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Report from Santander

Guest Jeffery S.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Greetings to all. Got into Santander at noon, after a flight from Bilbao and hour and a half bus ride along the Cantabrian coast, very spectacular bluffs and beautiful beaches. Santander is a comfortable coastal town, looks a bit conservative, still have a Franco equestrian sculpture in a main square- scary stuff.

After a very warm, sunny morning the weather turned overcast and the temperature dropped, a bit windy. Some think it could even rain a bit this afternoon. In any case, it is not cold, should be around 20 at game time. Almost a sell-out they say.

I am seeing Canada line-ups in various papers here that don't make entire sense but could be right, I think that an EFE news agency report made something up and the rest of the press has followed, mostly. For instance, according to EFE Julian is a "fragile" player, not a very accurate description. All have Reda as a sub, so that indicates a lack of accuracy as well.

In any case, according to El Pais:

Kenny; Braz, McKenna, Simpson, Bernier; Grande, De Guzman, Hutchinson, Peters; De Rosario, Radzinski.

That could be possible as long as Bernier is in the middle and Simpson on the outside.

According to Sport, from Barcelona, exactly the same, though they have Peters up the left, probably just an arbitrary positioning on their part.

AS the Madrid sport daily has Hutchinson in the back line and suggests a five man mid with Bernier, Simpson, Peters, Grande, De Guzman; Ali Gerba and Radz.

None include Klukowski as a starter. So what could be made of that?

The last time Canada faced Spain was in on June 10, 1994 in Montreal, with a 0-2 result, Salinas and Juanele scored for Spain. Yallop played in that match.

Luis Aragones has showed respect for Canada in pre-game comments: "If we don't fight hard, if we don't run, we will suffer. Canada is inferior to us, but we have to work hard, with maximum tension, to avoid a disappointment."

Aragonés, perhaps ironically, comments that he has seen Canada a few times on Teledeporte. Implying he has been watching Canada matches in the wee hours of the morning. Not likely Luis, but maybe he's seen a few videos.

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Actually, if you were to move Bernier to right-back and slide Braz inside with Kevin, the first line-up (El Pais) would be very plausible - Kuklowski ommission notwithstanding.

According to one of Neil Davison's reports, Reda is injured and didn't make the trip to Spain.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Here's my day after report for the Voyageurs, photos when I get home, am at a crappy internet cafe in Santander. Will do separate posts by parts as they may be long.


Yesterday I got to the game early to see if I could find Canadian fans, but there was little ambience around the stadium and no Canuck flags to be seen. Except for the one flying over the Sardinero stadium, set in front of the handsome beaches of the same name in one of the wealthier zones of the city, looking out to the Atlantic. I was greeted by the Spanish Federation press people with pleasure, as they confirmed I was the only Canadian in the press contingent (I was accredited for this match as this site's correspondent, also did some collaborations with people at MARCA, the major sport daily). In the pre-game it became clear who would be playing and who not as the subs stayed on the field chatting with coaches while the starters were in the dressing room. Must admit I was a bit relieved when I saw Klukowski would figure from the start.

Spoke to Dale Mitchell and a bit to Stephen Hart, and got a few pics that I will try to get here later. Dale said that the training all week at the RFEF (Spanish federation) grounds in Las Rozas near Madrid went very well, that the facilities were good, and that he thought Madrid was a great city. To the question whether they had time to enjoy themselves, he said that they had a little. Also that noone had been injured during the week and all were healthy for the game. As for Reda, it turns out he was injured in his league game just before he was meant to fly to Spain, a hamstring pull that puts him out a few weeks. So his trip was cancelled last minute.

Dale also confirmed that one of the reasons why Hume was not called was that the transfer deadline was approaching and they expected something could happen. "It is a really good move for him, and for us", he said. I asked whether Occean not being called in was for the same reasons, he partially assented but it seems he was not so clear on this.

Dale asked me who would be playing for Spain. I was a bit shocked they did not know, considering it has been on the front pages of papers here all week, all 11 Spain starters. So I gave him the same run-down, emphasizing the danger of de la Peña and the fact that neither L Garcia nor Luque were pure wings. He was particularly interested to know how Luis Garcia would play. I also gave him a run down on the Spain defense, saying Lopez on the left was more vulnerable, in the end though Radz showed Ramos on the right to be weak.

I also asked him and Stephen to point out Grande and Rocco for me, I was not so clear what they looked like. A few Depor/Spain fans called Julian over and he was pleased to pose for them. A female fan tried to get Sandro to speak to her vid camera, he said he did not understand, but being Italian for sure he'd capture the Spanish. I think she thought him cute. Little did she know what a cute right foot he'd have on this night.

I was placed just beside the one person I had been speaking with during the week, Miguel Angel Lara from Marca, who covers the national team. A nice fellow and quite helpful on a few details about official press stuff. Came away impressed by Radz and thought De Rosario was good as well.

The final comment pre-game has to be that they completely botched the Canadian anthem, cutting it at the start and the finish. Scandalous really. Then they put the Spanish anthem on at double decibel level.

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Guest Jeffery S.

First Half

The game started with only about 50% of the stadium full (in the end it was 12,000), but lots of noise and an optimistic attitude. Looking around I saw three Canadian flags in the Goal East, one small one across from me. Some small double Spain-Canada flags (must add that today in El Diario Montanés, local daily, a general view photo appeared of the east end stands full of Spanish flags and the guy holding the big Canadian flag giving the camera the finger).

Canada played from right to left (east to west) with Stamatapolous in goal, McKenna in the middle on the right and Hutch beside him, Braz on the right vs Luque, Klukowski on the left facing Luis Garcia. In the middle De Guzman lined up in the centre with Bernier to his left and Serioux to the right, holding de la Peña, but not strictly man marking. Up front Gerba stayed up high while Radz started on the left side up high and De Rosario played a bit further back on the right. Though they changed position at some points. Essentially a 4-3-3, pretty daring away vs. Spain.

My general view of the half was that Canada played well except for the area around the Spain goal up to m. 15. We had a lot of the midfield play, our centre backs were not overly threatened except on the goal, the outside backs held well though I saw Kluka a bit slow on a few plays. Radzinski was a bit lazy, De Ro not really on form, and Gerba quite a dud. Kenny good in the air, punching out.

For Spain the players who were strong were De la Peña, who I had warned Dale Mitchell about, though as the half progressed Serioux pressured him more and he lost effectivity. Orbaiz the holding mid was quite good, their centre backs as well, and Reina, who had to save a few. Sergio Ramos was beaten regularly by Radz, Fernando Torres was useless and was whistled (Spanish booing) regularly by the local fans (who also dislike him for league game antics when playing Racing Santander for his club, Atletico de Madrid.).

Here is my play by play, could be some errors in here though:

m. 1 Canada holds possession for the first minute.

m. 8 After trying up both wings Luque sends a lobbing cross in to the middle, our centre backs don't get on Tamudo in their only real error of the day, and he arches back to hit it into the goal.

m. Luque injured from a clean Braz challenge, is out until m. 11.

While he is being treated we see Radz and Luis Garcia chatting, EPL rivals.

m. 12 Spain gets a corner as Kluka is slow covering and Radz not helping down our left side.

m. 13 Spain controlling play ever since their goal.

m. 14 Radz and De Ro have changed sides; Serioux a bit slow handling the ball and in his passing, losing it occasionally.

m. 19 We are getting some play back. L. Garcia fouls in the corner and we get a free kick.

m. 21 De Guzman complains bitterly to the ref after a non-called foul in our half in the middle, resulting in a Spain attack, thwarted. Klukowski still having some problems with L Garcia, not seeming too fast.

m. 22 A Lopez challenges hard and high on De Ro, a brutal foul that should have meant a card. Dwayne recovers quickly.

m. 26 An attacking throw in deep up the left side by Kluka is lost badly by Bernier, leading to a Spain counter by F. Torres.

m. 27 De Ro offide on a Radz pass.

m. 29 Tamudo injured, again a Braz challenge. He is showing himself to be tough. Frank Y instructs De Guzman on midfield positioning with Adrian listening in.

m. 30 We have a good counter with Bernier feeding Radz. Are starting to play better and even dominating the flow a bit.

m. 31 Canada corner.

m. 32 Ramos involuntarily handles the ball in the box, goes to corner lamely.

m. 37 Radz beats Ramos up the left with some cute jinks. The new Madrid signing having probs with the veteran.

m. 39 De Ro playing better, takes a long shot.

m. 41 De Guzman fouls Tamudo in the middle.

m. 42 As the half nears its end, the fans get on F. Torres and in general the whole team, which has lost control of the game over the previous 15. De la Peña no longer as effective as Bernier and esp Serioux doing their job well. Hutch is into a groove in the middle, not only cutting off balls but passing accurately well out of the back. Spain keeps missing passes and losing to us.

m. 44 Radz works well to get a corner.

Same minute Radz takes a hard shot that Reina parries, De Ro blasts the reboud over the net from the right.

m. 45 A minute of extra time for injuries. Fans whistle their team, as Hart gives instructions to Bernier on positioning as the players come off.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Half Time and Second Half

Damn, no time for a beer. The RFEF press person said she'd found some Canucks for me. Turns out it was David Novoa from the Embassy in Madrid, wearing a Team Canada hockey shirt, and a guy named Iñaki Esteban from Bilbao who had CDN citizenship, his wife not. His 4 year old daughter Paula was happy to say she was CAnadian. They had a small Canuck flag with them.

2nd Half

Aragonés moved Orbaiz, perhaps the most effective Spaniard, off the team, trying to give them more ball control with Xabi Alonso.

m. 1 De Ro comes close on a quick play right at the start.

m. 4 Hutchinson in a groove, nice cut off on a Spain attack. He is a fine centre back. Canada starting very well, good intensity.

m. 5 Braz holds very well on Torres who passes to de la Peña, whose shot is deflected.

m. 8 Braz cuts off a Luis Garcia attack to corner.

m. 9 De Guzman draws a foul attacking up the left. Spain makes changes, with Raul for Torres, Joaquin for Luque, Morientes for Tamudo. A severe reprimand to the starters by Aragonés, who says enough is enough and sends in the big guns.

m. 10 Gerba not having a good day. Is not fast to get past his marker, does not hold that well, passing off to teamates inaccurately. Now I think about Jason Jordan somehow. For sure he would have done better here today.

m.11 Kluka holds well on Joaquin's first play, doing better now vs. a world class winger.

m. 12 De Guzman in a hard midfield fight for the ball, falling, getting back up, drawing a foul in the end.

m. 14 Radz more into the play, gets off a shot that Reina saves. Canada is playing really well though Spain has the fresh legs and is also more active. The whole pace picks up for both teams, some of th best activity both ways on the night.

m. 15-18 The best Canadian minutes, we are not intimidated by Spain stars and are passing really well, especially up the left side. De Ro more into it, De Guzman as well. Serioux improving his passing. The outside backs, esp Kluka, very reliable as Spain tries to open up to their wings more to break us down.

m. 17 De Ro has a nice run, dribbling sharply into the box.

m. 23 Gerba is replaced by Simpson, De Ro goes to play centre forward, Radz changes from left to right, and Josh plays up the left vs. Sergio Ramos. They take out Luis Garcia and put in Vicente, Sp now with two classic wingers.

m. 24 Kenny does not hold onto a low ball after a Raul back heal in close, Morientes picks up the rebound from a sharp angle on the right of our goal and chips it in. 2-0. More than they deserve. Kenny had a few other bobbles like this later, his only weak point on the night was not holding the ball firmly on stops.

m. 27 Grande replaces Bernier, essentially to play mid-left, same position. Bernier has also picked up his play in the 2nd half.

m. 28 Radz has an effective counter up the right side, crosses long to De Ro alone behind the Sp defense with Reina committed half way out, but Dwayne reads a good cross wrong and misses it as it runs past him, we blow a great chance.

m. 30 Canada Goal! After a good Simpson run up the left (or was it Grande himself?) the rebound comes out to Sandro, who scores the goal of the night, hitting with his right foot from the left side into the far corner, as Reina reaches to no avail. The Spanish fans applaud the goal and Canada's play, very generous of them.

m. 30 Xavi comes on for de la Peña.

m. 31 Serioux has a good play up the right, his cross is blocked though. Braz holds well vs. Vicente. McKenna gets talking, sorting out defensive positions. The captain showing leadership in a key moment of the match. De Ro more active as well.

m. 35 Kenny has a nice stop on a Vicente shot, loses it but stops it again.

m. 36 Simpson has a nice run and is fouled for a CDN free kick. McKenna going forwards on these.

m. 37 Nice CDN passing play and de Rosario shoots just wide.

m. 38 Are clearing at the back is a bit tired looking, and Kenny has a nice stop on Raul.

m. 40 Rocco gets his first cap as he replaces De Ro, who gets a warm round of applause for his good half. Hutchinson clears nicely off a Ramos cross up their right.

m. 42 Kenny stops well on a Raul header.

m. 44 Poor clearing on the back and Raul gets a second chance, hitting the crossbar.

A Lopez makes a very intelligent foul on Radz as Tomasz was breaking free on a counter in the middle.

m. 45 Placentino has a close shot that goes wide after a fine Simpson play. Braz hits Vicente's face on the last Spain attack as he blocks well defending. The ref does not bite, and we go down with great dignity.

After a few minutes of extra time the game ends as the Santander fans show mostly disapproval. Not sure but I think it was Grande himself who ended up with Raul's shirt as they left the field.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Post Game

Was at the Yallop press conference. He was asked by one journalist if Canada always played this way, or if it was the inspiration of playing Spain. He answered that he had only been with the team for 18 months and he felt Canada "was slowly changing its style, as a way of seeking to get better results in our region".

I interviewed him afterwards, he was very forthcoming.

-Canada had a pretty good performance today. What were the keys?

Well I think we had a good game, Tomasz showed he can be really dangerous and did well. Our defending was strong as well, and I was particularly happy that we stayed together tactically until the end.

-The team did not look tired tonight, many players held up for the whole game.

That is the difference of being together here for a week, we haven't had to move and we did better. When we have to travel a few days before a game it is a lot harder to be rested and it shows.

-We saw Peters and Jazic warming up towards end but in the end they did not get in.

Well I really wanted to get them both in, but after the goal I thought that we could get a result and I didn't want to touch anything since things were working well. But yes, that is too bad for them.

Luis Aragonés for his part, regarding Canada, said that even though Spain is as fast as Canada they were beaten to the ball too often, a result of Canada being in better game fitness.

(This I guess if fair enough, but since De Guzman was also there that rung a bit as an excuse.)

Questioned on Spain's weak attack and the fact that Serbia has not allowed a single goal in WCQ (2-0 yesterday vs. Lithuania) he mentioned that Canada had gotten a goal and had a few more chances, thinking about the need as well for the Spain defence to be tough vs. Serbia on Wednesday.

I could not get any interviews with players, as the area was cordonned off thinking of the masses of press and fans for the Spain players and the Canadians were far off near the team bus, with the police and barrier surrounding them. I did see a few take pics with Joaquin.

The team spent the night in Santander and I suppose went to Madrid this morn for flights back to their respective teams.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Player Ratings from the Press in Spain

From Marca:

1 Average, 2 Good, 3 Excellent.

All Spain players and most Canucks got a 1.

They gave a 2 to Kenny, Grande (for the goal) and Radzinski

No rating for Rocco, a 1 to Yallop.

From AS:

- (hypen) Poor, one spade Average, two spades Good, three Excellent

For Canada every player got a spade, except Hutchinson, Serioux and Radzinski, who got two.

Two spades to Reina, de la Peña and Raul for Spain, but a Poor rating for Sergio Ramos, A Lopez, Luque and Torres. The rest one spade.

From El Mundo Deportivo:

Two stars (average) to all players, except for three stars (Good) to


All our players got two stars except Bernier and Serioux, with three.

As Reina was considered one of their better players, most papers recognize that he had to work to stop the Canadian attack. Definitely a merit for us on the day. I'll await others to do their ratings before I come out with mine, that is all have for now. Until later guys.

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Nice. Reads like you were fairly pleased.

We maybe get a little over excited by these friendlys I think just because we've got nothing else to look forward to (in way of competition) for some years to come. But I would think that the Spanish were taking the contest fairy seriously as well while all the time keeping in mind the real goal is Wednesday's performance. So at the end of the day, a very possitive match.

Braz? Wow. I'll take your word at his quality. He seemed to me a very smart, if limited, fellow. A week in Madrid must have done him good as he sounds as though he was very comfortable in the program for this match. Strong and aggressive tackler? Yeah, I could see that. Cheeta like. It's amazing how different you get played by the enemy when they know you're strong on your feet and can put a boot there way.

So, maybe Frankie's learning how to use Radz? And DDR looking good despite missed chances? Well, some nights are just like that. But most encouraging is the idea that there must be some communication developing up there.

Thanks. It's going to be very hard waiting for Thursday.

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Awesome report - many thanks.

Glad to see Yallop highlight in his answers to you that the defence held together until the end. It shows that it was on his mind and that he has been trying to do something about all the late goals we've been conceding.

I'm also amazed that the defence of Kluk-Hutch-Big Kev-Braz did so well. Hutch is one hell of a special player to be so versatile, though I'd still prefer to see him in midfield (to utilize the full range of his talents) with Kluk in the middle and either Jazic or Simpson on the left since, as you noted, Kluk is damn good but lacks a bit of pace out wide.

Nevertheless, it's great to see Yallop so willing to experiment against such a strong team and not get terrified and go into a defensive bunker as our past coaches have tended to do. Imagine how the result might have looked if we'd had Sutton and Stalteri! :)

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Echo Cheeta's thoughts on Braz. I thought he be in for a rough go of it against Spain. Perhaps the kind of player who makes up for physical shortcomings by playing very smart. Perhaps also rises to the quality of his teammates and opposition. If he keeps doing the job, I got no problem with him getting the call. And so far he has.

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Jeffrey -- just finished reading your informative write-ups from Santander. Thanks greatly for doing this; far more detailed reports than we could get anywhere here. (The local Victoria daily had 80 words today on the game in their "Sports Briefing" section, and that was probably good by Canadian media standards.) I look forward to seeing the SportsNet match replay later this week. Cheers.

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Why is everyone surprised by the favourable reviews of Braz? He played well at the Gold cup and even showed a flair for coming forward. Its would reminding that, were is not for a serious injury, he would have been a mainstay on the U20 team from 2000-01. We missed him in Argentina.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

Player Ratings from the Press in Spain

From Marca:

1 Average, 2 Good, 3 Excellent.

All Spain players and most Canucks got a 1.

They gave a 2 to Kenny, Grande (for the goal) and Radzinski

No rating for Rocco, a 1 to Yallop.

From AS:

- (hypen) Poor, one spade Average, two spades Good, three Excellent

For Canada every player got a spade, except Hutchinson, Serioux and Radzinski, who got two.

Two spades to Reina, de la Peña and Raul for Spain, but a Poor rating for Sergio Ramos, A Lopez, Luque and Torres. The rest one spade.

From El Mundo Deportivo:

Two stars (average) to all players, except for three stars (Good) to


All our players got two stars except Bernier and Serioux, with three.

As Reina was considered one of their better players, most papers recognize that he had to work to stop the Canadian attack. Definitely a merit for us on the day. I'll await others to do their ratings before I come out with mine, that is all have for now. Until later guys.

Adding more player ratings, from El Mundo, general news daily out of Madrid:

All Canadian players had one star -Average- except Radzinski, de Guzman, Hutchinson and Grande, with two, for Good.

For Spain all had one star except a non-star or poor rating for Antonio López, Orbaiz, L Garcia and Torres.

Their correspondent wrote, in my translation:

"The feeling of looking ridiculous did not dissipate, in fact just the opposite was the case. Canada ended up "dancing" (meaning completely dominating) Spain in many parts of the game."

And continuing:

"But the ovation of the night was for Grande, who lived up to his surname with a great goal some 15 minutes from the end. Afterwards, to top things off, it was a pure miracle that Canada did not tie the game."

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Why is everyone surprised by the favourable reviews of Braz? He played well at the Gold cup and even showed a flair for coming forward. Its would reminding that, were is not for a serious injury, he would have been a mainstay on the U20 team from 2000-01. We missed him in Argentina.

For me its because he is slow - both in pace and with his feet. Obviously though, he is a soccer player rather than an athlete and if your going to be one or the other, the former is better. Sooner or later he'll get caught, but if he plays steady game in and game out as he has thus far, I take the occasional beaten on pace over a more regular beaten on boneheadedness.

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Jeffrey, your posts were the most informative about the MNT

than any Can journalist ever reported about our soccer teams.

Your pre-game insight and access to Mitchell and Hart were

really appreciated.

Man, your scouting of the Spanish squad may have assisted in

our MNT's good showing.;)

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Braz was captain of the Argentina U20s before his tournament, and even qualifying round, was wiped out by injury. He IS also part of the best defense in the USL.

Saw highlights of the game on FSWC. Grande's goal was a fabulous strike.

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Jeffrey...brilliant as usual... I appreciate your obvious love for the national team and (being another far flung Voyageur) your attention to detail during those few occasions you do get to see them in action. Hopefully this will silence some of your infantile critics once and for all.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by redhat

Jeffrey, your posts were the most informative about the MNT

than any Can journalist ever reported about our soccer teams.

Your pre-game insight and access to Mitchell and Hart were

really appreciated.

Man, your scouting of the Spanish squad may have assisted in

our MNT's good showing.;)

Actually I kind of wish they had scouted a bit better, but as is the team did well. My pre-game chat with Dale (have to admit that at first I thought he was Frank, dumb confusion, until I saw the other guy in the suit; reason is I am much more familiar with Dale's face than to Yallop's) revealed that they hadn't a clue who was playing for Spain, and this was the easiest starting 11 for Spain in history: every player had been listed at least 3 days before as they were playing starters Serbia vs. starters Canada since at least the Wednesday. Hell, Canada just had to watch the Spain practices at the same facility they were at in Madrid and they would have known.

For me, in the end though, the only possible tactical error was to let De la Peña work so freely for the first 15 minutes or so. Then, after that, Serioux and Bernier came in and closed him down better.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Player Ratings

I am not so good at this, but here I go:

Stamatapolous 7.5

He was where he had to be at all times, cleared well the high balls, was well positioned on the ground. Played out with throws, often accurately and long, and kicks, not as good. Seemed to communicate well with centre backs, no confusions seen. Only drawback the rebound on the 2nd goal, though looking at the highlights again could be forgiven, plus a few other bobbles.

McKenna 7

Very solid game. No errors, but nothing spectacular either. Most of the Spain attack in 2nd half went through him (Raul and Vicente), which is why his mark would be lower. Reliable playing out of the back without doing anything special. Tried to go forwards on a few free kicks and corners, without success.

Hutchinson 8

Strong game, with some excellent defending in both halfs. Perhaps could have been asked for more on the first Spain goal, as Tamudo would have been his man, but as the play was fast and in movement he could be let off on that. Controlled very well after cutting off attacks, not just stopping but moving the ball forwards with accuracy. Not active in offense at all.

Braz 8

Very strong game at right back, taking on Luque and Tamudo first half (leaving both slightly injured after challenges the ref did not consider to be fouls), while holding well on Vicente in the 2nd half. Looked confident and not at all out of place. No wing or striker ever got past him to create danger. Passed reliably out of the back as well. Right now the best deal on the Canadian national team for a pro side in Europe (basically a free transfer in two months?).

Klukowski 7

I thought he settled down better in the 2nd half, or even part way into the 1st, growing with the team. At first vs. Luis García was a bit slow and looked a bit off form in fact. Later, taking on Joaquin, was quite good, even stopping some tough dribbling work from the Betis winger. No real attacks down his side in the 2nd half.

De Guzman 7.5

A feisty performance without really doing a lot in the creation of play. Mostly working in tackling and destruction, though his passing was accurate and he was a key point of reference for the midfield. Frustrated Spain's mid and cut down a lot of plays. Could have taken on more responsibility going forwards I felt.

Serioux 7.5

Rose to the occasion and had a good performance. Is not a strong passer and was guilty of some silly stuff in his own end (trying to back heal and go around Raul for example, which the Madrid striker would have none of), but took responsibility, even going forwards strongly and getting off a good shot and a nice attempt at a cross that was blocked. Took responsibility for shutting down De la Peña and was successful after about m. 15.

Bernier 7

A reliable mid who did not really do anything over impressive on the day. Passes confidently, does not complicate things. Was not as tenacious as those beside him defending, nor as daring in attack or support. Good game though.

De Rosario 7.5

Improved as the game went on, as he gained in confidence and realized he could do things. Was not effective in attack first half up the right, and struck a rebound from a Radz shot way over the net late. Dropping back defending was not to useful: there is a diference between positioning yourself behind the ball and marking, and he was too far away to do this latter in the midfield. Second half he picked up a lot, had a few excellent runs with fine dribbles, and had his head up- now that is a change. Impressed Spain fans and was applauded when subbed off.

Radzinski 8

A frustrating player at times with a certain self-sufficient attitude and occasional odd refusals to run or work, even when its his job. But dangerous when he wants to be, and intelligent. His work up the left side first half ended up making Sergio Ramos, the new Madrid signing (for 35 million CDN), look bad: indeed the press now agrees that he should not play as outside back. Radz could have helped out in defense more, but he still created danger offensively, imposed a certain respect, and came close both to scoring and to setting up a goal. If only he wouldn't play like someone shifting into the wily veteran stage.

Gerba 5

Our worst player on the field, since not only did he do what he could poorly, but he failed to try a few basic things expected of a target man. No runs into space, no attempts to move with the ball and beat a defender, no shifts out of position to shake up the Spanish defensive scheme. He held the ball up poorly, passed without accuracy; the only thing I thought was right was that he pinned down one Spain centre back and gave the other attackers a bit of space. As I said in my play by play, made me think what a guy like Jordan could have done on this day.


Simpson 7

Was able to do the same sort of damage on Ramos in his short time on the field, though in a different way than Radz. Comfortable with the ball, sought out the end line for crosses and kept his head up. A competent sub.

Grande 8

Basically a similar contribution to the person he came on for, Bernier, but the goal was great, here it has made programs of the best of the international matches on the weekend. This alone merits the grade.

Placentino (no grade)

I simply did not pay any attention to him on the field, or at least not enough to evaluate his contribution. In any case, we did not slack off with him on, the team continued to create probs for Spain in the final minutes in spite of having to withstand Spain pressure on our defensive end.

Yallop 8

I think anyone who can help make a Spain team like that look bad, while his team holds down a lot of midfield play even in a 4-3-3, shut down Spain wings, and keep the Spain fans on the edge of their seats until the end deserves high marks. Now all we need is a more convincing striker, and maybe another centre back in there to free up Atiba so we can see what it is that has him scoring as a mid in Sweden this year. Won't even mention the keeper question, as for now we can't expect new faces.

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First class Jeffrey! Your reports are really, really keening my interest to watch the Sportsnet replay Thursday night. Some of us may disagree with you on some points after we get to see the match (or as much of it we can see on the narrow screen), but no one can have any want with your intelligent analysis. Thanks, it is guys like you that make this a great site.

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