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Players not happy with Mitchell?


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Just listening to The Score's podcast this week and about 42 minutes into the show, James Sharman said that he has heard rumblings from the players that they are not happy with Dale Mitchell. Anyone heard this before? I always thought Dale had the support of the players.


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I don't know.

Clearly hearsay but it sounded like to me that the lads are grumbling about some of the conditions they're being (or not being) exposed to during prep and for whatever reason it's falling in Mitch's direction. Maybe they expected Mitch, being a CSA insider, to be able to massage more from the CSA then someone like Yallop or to a lesser degree Hart could. Don't know but it was a very speculative comment.

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quote:Originally posted by Natesta

Oh boy, if this is starting after only 1 game.... I'm not liking our chances in qualifying.

This happens all the time, to most teams. Check out Honduras'

and Jamaica's problems. Not exactly cohesive units (GolTV).

Canada's problems: "I wanted the aisle seat, but Rob Friend

is bigger, so..."

Honduras problems: "Pay me first ..."


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is anyone seriously surprised by this?

Mitchell was a failure as our U-20 coach and should never have been hired to manage our senior squad. He's out of his depth and Sharman had a point, some of our boys work with mutch better footballing minds day-in, day-out and know Dale is full of ****. He has been out managed in both games this cycle and should be fired while there's still a shred of hope left.

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Mitchell' is just copy of lenarduzzi .this time we have good team and they play with lots of heart .we saw what they could do in gold cup. this team is losing because micheal is so incompetent I am sure good coach could take this team to world cup we need some one like ARY HAN (Dutchman) or DENIZELY (Turkish tactician) .The other name for second half called coaches half .the result of second half is all about the strategy coach have chosen with first half game observation .we were wining the game and then Honduran comes second half pumped up they know where exactly to get us and expose our defense .

If Mitchell had a little bit of integrity he would resign .it is obvious he can’t help this team .he is doing the same thing what he did to our under 20

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After tonight, I can see why. I have been a Mitchell supporter thinking that the players were with him, and that this guy was responsible for nurturing much of the talent we now have in the MNT at the U20 level. But the cracks are now appearing in my support. I had no problem with his starting lineup. I can understand why he would go with Gerba over Friend. And for the first 20 minutes it looked like he picked right. But his inability to adjust to Radz injury combined with his atrocious subs...this might be the game that pushes me over the edge.

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quote:Originally posted by FootieFool

After tonight, I can see why. I have been a Mitchell supporter thinking that the players were with him, and that this guy was responsible for nurturing much of the talent we now have in the MNT at the U20 level. But the cracks are now appearing in my support. I had no problem with his starting lineup. I can understand why he would go with Gerba over Friend. And for the first 20 minutes it looked like he picked right. But his inability to adjust to Radz injury combined with his atrocious subs...this might be the game that pushes me over the edge.

The simple truth is .. Dale Mitchell has never coached week to week in a soccer league, not u12 girls not U18 boys .. not CSL nowhere nunca..nada and it shows in that he cannot read or adjust in the context of the game, the right side deep was open all night and Dale never gave is players the order make some overlapping runs into space.. there lot more but what is the point he is in over his head.

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I didn't even bother to read the many page thread about the game (I came to it late after the tears dried) but has anyone talked about Radz's hand? Seriously how many minutes would it take to wrap or stitch? He was playing WAY better in those opening minutes than he did against Jamaica. Could Mitchell not see that? And then the guy he throws on (who was mediocre at best and nowhere near as good as he was against Jamaica as a sub) is later taken off. Gerba gets taken off ahead of the missing DRo? In fact why swap a striker for a striker at that point? Bernier was still on and anonymous at that point why couldn't he have made way? Or even a defender. Losing 1-2 or 1-10 hardly matters (somehow I doubt goal difference will determine our fate). No sense of urgency till injury time. We're not talking about be bettered by a brilliant tactician or anything here Mitchell just got the very obvious moves wrong. What a joke. Six WCs in a row we'll miss. I for one am furious. Sack him? More like beat him down, publicly humiliate him, make him give the money back then sack him. Amateur hour all the way.

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I don’t know what to say besides the fact that I am hugely disappointed.

I think that we had the talent to beat Honduras but we were out coached.

It is rare to see a coach sub one of his own substitutes. It sort of like saying I have no idea what I am doing. Dale you put Hume in there…it is your job to get him organized and playing at his best.

What bothers me the most is the fact that the people responsible for hiring Dale will never be held accountable. As long as nothing is expected of us those CSA apparatchiks will stay in power.

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quote:Originally posted by Trillium

The simple truth is .. Dale Mitchell has never coached week to week in a soccer league, not u12 girls not U18 boys .. not CSL nowhere nunca..nada and it shows in that he cannot read or adjust in the context of the game, the right side deep was open all night and Dale never gave is players the order make some overlapping runs into space.. there lot more but what is the point he is in over his head.

You should get your facts straight. Dale Mitchell was the coach of the Vancouver 86ers for several years in the late 90's.

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Mitchell has now fully proven he cannot coach at the international youth level, and is even worse at the senior level. His starting lineup, handling of the Radz incident, 2nd half subs all show he is incompetent.

Our 'best midfield in CONCACAF' owe the fans an apology. De Ro, Jules etc were pathetic last night.

Iain Hume should go back and play pub league in England. Totally sucked the wind out of our sails. Did he play one decent ball all night?

We are done and it hasn't even started.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

You should get your facts straight. Dale Mitchell was the coach of the Vancouver 86ers for several years in the late 90's.

Tell us why you are so hard up for him instead of sitting there harping at anyone making arguments for his being sacked. If you are so sure of your position come out with it, let's hear it.

I mean, if you like him because your his sister that is alright, you can tell us your his sister and we'll understand.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

I didn't even bother to read the many page thread about the game (I came to it late after the tears dried) but has anyone talked about Radz's hand? Seriously how many minutes would it take to wrap or stitch? He was playing WAY better in those opening minutes than he did against Jamaica. Could Mitchell not see that? And then the guy he throws on (who was mediocre at best and nowhere near as good as he was against Jamaica as a sub) is later taken off. Gerba gets taken off ahead of the missing DRo? In fact why swap a striker for a striker at that point? Bernier was still on and anonymous at that point why couldn't he have made way? Or even a defender. Losing 1-2 or 1-10 hardly matters (somehow I doubt goal difference will determine our fate). No sense of urgency till injury time. We're not talking about be bettered by a brilliant tactician or anything here Mitchell just got the very obvious moves wrong. What a joke. Six WCs in a row we'll miss. I for one am furious. Sack him? More like beat him down, publicly humiliate him, make him give the money back then sack him. Amateur hour all the way.

I was standing in the first row, and I saw a glimpse of Radz's hand...he wasn't coming back. And even if it takes 15/20 minutes to stitch it, Honduras completely dominated us for the 5 minutes he wasn't on.

I basically agree with you on everything else.

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