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Post-match melee


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I don't know if this has been brought up by anyone else, or if everyone's just avoiding the elephant in the room. But I was hoping to get some insight from anyone who was involved in the scuffle that broke out between our section and the beer-tossing wastes of skin in the next section over. My personal involvement consisted of getting a beer shower at the full time whistle, seeing what was about to erupt between the sections, trying to charge through to get on the front line, and being intercepted by a couple of security guards.

There was one guy, who I was standing next to for most of the game, who seemed to take on mythical status while my friends and I were talking on the car ride back to Toronto. I didn't quite see what he did, but from their recollection, he busted through two security guards to get at the Hondurans and cleaned out about three of them single-handedly before getting dragged off by security. He had a ponytail and a goatee and was in row 5. Is it someone who posts on this board, by any chance? (If it is, I was the jerk in the red baseball cap who was involuntarily hugging you after Canada scored).

Does anyone else have any insights to lend on how this all got going and what went down? Plus, it goes without saying, but security was dangerously ill-equipped to deal with what anyone with an ounce of foresight could have seen coming (especially after the match).

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quote:Originally posted by Bertuzzi44

I was down by row one so I could not really see what was going on. I did see a V chuck a beer in their direction as well, however.

I couldn't stand their post game celebration[xx(]

I saw pretty much the same. I saw one V through a hondorasss over the row 1 railing on to the field. At the time, it looked pretty cool since I was pretty pissed about the game result and the amount of away supporters that showed up in our SUPPOSED sections.

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From what I heard from a few of our people who were involved, the Hondurans started throwing beers down at our supporters and it went on from there. One guy who'd been on the train with me on the way there said some Honduran hit him with a beer so he called his wife a (bad word anyway) and the Honduran guy tried to get into it with him, and ya...

Not exactly the most gracious winners, huh?

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quote:Originally posted by I_AM_CANADIAN

FOne guy who'd been on the train with me on the way there said some Honduran hit him with a beer so he called his wife a (bad word anyway) and the Honduran guy tried to get into it with him, and ya...

Yeah some Honduran clown dumped something on me (it probably wasn't beer since nothing I wore last night smells like beer) as I was walking out of 114, and then decided to try to jump me from behind after I told his wife who was yelling "**** CANADA!" and whatever what I thought of her. At least security went after that guy before they told me to leave...

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I saw the beer get toss but didn't see who got the shower. I guess it was you squizz.

The post game antics were in real bad taste. Someone beside broke one of the chairs and the mouthing off back and forth from Hondurans and Canadians was really in bad taste.

Possibly the worst sporting event I have been to in my life.

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Gerry Dobson comments on this fight at the end. Anyone care to elaborate:

There was the shameful scene at the final whistle of several hundred Canadian supporters in one end zone, swarmed by a much larger and volatile throng of Honduran fans.

Yes there were fights.

I can't comment on who started it, as my vantage point was the broadcast booth.

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I was in Row 5 and I got hit with beer too. I didn't see what happened afterwards other than us being charged by some Hondurans and then it going the other way. I saw quite a few punches thrown on both sides. The security at Saputo kept us inside the stadium for what seemed like 15-20 mins while the police arrived to "provide a police escort" which happened to be out back and into a dark park where they left us to fend for ourselves. To say I was mad at the situation would be putting it very mildly.

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quote:Originally posted by Toronto MB

Not that I'm particularly proud of it.

But I tossed the Honduran over the railing after they had come down to our section to taunt us. Between the drinks and the utter heartbreak, it was mostly an instinctive reaction.

Just glad I got away from security without the law getting involved.

You my man are my hero. In another thread you posted that someone else did it didn't you? lol

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quote:Originally posted by squizz

You know, if we don't make it out of this round, I really hope it's the Jamaicans who do, rather than the Hondurans. At the end of the Toronto match, I was hanging out and chatting with some Jamaican guys. At the end of the Montreal match, I wanted to rip the Hondurans' eyes out.

Haha that is so true. I was waiting like 10 minutes at the bottom of the hill/ramp to the stadium for VPjr and djcuse to get the damn flagpole from security as I'm getting laughed at/sworn at by every single Honduran fan, and Jamaica can beat the living piss out of Honduras twice and I won't complain at all.

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quote:Originally posted by theaub

Haha that is so true. I was waiting like 10 minutes at the bottom of the hill/ramp to the stadium for VPjr and djcuse to get the damn flagpole from security as I'm getting laughed at/sworn at by every single Honduran fan, and Jamaica can beat the living piss out of Honduras twice and I won't complain at all.

^ seconded, none of the Jamaicans I encountered were dickheads like some of the Hondurans at this game. The only incident worthy of note was that guy spitting at our fans, that's nothing compared to what the Hondurans pulled.
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I generally try to avoid generalizations, but sadly, in my experience, the Honduran and Tico and Mexican fans are absolute trash. Jamaicans might spout off here and there, but they tend to be very respectful people.

With that said, there where a helluva lot more Canadian fans in TO, so the incentive to behave was significant.

Not a whole lot class coming out of the banana republics, that's for sure.

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I have to say guys that I personally saw 2 Canadian supporters throw beer up in the air on our own people. That was before the melee started with the Hondurans.

Not saying the Honduran supporters were angels or anything, but I'm pretty sure we had a hand in starting things off.

Someone told me after the match. "What is it going to take for the CSA to realize we need segregated sections. Are they waiting for someone to be knifed?"

The scuffle post match was unfortunate, but these things are going to continue as long as we have opposition supporters sitting in close proximity to us. We do not condone violence, but when you're talking about 600 testosterone laden, beer drinking 18-65 year old's, this kind of thing is bound to happen.

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I don't think it is particularly wise for anyone who was involved in the melee to post about their involvement here. I doubt it would be very hard for the police to identify some of the posters on this forum. Maybe a moderator can remove any posts mentioning participants.

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