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You guys got robbed


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US are a solid team; it was good to see how Canada measured up against them. your sentiments are appreciated...it's pretty tough to take. Good luck in the final...the US fans can't be faulted for the referee. the Mexican flopfest against CR was the most disgraceful thing i've seen the whole tournament so Mexico is now near the top of my s hit list. aside from Hume's dive at mid field it was good to see a hard nose style game without the histrionics.

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quote:Originally posted by meteor

US are a solid team; it was good to see how Canada measured up against them. your sentiments are appreciated...it's pretty tough to take. Good luck in the final...the US fans can't be faulted for the referee. the Mexican flopfest against CR was the most disgraceful thing i've seen the whole tournament so Mexico is now near the top of my s hit list. aside from Hume's dive at mid field it was good to see a hard nose style game without the histrionics.

As much as Archundia is evil incarnate (I can't believe I allowed myself to think that he had reffed a good game for the most part, until the end) I absolutely loved his yellow card on Donovan for the shameless dive in the first half.

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sorry the screen at the bar went out for about 20 minutes so i must have missed that one..1 for each side then, but overall I thought the game was played with a good spirit and was void of the dramatics usually dispayed by the Latin teams.

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That was such an exciting game. Sure there was stuff being done all over the field but the drama and intensity were fun to watch. Too bad the game was tainted by that final call. The US has a good team and personally i will be cheering them on in the final. I can tell you one thing, Archundia is Canadas' demon to bear(sp). We all were wary of him right from the start of the game. I guess i know how the aussie fans felt back at the WC against the Italians.

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quote:Originally posted by Blue and White Army

Don't take it out on the Yanks, it was the muppet Mexican ref who single-handedly ruined what was a tremendous match...

As much as I hate to admit it (and as much as I love to hate any yank side), BWA is correct. The Americans cannot be held accountable for CONCACAF appointing a donkey to ref the game.

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If it is all about the money, there is no reason to cite the ref's nationality as influential. It could have been anyone. Of course, organizers are happy with the final, but that is not evidence enough to suggest conspiracy.

I'm still pissed mind you. But the pain is not structural. It's a sting, and with all stings the pain will fade - probably sooner than I think. It always hurts losing to the Americans, whether it's barrel rolling, kayaking or beat boxing. Losing in this fashion hurts more, but the Americans are strong and are not playing to their best now.

After a few days the discussion will change to the positives. In fact it already has. Anyways, qualification to South Africa is the bigger prize. And this Gold Cup semi will have little significance when the quali-games begin.

I like Canada's chances.

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I thought it was an excellent game where the Americans had a slight advantage. Not as great as it has been in the past as it seems Canada is closing the distance, but to get robbed like that is terrible for both teams. US gets an extremely tainted victory and Canada loses the opportunity to go into extra time with momentum against a 10 man US side.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Don't tell me the Americans cannot be blamed. They were diving all over the place, trying to provoke fouls, were playing at the limit always. And got away with two penalties and a red card on the Bocanegra challenge JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE AMERICANS in Concacaf. I personally can't stand them as a football team, for me they are our true enemies.

The US plays at home with home-favouring reffing in every Gold Cup and then has the gall to say that the competition is not good enough for them, that they are superior, that this or that team are minnows.

Next Gold Cup in Canada they will go nowhere. Put it in Trinidad, or Costa Rica, or all in Mexico, and they would not get past quarter finals and their ranking would drop 20 points.

Another thing altogether is that they passed very well in tight situations in the midfield today, I thought they were better organized and have an edge on us. Yes, I think the US is a better side than Canada, not by a lot by significantly so.

But I still hate them.

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quote:Originally posted by BigBird

First all if you at this play in slow motion Atiba was in a offside postion clearly by 1 yard or so, from the time the ball was kick forward. Clearly the ball was be played to another forward who without question not in an offside.

You must be sleep deprived. I taped the match on my DVR and re-watched the play ten times - there was no way Atiba was offside. No way. None.

I just re-watched it again after a good night's sleep and waking up to find your post here. Atiba was onside.

Enjoy the rest of the Gold Cup. I wish the US team well and look forward to seeing Canada destroy them when they have to play in front of the mob at BMO Field in World Cup qualifying.

PS - You shouldn't post the exact same post in two different threads. The moderators will probably delete one of them.

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quote:Originally posted by BigBird

First all if you at this play in slow motion Atiba was in a offside postion clearly by 1 yard or so, from the time the ball was kick forward.

You were obviously watching a different game than the rest of the world. I'll leave it politely at that, but please do not persist in this line of argument, it will get you nowhere. The Canadian team was extremely irate for a good reason.

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Guest Can. in UK
quote:Originally posted by BigBird

I have re construction software and based on the camera angle and field markings positioning of the players both from the center half line and the goal line

He was offside by one yard or more?

sorry guys quit picking the refs.....

The best thing and the professional thing Atiba can do is admitted that in fact he was!

Care to post a screenshot of your findings?

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quote:Originally posted by Blue and White Army

Don't take it out on the Yanks, it was the muppet Mexican ref who single-handedly ruined what was a tremendous match...

That is what is so disappointing about the whole situation - this game (and most of the tournament's games) have been tremendous - showcasing our region in a very positive light. No one wins, when a game official affects a game like that.

If CONCACAF and FIFA what to avoid being a mockery, like the Olympic Figure Skating organization, they should simply get rid of poor officials, like Archundia. We actually have great officials here - the Jamaican official that did the Canada-Guatemala game, for example, was awesome - and the game was decided by the teams.

Anyway, for what it's worth - best of luck to the US team. Hope they and Mexico do our region proud, by putting on another great game, for the world to see.

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Gerba's hand was up because he couldn't believe the linesmen's flag was up. He was appealing right away not saying Hutch was offside. Your JFK software isn't needed for such an obviously bad call. The US defender headed it directly into Hutch's path. Redirection my ass it was a back pass that went wrong, Hutch capitalized. It's a goal.

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