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It's Official: Toronto FC


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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

Sorry, Rudi-forgot my /sarcasm tag.

My bad.

Oh, I knew you were being sarcastic.

But it was just a matter of time until G-man came a trollin' into this thread.

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quote:Originally posted by Massive Attack

Your $50 deposit makes you a Club Member and you receive:

* First Access to the BEST Season Tickets for Toronto FC BEFORE the general public

* $50 against your Season Ticket Purchase

* First Access to 2007 FIFA U20 World Cup ticket packages BEFORE the general public

* Special Club Member prices on Toronto FC tickets

* Advance window / discounts to:

o International games

o Friendly games

o Canadian National Team games

* Advance access and discounts on team merchandise

* Free access to all games of the Toronto FC Reserve team

* 4 issues annually of our team magazine "Free Kick"

* Access to exclusive Members-only team related events and parties

That doesn't sound like a waste of money to a real fan to me.

Wow. That's pretty good. Almost worth it for a guy like me that would only be able to go to a handful of games. Particularly with respect to the advance access to the WYC and the Nat'l team games.

I'm impressed.

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quote:Originally posted by Franky

Does Goof-Man want his baby bottle. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go cry to your mommy!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT A FOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We'll see when 4500 show up in 2007 on a regular basis.

If I'm a troll cause I think a corporation worth 1.3 BILLION can do better than a dull coreldraw logo and the clour grey.

Then I am. Label me whatever you want. But remember it took them 4 months to get to this point. Naming the team after a failed canadian USL entry.

Edmonton FC.

Like I said this has "Marlies" all over it. Rather than Leafs.

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Congrats to our Toronto and Toronto-area colleagues--and everyone else in the region. I like the name and the logo and hope that games are televised. Of course, I cannot wait to see who plays for them next year. Will any of our lads overseas come home? Will DD and Serioux leave their current MLS team? And, once we have a stadium out here, I hope the 'Caps join the MLS and then the Impact.

One note on billion dollar companies: they didn't make their billions and certainly will not keep them if they make the sort of ass-stupid decisions that G-Man would have them make. If they go out and hire dumb soccer people to run the franchise, then G-Man might have a real beef. Though the proof will be in the pudding, and if the franchise can be successful at the gates and on the pitch, then it won't matter who runs the damned ship. Success is success. [brilliant, I know]

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

Oh, I knew you were being sarcastic.

But it was just a matter of time until G-man came a trollin' into this thread.

Dear MODS.

I find offence that Rudi continues to slander me without cause for worry in such a way. If you change the word Troll to Honkey or Cracker it would be racist. His continuing use of the word is harassment.

I think Rudi and Franky (insinuating that I'm a baby in need of my mommy!) should be banned.

YES. Banned.

They both PURPOSELY hurt my feelings, mock me as free thinking indivdual and constantly attack me- and for not for my views. They no longer debate what I write, but attack me personally, which I think is against the rules of fair play and the Canadian way of life.

They are what they acuse me of being.


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Just back from the PC.

Jim Brennan was in attendance and stated that, barring a return to Europe, he'd like to suit up for Toronto FC.

During his spiel, Pipe also voiced his hopes that DeRosario would sign with TFC.

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quote:Originally posted by JayWay

Just back from the PC.

Jim Brennan was in attendance and stated that, barring a return to Europe, he'd like to suit up for Toronto FC.

During his spiel, Pipe also voiced his hopes that DeRosario would sign with TFC.

No offence to Brennan, But I hope our CSA flagship Pro Team doesn't become a haven for every Canadian without a club.

Hopefully he can sign a contract somewhere and not sit out 10 months without a game. And with his skill and passion that should happen.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

Dear MODS.

I find offence that Rudi continues to slander me without cause for worry in such a way. If you change the word Troll to Honkey or Cracker it would be racist. His continuing use of the word is harassment.

I think Rudi and Franky (insinuating that I'm a baby in need of my mommy!) should be banned.

YES. Banned.

They both PURPOSELY hurt my feelings, mock me as free thinking indivdual and constantly attack me- and for not for my views. They no longer debate what I write, but attack me personally, which I think is against the rules of fair play and the Canadian way of life.

They are what they acuse me of being.


I find it hilarious that someone who insinuated just yesterday that Franky and I were gay (and had his posts subsequently deleted by the mods) is now crying about hurt feelings.

"If you change the word Troll to Honkey or Cracker it would be racist."

Nice try. That can be applied to anything.

I just threw an apple core in the garbage. If you change 'apple core' to <insert racial slur here>, does that make me a racist?

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

I find it hilarious that someone who insinuated just yesterday that Franky and I were gay (and had his posts subsequently deleted by the mods) is now crying about hurt feelings.

"If you change the word Troll to Honkey or Cracker it would be racist."

Nice try. That can be applied to anything.

I just threw an apple core in the garbage. If you change 'apple core' to <insert racial slur here>, does that make me a racist?

You have done nothing but attack me personally since day one. You're a bully. Like a racist who uses negative terms to degrade someone, your use of "troll" is used to degrade me and my points. You might as well be saying "Oh here's that nigger talking again, don't listen to anything he has to say, he's a coon"

You don't tell me what I saying is wrong- you slander me personally. Yes, I was censored yesterday. All I insinuated was that the supporters bus to KC would be so crowed that you'd have to share a seat with Franky. At no point did I try to paint you as a homosexual. Which if you were, there would be nothing wrong with that.

And I now I am asking the mods to censor you for slandering me and attempting to degrade me over a period of months, by banning you or at least asking you stop harrassing me.

I await their call.

IT works both ways, Rudi.

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thank goodness they didn't go with one of those italian-centric names. toronto fc makes sense on so many levels it is ridiculous. i agree the logo is bland. i hope this gives a kick up the backside for player development in eastern canada, and toronto at the very least - put the ball at the kids feet and let's go out scoring goals!

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I am actually quite impressed. I have to admit it's for the 1st time in this whole fiasco but that's more directed at the CSA than MLSE & their MLS partners.

First, they're calling it football. Good move.

Second, they turned their nose up on gimmicky sports franchise marketing for...

"The absense of a conventional sports nickname is deliberate," Anselmi added. "We wanted the whole city to feel ownership and we want to provide the opportunity for a meaningful nickname to emerge over time."

another very good move. Shows fore thought and maturity and allows for the Mother of All "Name the Team" contests. One without a deadline for entrys or review by marketing hacks and one which will eventualy be decided upon by the fans & supporters of the team and nobody else. Just the way it should be. (Adding the two above together is very encouraging to me. Maybe hints at a marketing plan not involving suburban soccer moms and their spawn).

Not too excited about that shield but whatever. I could live with a Southampton kit. That's cool.

And third if Jim Brennan was there, and as we've seen a migration of a few other fellows to MLS this year at entirely un-MLS like wages, then there may be hope for a decent squad for this side yet. How they're going to make salary cap I've no idea, but those rules may be a bit flexable. Don't know.

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I don't think the logo is too bad. Actually, it's reasonably nice, although I'd prefer a strong silver to the grey that's there. Maybe they can incorporate some silver into the stadium or the merchandise.

Not big on the FC considering every single piece of written material referencing the team in pretty much any english-Canadian media will call it "soccer", but it's not a huge deal.

Overall I was fairly skeptical going into this (and still am, a bit) but I came out quite impressed after the press conference.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

You don't tell me what I saying is wrong

Actually, I do that all the time.

quote:All I insinuated was that the supporters bus to KC would be so crowed that you'd have to share a seat with Franky. At no point did I try to paint you as a homosexual. Which if you were, there would be nothing wrong with that.


Keep backpedalling.

quote:And I now I am asking the mods to censor you for slandering me and attempting to degrade me over a period of months, by banning you or at least asking you stop harrassing me.

I await their call.

IT works both ways, Rudi.

How does it work both ways? I've never asked the mods to censor you.

I've stated my opinion that you should be censored, but I've never flat-out high-jacked a thread and asked the mods to ban you.

And what a surprise that the thread you've decided to play Mr. Victim in just so happened to be started by me, and is about the one thing (a Toronto MLS team) you've been railing against endlessly for months.

Just give it up. You've been called a troll by (many) others, including one of the mods of this forum. I'm not alone in this.

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I think both the name and the logo are "safe" picks. I quite like the logo, and hope that there's something distinctive with the kit.

I'm more concerned about the blandness of the stadium. No cover, field turf, nothing unique. Mind you, when you look at pictures of Paetec Park in Rochester, it doesn't look too bad finished. The idea is to get as many fans as CLOSE to the field as possible.

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quote:Originally posted by Franky

what a yo-yo this guy is. he has harrassed every person on this board, one time or another.

Look what he did to poor G-L (thats okay lil buddy, thats okay, everything will be alright).

"Lil' buddy"? What are you, Skipper to my Gilligan? :D

My quietness on this & other soccer boards recently has nowt to do with any trolls on here. The closing for the new house is tomorrow & the move is this weekend. That's taken up a ton of my spare time, so much that I didn't even have the time to go down to the Ex today, not even during lunch. Won't go into details but I've also a now got a reason to wish the US well (or at least not cheer too loudly against them) in the World Cup, as most of the T.O. boys are aware of and that reason has also been keeping my very busy. Not that I'm complaining, mind you!

I like the logo, I hope that we come up with a good un-official name that gets used, and recommend that we don't chant "FC!" too loudly when we play Dallas. ;)

A great day for soccer in the city, needless to say.

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Just give it up. You've been called a troll by (many) others, including one of the mods of this forum. I'm not alone in this.

Again with hurtful words. So if 20 people use the word "coon" that's okay with you?

Sad. :( And to think you one of the leading voices of support for Canada's MLS team.

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quote:Originally posted by Gian-Luca

"Lil' buddy"? What are you, Skipper to my Gilligan? :D

My quietness on this & other soccer boards recently has nowt to do with any trolls on here. The closing for the new house is tomorrow & the move is this weekend. That's taken up a ton of my spare time, so much that I didn't even have the time to go down to the Ex today, not even during lunch. Won't go into details but I've also a now got a reason to wish the US well (or at least not cheer too loudly against them) in the World Cup, as most of the T.O. boys are aware of and that reason has also been keeping my very busy. Not that I'm complaining, mind you!

I like the logo, I hope that we come up with a good un-official name that gets used, and recommend that we don't chant "FC!" too loudly when we play Dallas. ;)

A great day for soccer in the city, needless to say.

Glad to see you alive old ginger. Franky was trying to give the impression that I hurt you in some way.

Thanks for clearing that up.

One more Franky slander.

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quote:Won't go into details but I've also a now got a reason to wish the US well (or at least not cheer too loudly against them) in the World Cup, as most of the T.O. boys are aware of and that reason has also been keeping my very busy.

Gee, GL, you've couldn't make it any more obvious ;)

Congrats on becoming a US citizen ... :D

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

I think both the name and the logo are "safe" picks. I quite like the logo, and hope that there's something distinctive with the kit.

I'm more concerned about the blandness of the stadium. No cover, field turf, nothing unique. Mind you, when you look at pictures of Paetec Park in Rochester, it doesn't look too bad finished. The idea is to get as many fans as CLOSE to the field as possible.

Another comparison is Columbus Crew Stadium, which is very basic, yet when full that place is unbelieveable.


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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

Again with hurtful words. So if 20 people use the word "coon" that's okay with you?

Sad. :( And to think you one of the leading voices of support for Canada's MLS team.

No one called you that or any other racist slur.

Please stop slandering me. [8)]

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