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Stalteri has to go


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quote:Originally posted by Cyclops

Time to move Hutch to RB and bring Nash or Imoff in to maintain possession and distribute the ball.

He certainly had a bad game but Hastings was bad as well, and Stalteri still has more high level experience than anyone else which is valuable.

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quote:Originally posted by Cyclops

Time to move Hutch to RB and bring Nash or Imoff in to maintain possession and distribute the ball.

dude your not serious.

I agree that Staltari should be upgraded sooner than later, but Hutchinson is a cop out. Just because he is able doesn't mean it's the best way to fix the problem. If we ever get Nsawila back, he could play there, but he is like Hutch--both have too much of an upside offensivly.

When Edgar or that kid at Red Star Belgrade move into the centerback role, We could push Serioux out to right back, thats where he plays for FC Dallas. At least then Staltari will have competition at his spot.

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quote:Originally posted by leafdolfan

Nash passing = Hastings passing

I don't know what his passing has been like this year with the Whitecaps but Nash's Gold Cup 07 run featured much accurate distribution over a variety of distances. His big liability is that he's too slow defensively for the international game, IMO, as clearly demonstrated in the USA semi final.

Unlike LB, where there's legitimate competition for the spot, Stalteri has no proven deputy apart from Serioux who we have to play at CB. His biggest problem is his offensive side of the game but I still maintain he's a very good player within the back four's marking scheme, especially anticipating balls played through the middle and covering the CBs or sealing off opponents runs from the far post as they try to connect on a cross.

I hope I didn't jinx him with my praise but rather he goes out and has a MOTM quality performance on Wednesday.

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Stalteri's heart and dedication can't be questioned. However, as has been noted, we do not have an overlapping option on the right side as Klukowski does on the left. Can McKenna be put on the inside and then move Serioux to the flank? More importantly, will Mitchell be inclined to shake-up to a back 4 that has only give up 2 goals and not a lot of clear chances in its last 2 games (Jamaica's o.g. doesn't count)?

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by Cheetah

Stalteri's heart and dedication can't be questioned. However, as has been noted, we do not have an overlapping option on the right side as Klukowski does on the left. Can McKenna be put on the inside and then move Serioux to the flank? More importantly, will Mitchell be inclined to shake-up to a back 4 that has only give up 2 goals and not a lot of clear chances in its last 2 games (Jamaica's o.g. doesn't count)?

My feeling on this is that since we supposedly have a strong midfield, we don't need to rely so much on overlapping. The two are not necessarily compatible. If we want a possession game the build up happens differently, and the backs can stay back. And yes, I know Kluka made an impact doing it early vs. Honduras. But still, if you have quality mids the overlaps are not so important.

Keep Paul there, he will be crucial for us defensively vs. Mexico.

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quote:Originally posted by bettermirror

Is this post (the first one in the thread) even worth commenting on???

Yes, Stalteri must go - poor choice for captain when it's clearly De Ro or De Guz. Kluka looks lacking compared to Brennan. Who plays for Stalteri though considering Nsaliwa isn't an option?? NOT HUTCH!

For this match I wonder if our braintrust will go with a more defensively oriented fullback?

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Guest speedmonk42
quote:Originally posted by The Ref

What about Nash's Dad for coach. He used to be a player in England and has coached in Canada. I know he has a CSA Licence but not sure if it is tops.

Jesus. We are not Guam.

Our coach has to be someone with top flight experience that our players, who play in top leagues can respect.

Someone who can pick up a phone and call any top flight club in Europe, and they actually answer the phone.

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quote:Originally posted by JoeSoccerFan

Is Stalteri really the problem? I would say the midfield-forward connection seems to be the major problem. I think the key to resolving this is to move DeRo to the wing in favour of Bernier. This can be with Imhof brought in as part of a 4-5-1 or with Hume up top in a 4-4-2.

Even better, put Hutchinson up top with Friend to get him more involved. He has played there for FC Copenhagen before, and played there during the Venezula match.

Derosario deffinatly needs to go out on the wing though, and Imhoff should fill Hutchionson's spot. Leave Hume on the bench to sub in for Radz (if the need is there).



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quote:Originally posted by Obinna

Even better, put Hutchinson up top with Friend to get him more involved. He has played there for FC Copenhagen before, and played there during the Venezula match.

Derosario deffinatly needs to go out on the wing though, and Imhoff should fill Hutchionson's spot. Leave Hume on the bench to sub in for Radz (if the need is there).



This is all fine and dandy but can we stay in the now...Imoff is not available and neither is Radz. Staltieri has been poor both games apart from his cross to Gerba which would have made it 2..ah Fcku...breath

If Serioux is capable at RB then it is a shake up this team needs.




Yes 4-3-3

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