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owen hargraeves


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i know why owen didnt want to play for canada its

because our team is an embarrasment and any good player

knows that their is no such a thing as long ball style of

play. i wouldnt want to play for a team that said we are

the guys that play the long ball like cmon its not golf were

talking about is it ??

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Guest speedmonk42

Odd. Mind you, you have to work pretty hard to get to see a game, but this person has definately NOT seen the mens team play in a while.

Now the womens long ball crap is brutal and painful to watch, but the men moved beyond that years ago.

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speedmonk what in god's name have you been up to? If you're going to abandon your Beijing faithful at least shoot us a line as to why you're breaking shortround's heart! Paula go great yourself. England beat Austria on a Lampard PK in what was one of the most boring matches I've seen apart from that BS Beckham send off. Have fun riding the pine while Peter greating Crouch represents your almost country Owen, that'll be fun won't it.

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

Soju, Owen will be lucky to ride the pine this summer. I think his time has come and gone with England.

Sure seems like that is the case.

Purely hypothetical question for anyone:

If, as seems the case, OH's time with England is coming to a close and</u> if the cap-tie/eligibility rules changed to allow it, would you welcome OH back to the MNT?

Just curious to see what kind of responses he'd get.

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quote:Originally posted by paula

i know why owen didnt want to play for canada its

because our team is an embarrasment and any good player

knows that their is no such a thing as long ball style of

play. i wouldnt want to play for a team that said we are

the guys that play the long ball like cmon its not golf were

talking about is it ??

England doesn't play the long-ball?? 023.gif

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Yeah, Hargreaves won't play for us: he doesn't feel Canadian. He'd likely opt for Wales or Germany or Burkina Faso first.

But, if for some reason he had some sort of conversion--thrown of his horse by a blinding light, and all that biblical stuff (or in our case, hit in the nose by a hockey puck)--then I think we should take a look at how he'd fit into our line-up. He's got great wheels and might be good on the right flank in midfield. He doesn't seem particularly creative, so I'd not want him on the field over players such as Hutch or Grande (our two most creative midfielders) and DeGuzman is as good a destroyer as Hargreaves is, is he not?

Maybe Hargreaves will crack the England starting line-up for next World Cup, or the next. Mind you, his competition is stiff, and I think the English will always prefer a REAL Englishman over some dude who only claims to be English.

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Let me get this straight. Good enough for Bayern Munich and England, but would be hard-pressed to eke out Grande for a spot on our MNT? That's your opinion?

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I'd rather have de Guzman easily. Hutch too, seems a bit more versatile than Hargreaves. I think OH is in for some tough competition for a starting spot at Bayern Munich, nevermind England, where I'm pretty sure he's done. His skill hasn't diminished, it's just others have passed him. Same goes for Canada. OH might be able to start for Canada but he sure wouldn't be a key player. I wouldn't want him wearing Canadian colours anyway. I'm not sure what Burkina Faso is looking like these days but maybe Wales would give him a try.

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quote:Originally posted by paula

i know why owen didnt want to play for canada its

because our team is an embarrasment and any good player

knows that their is no such a thing as long ball style of

play. i wouldnt want to play for a team that said we are

the guys that play the long ball like cmon its not golf were

talking about is it ??

and your point???

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There is little doubt he would be in the starting 11 and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous. He would be among our top talent group with Stalteri, DeGuzman, Hutchison and Radzinski (who is starting to slip out of this group in my opinion). DeGuzman can play more offensively so Hargreaves could free him from defensive responsibilities. Yes I would pick DeGuz over Hargreaves one on one but any coach would have to find a way to utilize a guy of his level in our tactical scheme because we don't have many players of this calibre. That being said he certainly has not developed so far into anything nearing the potential he seemed to have several years ago and has lost his Bayern starting position. Also it must be said that he made the England team when they were severely weak at defensive mid. He was adequate for them in the games he played but did not show the quality one would generally expect from an England starter. Had he continued to develop he might have and may still achieve this form but at the moment he is not England starter or even England bench material. He is without a doubt Canadian starter material. I wouldn't want him on the team not because I don't rate his abilities but because I don't want players who choose another country over ours and who exhibit poor character.

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Why all the hating on Owen? Didn't he get cut by the u-17 national team?? I know that DeGuzman did. What was coach Tony Tailors reason again?? Oh yeah, "He's too small to be a footballer" Why hate on a kid who wasn't wanted in canada?

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Guest Domi Rulezz
quote:Originally posted by roots

Why all the hating on Owen? Didn't he get cut by the u-17 national team?? I know that DeGuzman did. What was coach Tony Tailors reason again?? Oh yeah, "He's too small to be a footballer" Why hate on a kid who wasn't wanted in canada?

How about we hate on a troll that's not wanted by the rest of this forum?

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This board is very depressing these days, the people on BigSoccer are right about this place.......too much trolling.

Even after a very nice win against Austria there's nothing going on here, I'm a bit nostalgic....I like debating some issues, I think it always interesting, but trolling get pretty annoying.

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

Let me get this straight. Good enough for Bayern Munich and England, but would be hard-pressed to eke out Grande for a spot on our MNT? That's your opinion?

Yes, it is. Hargreaves has not shown a whole lot of creativity in his roles with Munich and England, thus my assessment that we'd be better served having Grande on the pitch considering he is one of the few truly creative midfielders we have. Does this not make sense to you? What would be the sense of having 4 destroyers in the midfield? We struggle to create great chances as it is. We've had some success as of late, and Grande has played a real part in that. Check the tape.

Hargreaves might suit up for Team Alberta, though. I mean, he might be good enough. [xx(]

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quote:Originally posted by The Beaver

Yes, it is. Hargreaves has not shown a whole lot of creativity in his roles with Munich and England, thus my assessment that we'd be better served having Grande on the pitch considering he is one of the few truly creative midfielders we have. Does this not make sense to you? What would be the sense of having 4 destroyers in the midfield? We struggle to create great chances as it is. We've had some success as of late, and Grande has played a real part in that. Check the tape.

Even if by some blindly biased method you conclude he isn't one of the best four midfielders for Canada, he would still be an asset to the team.

I mean, how often does a NT (especially Canada) get to field their first-choice starting XI? How many trophies do you think Chelsea would have won the past two years if they had the same first-choice XI as they do now, but nothing else to back them up? Yup --> ZERO!

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There's no use trying to argue anything to do with OH on this board. It's like dealing with creationism, the holiness of Joseph Smith, or other such items that transcend logic and render the otherwise intelligent mute due to blind faith, ignorance or whatever you may want to call it. Yes, you heard it here first, the anti-OH cult may grow into a major religious movement in the 22nd century.

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