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Ben Knight: It's Time For Mitchell To Go


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nice read, "In the second half in a hostile Montreal stadium filled with 7,000 excited Hondurans, 1,000 red-shirted Canadian fans and about 4,500 silent others, Honduras made halftime adjustments Mitchell never caught up with. A deeply winnable game became a hugely expensive loss".

man im still pissed off

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MORE POST MATCH ARTICLES - Dino Rossi and Gerry Dobson respectively.



Cutting remarks seemingly begging us V's to fight back extremely sternly.

Protests outside CSA headquarters for one? The problem being of course, we must support our players without inhibition!

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The soccer scenery has changed in Canada. The only silver lining of us not qualifying I can see is that given the current situation, the Sack the CSA movement will be stronger than ever. All the anger and frustration we feel will need an outlet, and they will be on the receiving end. From the fans, from the media and from the players. Pray we qualify CSA. Pray really hard.

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Visa vie...Karel Bruckner and Austria....

Is that supposed to be vis-à-vis? That ranks up there with pre madonna on the ol' Vs grammar charts. Get thee to a dictionary.

In the what the hell? department. Dino Rossi writes...Stephen Hart might not appear to be a huge upgrade to some observers but i disagree. The players respond to him. He has their respect. Our entire World Cup qualifying campaign hinges on Wednesday's game. I'd much rather take the small risk of placing Hart at the helm for that game rather than the huge risk of letting Mitchell run the team. Mitchell has the demeanour of a defeated man and that brings the whole team down. We need an upbeat, positive, vibrant coach. Stephen Hart is that man.

Isn't that the same guy who posted that the players coached themselves in the Gold Cup and Hart did nothing. WTH?

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

Visa vie...Karel Bruckner and Austria....

Is that supposed to be vis-à-vis? That ranks up there with pre madonna on the ol' Vs grammar charts. Get thee to a dictionary.

In the what the hell? department. Dino Rossi writes...Stephen Hart might not appear to be a huge upgrade to some observers but i disagree. The players respond to him. He has their respect. Our entire World Cup qualifying campaign hinges on Wednesday's game. I'd much rather take the small risk of placing Hart at the helm for that game rather than the huge risk of letting Mitchell run the team. Mitchell has the demeanour of a defeated man and that brings the whole team down. We need an upbeat, positive, vibrant coach. Stephen Hart is that man.

Isn't that the same guy who posted that the players coached themselves in the Gold Cup and Hart did nothing. WTH?

I also remember that some posters (including VPjr) suggested the players coached themsleves in the last GC....

Despite the flip-flopping by some, I still think DM seems inapt to make coaching decision during a game. If we don't come up with the 3 pts in Mexico, he shouldn't be allow to make it back to Canada in the same plane as the players.

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

Visa vie...Karel Bruckner and Austria....

In the what the hell? department. Dino Rossi writes...Stephen Hart might not appear to be a huge upgrade to some observers but i disagree. The players respond to him. He has their respect. Our entire World Cup qualifying campaign hinges on Wednesday's game. I'd much rather take the small risk of placing Hart at the helm for that game rather than the huge risk of letting Mitchell run the team. Mitchell has the demeanour of a defeated man and that brings the whole team down. We need an upbeat, positive, vibrant coach. Stephen Hart is that man.

Isn't that the same guy who posted that the players coached themselves in the Gold Cup and Hart did nothing. WTH?

I posted in another thread that the statements I made earlier this year about SH's influence at the GC have proved to be incorrect. I don't easily admit that I'm wrong (just ask my wife) but the fact of the matter is that I based my opinions and comments on information that wasn't as complete as it should have been.

This is me, eating crow...when you're wrong, you're wrong.

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WorldCup 2010Soccer from Nauru writes: Let's bring in the staff of Stephen Hart,Mr. Clark,Nick Dasovic and Stuart Neely and let's maximize Canada's chances....?

Is this guy out of his mind? Stuart Neely? are we going to go from bad to worse? please body don't make any more coaching staff suggestions. We need people who coached competitive men some where, not youth coaches without any experience.

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WorldCup 2010Soccer from Nauru writes: Let's bring in the staff of Stephen Hart,Mr. Clark,Nick Dasovic and Stuart Neely and let's maximize Canada's chances....?

Is this guy out of his mind? Stuart Neely? are we going to go from bad to worse? please body don't make any more coaching staff suggestions. We need people who coached competitive men some where, not youth coaches without any experience.

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quote:Originally posted by Cheeta

Geezus. That didn't take long.

(By the way, if anyone saw Bobby's analysis on FSWC I think he nailed it down the Saputo match to the letter).

Well he was right on with his comments on the Radzinski substitution. Brennan of course was a more logical choice to come in for Rad than Hume, who is not known for his two-way play. Our midfield lost its shape when Rad was cut. But beyond the coaching error, our m/f had very little to offer in the 2nd half. Julian, De Ro and Atiba cannot walk through a game of that magnitude. Didn't have a peep about sitting Rob Friend though.

Mind you, a centimetre difference on Gerba's 1st half header (cross delivered by the much maligned Stalteri) and things could have been so different.

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

Mind you, a centimetre difference on Gerba's 1st half header (cross delivered by the much maligned Stalteri) and things could have been so different.

We've put a decisive ball off the woodwork in both matches ... Maybe we didn't deserve two wins, but we could have had them.

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

I posted in another thread that the statements I made earlier this year about SH's influence at the GC have proved to be incorrect. I don't easily admit that I'm wrong (just ask my wife) but the fact of the matter is that I based my opinions and comments on information that wasn't as complete as it should have been.

This is me, eating crow...when you're wrong, you're wrong.

My deal is, I read things here like rumours and CSA conspiracies etc and they just don't pass the common sense test. Would a real person act in that manner (ie players coaching themselves at an NT level) That statement just did not make sense.

Well, if you posted a retraction and I missed it, I apologize and shall join you in a helping of crow.

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

My deal is, I read things here like rumours and CSA conspiracies etc and they just don't pass the common sense test. Would a real person act in that manner (ie players coaching themselves at an NT level) That statement just did not make sense.

Well, if you posted a retraction and I missed it, I apologize and shall join you in a helping of crow.

no apology needed. I expected someone to notice my comments and say something about my public change of opinion. There's nothing wrong with calling a person out over what appears to be clear double-speak.

I've met SH and spoken to him on a couple of occasions. I was quite impressed and soccer people who I respect greatly have nothing but good things to say about him, which only makes me feel worse about not double checking the fact when I made my original comments about him when he got the TD job.

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

Ben's article further illustrates...that he doesn't have a clue. Just like most people in this country.

Can't fire the players though...so fire the coach.

While I agree with the players having to take responsability for the poor results I still have a problem with DM substitutions, some players selection (Gerba over Friend and even Occean) and the most important: the fact that he never appears to make any tactical change during the game.

I'm not ready to call for his head but I will if we don't take a point in Mexico (and I think we need a win there). I've been equally disapointed with the players and the coach performances so far.

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

Ben's article further illustrates...that he doesn't have a clue. Just like most people in this country.

Can't fire the players though...so fire the coach.

Don't take this the wrong but if you are so sure we are clueless, it would be more useful if you took 5-10 minutes to enlighten us rather than pointless name calling.

it's entirely possible that we are all stupid and you know much more than we ever will....I just don't see anything in your comments to make me reconsider my position on the issue of Dale Mitchell.

And yes, you are right, you can't fire the team. In every sport, coaches are sacrificed due to the poor performance of the teams they lead. That goes with the territory. In World Cup Qualifying, results are needed quickly. If the results are not forthcoming, you can either thrown your hands up and say "oh well, see you in 4 years" or you can be proactive and try to shake things up. Elite Sports aren't always fair but these guys know what they are getting themselves into when they take on the job.

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

Ben's article further illustrates...that he doesn't have a clue. Just like most people in this country.

Can't fire the players though...so fire the coach.

Hmmmm... seems you think you know better than the collective wisdom dsplayed here and elsewhere.

For evidence on our own doorstep of how successful changing the coach can be just look at the turnaround mid season this year with the Montreal Impact and the complete revitalisation of the Whitecaps after Lilly was replaced by Thordarson.

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