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Flyer blitz - July 5

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I know there are several topics already discussing ways to get people interested in the WCQ. Since I'm going to be at BMO Field for TFC's game this Saturday, I figured, why not make a basic flyer promoting the game, and hand it out to people (TFC fans) outside the stadium? I threw together a simple little thing, http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=canadaflyercx4.jpg.

Does this seem like a worthwhile endeavour? And are there any suggestions for changes to the little flyer I've cooked up?

Edit - The emphasis on TFC-related things (players, "this is our house") is intentional. Good idea or no?

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First, and most importantly, there should be a reference to TFC Season Ticket Holders using their...account manager?...to purchase tickets prior to July 14. Very important to get that in there.

I'd try to center the large text blocks ("Support our men's..." and "The Road to...") to see if it comes off better. Very few folks use justified text any more...it's different, not necessarily bad.

I'd use a different colour (perhaps red, perhaps not) on the two Canadian URL's (but not Ticketmaster) - see what you think. And you can dump the "or" between the two.

If it's OK, I'll take your text and mock-up a different look, throw it back here and see what people think. But there's nothing wrong with what you've done.

Enough of the suggestions - I like the focus on TFC, I really like the "This Is Our House" - you could even try a "Defend Our Home", "Fill The House With Red and White, Not Green", or other slogans...but I think you've already found the best one.

Let me know (offline if you wish) how many you intend to do, and what the costs are.

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Thanks for the insight, guys.

Daniel, I agree, too much text can be off-putting; I tried to counter-balance that with different sizing and colouring, but your point is well-taken.

CanadianTraveller, feel free to take the basic idea and play with it if you want. I'm not married to anything in that original one; I threw it together in about 10 minutes (and it shows!)

I'll tinker a bit and re-post shortly.

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Okay, tinkering done. In addition to the original version (#1), I've created a more open, visual version (#2) and another text-heavy version in a different style, as per some suggestions (#3). They're laid out below. Preferences? Further suggestions? I'm open to whatever.

#1: http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=canadaflyercx4.jpg

#2: http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=canadaflyer2cd4.jpg

#3: http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=canadaflyer3fe3.jpg

I'm personally leaning towards #3, myself.

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WCQ Promotions, August 20th BMO

It’s time to get fans around Toronto fired up about the upcoming World Cup Qualifier at BMO. Canada will be taking on Jamaica, Wednesday August 20th, 7:30 pm. Two flyers have been made by members of the Voyageurs as they will be handing them out at the TFC game July 5th as well as other future games. If anyone is willing to have some printed of handed around please do so.



If anyone has any other ideas, make some movements and make something happen.

Our time is now!


posted at usector rpb and nee

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quote:Originally posted by hamiltonfan

WCQ Promotions, August 20th BMO

If anyone has any other ideas, make some movements at make something happen.

Our time is now!


posted at usector rpb and nee

Mind updating the posts? I'm not sure, but I'm betting that Squizz could use a "hand" handing them out. (Sorry, terrible pun....) Mind recruiting a couple (or eight) folks to hand out the flyers? You kinda implied that they could hand them out in Usector/RPB/NEE, but we don't need a ton of help there. Handing out some flyers to the unwashed masses could be a big help too, if they don't mind standing around the gates before the game.

Check w/ Squizz - he's the man on a mission!

(Oh, great idea to pass along the posting - thanks! Count one vote for Melp's, but I'm biased towards anything bright and shiny.)

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Yeah, CanadianTraveller has got me pegged -- a dreamer without concrete plans. :) I don't have much in the way of logistics support or a budget to work with. Personally, I was just planning to print out a couple hundred and hand them out myself near Gate 1.

But if other TFC supporters / Vs who will be there want to volunteer to print out a bunch and hand them out, that would be terrific. Any takers?

(I'm technologically useless, so hopefully the crummy image I provided will be sufficient; if not, someone please say so!)

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How about someone with the technological ability to turn this idea into a 21st century campaign.

1. A hyperlinked e-mail campaign. Surely this could be more effective as long as there is a database of e-mails to send to. Or, it could be just one of those - Pass it on to 20 people that seem to work because I still receive them.

2. A facebook campaign. Not sure how this could reach the right people but certainly inviting the right people (eg, TFC/Impact groups on the network) to an event is a possibility.

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RamR, I'm a fan of snarky, sarcastic comments, but I don't really see what justified yours in this case. Especially since if you've read older threads, you'd see that several Vs already are sending around emails. And if you'd search on facebook, you'd see that at least one group promoting the game at BMO already exists. So you're not exactly discovering plutonium here.

There's no reason the two can't go hand-in-hand. An email/facebook blitz targeted at people you (or whoever is sending the correspondence) already know, and flyers/handouts to target strangers. No matter who receives the promotion, and no matter the medium, as long as they show up to the game and are supporting Canada, it's mission accomplished.

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quote:Originally posted by squizz

RamR, I'm a fan of snarky, sarcastic comments, but I don't really see what justified yours in this case. Especially since if you've read older threads, you'd see that several Vs already are sending around emails. And if you'd search on facebook, you'd see that at least one group promoting the game at BMO already exists. So you're not exactly discovering plutonium here.

There's no reason the two can't go hand-in-hand. An email/facebook blitz targeted at people you (or whoever is sending the correspondence) already know, and flyers/handouts to target strangers. No matter who receives the promotion, and no matter the medium, as long as they show up to the game and are supporting Canada, it's mission accomplished.

I don't think he was attacking anyone, just asking if someone could make our online approach better.

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quote:Originally posted by Melpomenus

Here's my entry :-)


HEY Melpomenus....on your poster you said the cut-off date for purchasing tickets through Ticket Manager Account was June 12th...where did you get that info from because many have called their ticket reps and know nothing about that. I actually have not seen any info that say TFC can prepurchase though their account managers. Was this just a speculation or can someone send the link to where this is fact.

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quote:Originally posted by Razcle

I actually have not seen any info that say TFC can prepurchase though their account managers. Was this just a speculation or can someone send the link to where this is fact.

There's no link.

It will be happening though.

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Message from JDG "Super Moderator" on RPB site

"OK Everyone listen up. I have been speaking with the TFC Front office about the game, and this is what I have learned:

Ticket details have not yet been finalized by the CSA. News is expected shortly.

It is probable that we will able to purchase only through Ticketmaster.

Season Ticket Holders will have a pre-sale opportunity with password.

Toronto FC reps will not have access to tickets for this match.

Please do not call your rep with questions about this match, as they are not involved in any way."

This is what we do know

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quote:Originally posted by Razcle

HEY Melpomenus....on your poster you said the cut-off date for purchasing tickets through Ticket Manager Account was June 12th...where did you get that info from because many have called their ticket reps and know nothing about that.

Here's where I got it... I just passed the word. Never checked it, I thought it was already official...

quote:Originally posted by CanadianTraveller

Hi folks. Here's a rather different concept. I'm not creative, and this flyer shows it. But if someone likes it and wants to run with it, source and PDF available.


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