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To all those who thought Canadian coaches are not fired:

Three months ago the Canadian Women's U20 team beat the #1 ranked USA team in the CONCACAF Final to get a higher seed for the World Cup next month. A week ago they fired head coach Bob Birarda, who was also head coach of the Vancouver Whitecaps, who subsequently fired him seconds later. It's been a week now and no explanation has been given, which is pretty unacceptable.

If anyone has any information or avenue to acquire the information, I know there are a lot of people who are interested. Thanks to anyone who can help.

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quote:Originally posted by piltdownman

My guess is that the Whitecaps wanted to go another direction with their women's program. The CSA most likely was paying Birarda very little, so without the Whitecaps paycheck he had to quit the u20 job to get new full time gig.

This is pretty much what I speculated in the thread in the Women's forum and I still believe that is the case.

Its possible that to the Whitecaps finishing 2nd in their division and not reaching the W-League finals was not good enough.

The CSA being cheap/cash strapped are filling the position with Bridge, who is probably already on staff and being paid anyways.

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quote:Originally posted by Massive Attack

This is pretty much what I speculated in the thread in the Women's forum and I still believe that is the case.

Its possible that to the Whitecaps finishing 2nd in their division and not reaching the W-League finals was not good enough.

The CSA being cheap/cash strapped are filling the position with Bridge, who is probably already on staff and being paid anyways.

Couldn't they just wait until the tournament was over? Not sure it would've cost much more than it already did?

I don't want a fall into the conspiracy theory thing, but this move seems odd to me, specially considering his success in the last year.

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quote:Originally posted by Massive Attack

This is pretty much what I speculated in the thread in the Women's forum and I still believe that is the case.

Its possible that to the Whitecaps finishing 2nd in their division and not reaching the W-League finals was not good enough.

The CSA being cheap/cash strapped are filling the position with Bridge, who is probably already on staff and being paid anyways.

There is two other things to throw into the mix:

1) The Whitecaps love Even Pellerud, so maybe he is coming back

2) The new women's league maybe opens up a new opportunity for Birarda

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Yes, same as VPjr, you can call it behaviour and judgement. And if the rest ever comes out it will be from someone who's done all their homework and is confident they have all the facts and not from someone who knows half. But half is enough to know it was self-administered, and enough to know why they made the change.

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quote:Originally posted by Massive Attack

I'm tired of people posting on this forum that they know the 'real story' but then don't tell the rest of us what it is.

Don't tease us. Either post it or shut up.

Hear hear!

Express it as an opinion or make a statement of fact backed up with references to a credible source. Don't maked unsubstantiated veiled hints about 'inside information', that's just annoying schoolyard type 'I know more than you do so there' type behaviour.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Hear hear!

Express it as an opinion or make a statement of fact backed up with references to a credible source. Don't maked unsubstantiated veiled hints about 'inside information', that's just annoying schoolyard type 'I know more than you do so there' type behaviour.

Amen, the worst was the one that had the Gold Cup team coaching themselves. Most of this type of garbage just doesn't pass the "common sense test". Stephen Hart has gone from idiot to genius with that rumour combined with some underachievers throwing Dale under the bus.
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Why? So you're comfortable? If you want a signed statement of fact from a credible source pick up the phone and call Birarda, the Whitecaps or the CSA. That's about the only place you're going to find it. Last time I checked their numbers are listed.

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^ Don't insinuate that you have inside knowledge of fact if you are not prepared to quote your source or if you are merely speculating. All you are doing then is spreading malicious gossip and discrediting yourself.

I could very easily call Bob Birarda and ask him, so could anybody, but I won't because I have no desire to possibly embarass the man or the CSA or the Whitecaps or anybody else involved. The parties have made it abundantly clear that the reason for their 'parting of the ways' with Birarda is not being made public and I respect that.

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You're extending. I never said I had knowledge of fact. I said exactly what VPjr said, which is we talked to people we trust, which was good enough for us, for right or wrong. How you value that is your business entirely.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by loyola

He's gay???

Obviously just the opposite, at least that is the speculation. Incorrect behaviour related to a player or accusations thereof. But since by not saying anything they give rise to this speculation, which may be totally slanderous, then they should give a proper explanation.

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Obviously just the opposite, at least that is the speculation. Incorrect behaviour related to a player or accusations thereof. But since by not saying anything they give rise to this speculation, which may be totally slanderous, then they should give a proper explanation.

This brings up and issue, that really I feel needs to be discussed, I do not believe a lot of the coaches on the women's side have been properly "educated" on proper deportment with regards to girls and women's teams.

To be blunt ... there is far far to much physical contract with the players ... that is not technique based to show a technical aspect of the game ... but is being done to show some kind of "reward" so hugs around the shoulder etc. after a goal is scored.

Like it or not the reality is no Coach .. should ever make contact with a player without specific approval by the player for each occurence of touching .. so you want to show how to place a foot you ask .. " I am going to move your foot to the right position ".

On numerous occasions I have seen National level coaches .. over stepping this line. Because most if not all of these coaches have been given a free pass to the C or A licence they have not gone through programs mandated for all others where such topics are discussed.

Players will often form attachments to coaches and it makes the relationship more difficult in terms of drawing appropriate behaviour lines... and the line is "not to touch", "not to joke or discuss sexuality",.... etc.

If an issue has arisen within Peleruds womens program ( and he is still its manager ) he needs to ensure all involved get the required counciling and that all the coaches in the program are properly re-trained to understand the issue.

Peter Montopoli has extensive knowledge of such boundary issues from his time at Skate Canada, Pelerud and others need to consult with him.

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