=410&fcop=topnav&fpid=2 pepe messi

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It is telling that Lloyd thought nothing of the incident until it was made into an incident.

It's not telling at all. Like I said, she's face down on the ground and doesn't know what happened. Probably not the best witness of the play at the time it happened.

Anyways, I don't want a discuss it ad nauseam. My point is only that despite all the comments about the reffing being the reason of the loss we were also very lucky not to play with 10 players for the last 35 min of the game.

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It's not telling at all. Like I said, she's face down on the ground and doesn't know what happened. Probably not the best witness of the play at the time it happened.

Hmm. Is it fair to assume that she knew she had a cleated boot on her head? Is it fair to assume that she knew that it was the boot of the player she was jostling with? Given these, is it fair to assume that she took it as nothing consequential because she was not injured and because it's the kind of thing that happens with collisions and entanglements of that sort? In fact, what else can it be than these things, given that she had to be shown a video to interpret her experience as otherwise?

The world is not lived in revisionist slo-mo. Unless Tancredi and biomechanics say otherwise, the benefit of the doubt falls to Tancredi.

I am content to accept that we agree to disagree. This said, I won't stop defending our women's team and its members, if I feel they are not getting their due.

I agree that the horrendous call is not the sole reason we lost, though its impact should not be understated, given its context. I agree that the refereeing was bad for both sides. I agree about nausea avoidance.

Cheers. We would not argue if we did not care.

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I can't help thinking that if the game jerseys of the players involved had been exchanged the people arguing would each change their opinion 180 degrees.

How.s that apply to myself who's a Canadian soccer fans? If a USA player had done that to one of our player I would be really mad about it and would be asking for a suspension.

I doubt I would be trying to find a way to justify it if a USA player had stomped or intentionnaly land on the face of a Canadian player. But you have the right to your opinion.

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Ridiculous in my opinion. I'm been stomped far harder than that before in a game without getting a call and thought nothing of it. It's a tough game sometimes - grow up. She wasn't hurt and there's no way that particular event was ever going to be called anyway in real time. Americans can dish it out but seem to have a hard time accepting anything that doesn't go 100% their way. Perhaps they should be giving their gold medals back after the way they cheated against the Japanese, particularly that uncalled rugby tackle and the deliberate handball. If you're going to make decisions based on super slo-mo replay, then how about those plays?

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Ridiculous in my opinion. I'm been stomped far harder than that before in a game without getting a call and thought nothing of it. It's a tough game sometimes - grow up. She wasn't hurt and there's no way that particular event was ever going to be called anyway in real time. Americans can dish it out but seem to have a hard time accepting anything that doesn't go 100% their way. Perhaps they should be giving their gold medals back after the way they cheated against the Japanese, particularly that uncalled rugby tackle and the deliberate handball. If you're going to make decisions based on super slo-mo replay, then how about those plays?

I'm not sure about what you are referring too when you're talking about slo mo replay. I first saw the play when shown on TSN and it was full speed.

I've been kicked in the head and I had to stop and had to stop playing one year because of it, that was 10 years ago. I found your post quite sad. Intentionnal or not, this play was really dangerous and Lloyd is lucky to not be injured. The fact she wasn't injured doesn't mean the play wasn't dangerous or should be dismissed as a normal play in a "tough game"....specially when the person who saying that is pointing at a rugby tackle.

For the record, IMO, the handball was a PK, the rugby tackle was a PK and the Tancredi play was a RC.

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I'm not sure about what you are referring too when you're talking about slo mo replay. I first saw the play when shown on TSN and it was full speed.

I've been kicked in the head and I had to stop and had to stop playing one year because of it, that was 10 years ago. I found your post quite sad. Intentionnal or not, this play was really dangerous and Lloyd is lucky to not be injured. The fact she wasn't injured doesn't mean the play wasn't dangerous or should be dismissed as a normal play in a "tough game"....specially when the person who saying that is pointing at a rugby tackle.

For the record, IMO, the handball was a PK, the rugby tackle was a PK and the Tancredi play was a RC.

Yes. Yes. No.

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Time to bump this thread with an update:

FIFA plans to discuss Canada-U.S. Olympic soccer game at October meeting


I can't imagine anything coming from this, but the article states they've been investigating for the last month. I'm not really sure what more there is left to say?

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The only investigation that should be done is about why inexperienced officials are assigned to these matches. It seems also that male officials are banned which as the Amercian captain Rampone has agreed that this policy Discriminates against the Women's game.

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The only investigation that should be done is about why inexperienced officials are assigned to these matches. It seems also that male officials are banned which as the Amercian captain Rampone has agreed that this policy Discriminates against the Women's game.
Have you ever coached a womens or female team ..and had male referees...some are so so sexist it drives a coach crazy... they in general in Canada do not referee the game the same as the men's game, they make dumb comments and do dumb things ... cause it just girls and they do not know better.

Quite frankly the referee community has lots to learn about refereeing with a sex .. blind attitude apply the rules the same for every one.

If you let a male swear why not a female ?

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Have you ever coached a womens or female team ..and had male referees...some are so so sexist it drives a coach crazy... they in general in Canada do not referee the game the same as the men's game, they make dumb comments and do dumb things ... cause it just girls and they do not know better.

Quite frankly the referee community has lots to learn about refereeing with a sex .. blind attitude apply the rules the same for every one.

If you let a male swear why not a female ?

I have to agree many male refs here at the youth level do take the girls game less serious. These guys are just bad refs.

What the top women players want is not to be subject to inexperienced refs. The gender of the referee seems to be more important than the quality of the officiating. Inexperience officials are the problem. Perhaps to qualify every ref must have at least experience at D1 level.

We don't want any Pedersons at World Cup 2015.

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Christine Sinclair to face FIFA board over Olympic ref comments


FIFA says its disciplinary committee will examine charges of "unsporting behaviour" against Sinclair.


1. Has she been told to appear in person ?

2. Who pays to get here there ?

3. Who from CSA goes to present her side of affair ?

If left alone or if its only a review of documents/videos she will be suspended and fined for bringing game into disrepute... six months or a year possible.

I cannot imagine her representing herself and making a credible argument or having knowledge of the statutes or sport law cases from the Center for Sport Arbitration.

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