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My (probably absurd) solution to Canada's "Soccer Problem"


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wasn't the hope (at least partly) that TFC would be the de facto national team as much as possible at least organically?


They chose Red/White as colours when pretty much everything else in Toronto is Blue.


JDG, Dero, Issey, Morgan, Henry, Kenny S,

Rumours they tried to get Will Johnson, looked at Atiba, thought about Stalteri, considered Lars


I think if they could they would repatriate as many Canadians as possible if a) the quality of the player was at par or better B) the salary was comparable c) they could fit under the salary cap.


The biggest issue I see is the salary cap in MLS, they currently can't afford to repatriate most of the CMNT.


From a marketing standpoint it makes sense and cents.


Obviously with MLS playing on FIFA games days would be bad if TFC had a game, but we have that now.


Whats the difference to TFC if we lose 2 to the USA and 2 to Canada or if we lose 4 to Canada?


Most of the early can/con was due to roster restrictions, but I do think, had they had earlier success they would (and continue to do so) look at Canadian talent first.

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ok.  true. but the league folded shortly so concept never took hold.  None the less,  there are actually valid argument against the concept. namely that we had the comparative advantage  (versu the US) talentwise that we no longer have.   we had better players than the US at that time.  


But my reason for responding to this thread is becasue I was kind of pissed off when i saw a valid topic of discussion by a new poster.   and to my dismay, what do i see?   a dozen or so subsequent posts rediculing or ganging up as if this idea originated from Mars.  When in fact, its a concept that is perfectly valid and discussed all over the world.   


"Hot housing" talent for national teams or national teams deveopment is not a novelty.  It took root behind the iron curtain (ie.:  remember the Red army teams) but has been employed by tons of sports federations around the world today.  The concept that this new poster originated is not totally dissimilar to what we see with world league volleyball.  our national team has shot up the world ranking to the point that we are close to the super powers in the sport. even though (unlike the euro powers in the sport) we dont have a pro league.   They represent canada and have sponsorship with blackberry.  


even in soccer many national teams are comprised of players from one or two clubs domestically.   Look at central american sides.  Look at costa rica!  how many of their national team players play for or have played for Saprissa?   answer:  pretty much all of them.   so what he is suggesting is already happening (un officially). But not in Canada.

Without looking at their roster I'm pretty sure all there players come from just 3 clubs. Saprissa, Alajuela, and Heredia. Those 3 just get it done apparently.

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wasn't the hope (at least partly) that TFC would be the de facto national team as much as possible at least organically?


They chose Red/White as colours when pretty much everything else in Toronto is Blue.


JDG, Dero, Issey, Morgan, Henry, Kenny S,

Rumours they tried to get Will Johnson, looked at Atiba, thought about Stalteri, considered Lars


I think if they could they would repatriate as many Canadians as possible if a) the quality of the player was at par or better :cool: the salary was comparable c) they could fit under the salary cap.


The biggest issue I see is the salary cap in MLS, they currently can't afford to repatriate most of the CMNT.


From a marketing standpoint it makes sense and cents.


Obviously with MLS playing on FIFA games days would be bad if TFC had a game, but we have that now.


Whats the difference to TFC if we lose 2 to the USA and 2 to Canada or if we lose 4 to Canada?


Most of the early can/con was due to roster restrictions, but I do think, had they had earlier success they would (and continue to do so) look at Canadian talent first.

yes.  when the TFC idea was first

t floated. this was exactly what i had hoped and envisioned.  i had mixed views upon hearing that the whitecap would join and then the impact.  i feared that this idea would die because talent would getspread out too thinly.   that has happend .   but the problem really is the talent overall.   we are short in this area and

MLS has taught us that its worst thanwe thought.

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This is a problem of some posters here. In a another thread, the most disrespectful poster in this thread was victimizing about "censorship" and a few others were supporting his complaining. Then he does probably worse in this thread and his "supporters" have zero intervention here as well.





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This is a problem of some posters here. In a another thread, the most disrespectful poster in this thread was victimizing about "censorship" and a few others were supporting his complaining. Then he does probably worse in this thread and his "supporters" have zero intervention here as well.






you caught me.


In all seriousness. My apologies for coming across as rude to a new poster. It wasn't my intention and its something I will curb in the future.


My apologies and welcome to the forum. I should have been more respectful and receptive to your views.



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you caught me.


In all seriousness. My apologies for coming across as rude to a new poster. It wasn't my intention and its something I will curb in the future.


My apologies and welcome to the forum. I should have been more respectful and receptive to your views.



Respect to those that can acknowledge their mistakes.


Now let's all go for ice cream. Preferably on the dime of the CSA :)

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If  we  want  to  improve  Soccer  here  in  Canada   we  need  more  and  better  coaching,  more  clubs,  Ans  as  far  as  our  National  teams  go   they  have  to  play  more  games  on  Official  FIFA  dates   

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