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The Walrus


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I think there is a bit of a thrill factor here for some about getting written about in a non-soccer mainstream magazine. I am not impressed by this article at all which purports to be about our national team but reads like a propaganda piece about Hart. Who wrote this, Hart's brother in law? Hart is presented as a romanticized version of some sort of football genius teaching our hack football players how to play. A Johann Cruyff in the jungle so to speak. Our players may not be Dutch national team material but I doubt many of them have much to learn from Hart about ball control and creativity. Even the guys in the German 3rd division are probably getting much better coaching with their clubs than with the national team.

Ideas??? When have we seen a team play with ideas under Hart? When have we seen Hart have ideas? He is one of the most non-creative, inflexible, dull, unable to adapt on the fly managers I have ever seen. Not to mention uninspiring. Yet according the article he seems to be some hero reforming bad Canadian soccer and taking it out of the dark ages. In all his writing about how bad things have been in Canadian soccer, why does the author not mention the refusal/inability of the CSA to hire a legitimate coach for the national team?

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^ I think that's being a little over cynical. I mean the guy is trying to buzz up some support around the Men's National Team, and of course he is going to romanticize the experience. And although Hart may not be the next Cryuff, the author does get across his general approach to coaching the national team.

Having an article going out to a non-soccer audience like the Walrus's readership saying what you claim should be said "the team has a crap coach and the organization governing it is crap" is not likely to get any more fans supporting the national team. Clearly the author sympathizes with our cause and is giving it a voice in a non-traditional source for Canadian soccer. To write an article like the one you are suggesting would just be to turn away potential future supporters or at least "well-wishers".

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^ I think that's being a little over cynical. I mean the guy is trying to buzz up some support around the Men's National Team, and of course he is going to romanticize the experience. And although Hart may not be the next Cryuff, the author does get across his general approach to coaching the national team.

Having an article going out to a non-soccer audience like the Walrus's readership saying what you claim should be said "the team has a crap coach and the organization governing it is crap" is not likely to get any more fans supporting the national team. Clearly the author sympathizes with our cause and is giving it a voice in a non-traditional source for Canadian soccer. To write an article like the one you are suggesting would just be to turn away potential future supporters or at least "well-wishers".

You are putting words in my mouth. I never said he should have written a negative article nor that he should trash Hart in the article. The author could have chose any number of positive aspects to write the article about, the growing fan support, the successes some of our players are having with their clubs, etc. but chose to concentrate on one of the least impressive aspects of the team, our coach. Then he not only ignores the coach's lack of significant playing or coaching career, very slight qualifications for the post, lack of recent results and the uninspired pedestrian way the team is playing under him but actually makes all those factors sound impressive. Then he turns Hart into some kind of genius hero who is transforming the backward Canadian soccer scene/team and showing all those players (all of whom who are playing at a higher level than Hart ever did for coaches far more qualified than Hart) how to play creative football.

It is possible to write a positive article about Canadian soccer without totally forgetting truth and accuracy. This reads like a marketing piece written by Hart's agent.

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