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TFC targetting a 2nd DP


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Awww man, you've got to be kidding me. IMO he's not worth a DP salary, i thought he was going to sign for a max deal in the 300K range and we'd use some allocation money to bring down the cap hit...hopefully there aren't too many guaranteed years on the deal.

For those who want a good breakdown of his career check this out:


One fantastic season and a handful of decent years...hasn't scored more than 3 goals since 2004-05.

Maybe i'm wrong about him and he'll be a beast for us, who knows...

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Yeah that's a pretty bad gamble to expect a guy who hasn't been playing regularly and scoring to all of a sudden turn it on five years later.


This is silly. Take that million dollars and you could EASILY find some good level of talent from the Brasileiro or the Argentine Primera. Urawa did it with Washington and it worked like a charm. There are plenty of guys in their late 20`s (or even early thirties) who are holding a much higher level of play who would jump for their big payday. Hell we don`t even need to follow that formula, it`s just one idea how this could be better spent.

I`m completely dumbfounded how Johnston still has a job.

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If anyone on TFC should be making DP money it should be DeRo. I wonder how he would feel if TFC brought in a 2nd DP?

Probably not too bad. He is getting commercials for Poker sites and MLSE will probably line up other endorsements for him. If they keep him happy, and I think they will, he will not mind another DP. MLSE has contacts and Dero will get his slice of the pie. Maybe not in base salary like he should have given his performance but I'm sure he'll get enough total pay to keep him happy and productive.

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If I am not mistaken I put out his name a few years back, along with strikers like Salva. And I agree with the comments, he had one and a half good years, has struggled since. He is not your best option at his age or level from Spain, not by far.

Salva Ballestsa is a player I think could be obtained for less and would get better results. But the real deal from Spain would have to be Sergio Garcia, at Betis, who was in the Eurocup team. They did not promote (by a hair), he is getting on, but still extraordinary, work rate, attitude, and more consistent than Mista. A bit like DeRo with that mobility, but playing 15 yards deeper, closer to goal.

I once saw Sergio Garcia with the Barça B team play a friendly against Columbus Crew, with Buddle and Hejduk. That morning three trains were blown up in Madrid by Al-Qaeda, March 11, 2003. Never forget it.

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Many options either as good or almost as good who are cheaper. Some young expensive strikers we could have by spending the money on the transfer fee instead of the player (which we know now is apparenlty a-OK.)

There are a couple of young dudes in Uruguay we could get for under a million bucks who would tear MLS a new one.

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Yeah, I've been thinking, seeing as how well Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chile are doing at the WC, why not see if there are players from those leagues, or even abroad, who'd probably be in their late 20s still instead of early 30s, who'd probably have a greater impact than some of the mentioned options so far.

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Steal an "aging" (27-32) South American star from one of the Mexican clubs...wait til he's out of contract and then swoop in. Probably rare to find though, i'm sure most Mexican clubs aren't dumb enough to let good players who are still filling the net go for free.

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How about a CB to fill in when Nana leaves as is apparently the case? I don't know how long Adrian Cann's contract is for but they'll have to pay a lot more given his contribution or he'll go as well. Lets face it if MLSE hasn't learned the value of building from the back out after the start of this year they never will.

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With Preki it should be easier to fill in the defense it would seem rather than inject 12-15 goals.

So second DP has to be offensive in my mind especially since the first DP is JDG and he is a Defensive Mid naturally.

That has been their problem they "filled the defense" with very poor choices. A solid established CB at just into the lower end of the DP range could be a good thing. I'd hate to see them slide back to the form they had to start the year and seriously the biggest change was making their back row solid in front of goal.

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