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Finland - Canada Game Thread (R)

Guest Jeffery S.

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The first half was clearly one-sided, Canada didn't seem like a consistent team which is truly understandable. Finland ruled the middle-midfield and did at last very nice movements without losing the ball right away. Canadian defenders didn't seem to play very well together and there was problems all the time - for example too many throughputs by the Finns.

Second half was basically just "playing around". Miller made a tactical change and put 3 guys on the middle-midfield because obviously the Finns were too strong on that zone. They (finns) were able to create many dangerous opportunities because of that. The canadian won single combats rarely seldom.

Finland used all their substitution and therefore lost the control. Canada - 2 possibilities, 2 offside goals (not positive about the first because we didn't see the replays, thanks to those TV guys. Your second was obvious tho.)

Overall team Canada was "shambles", didn't get a clear picture of them. One-sided, that's all.

Anything else you wanna know?

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Ostad (or something, the goalie) made one good save but I have to mention that his kicks were classless and he knew it himself, you could see it in his face. The best Canadian was Bircham (or so). Don't know actually why but I must trust our ace reporter.

Obviously I saw Radzinski too seldom and that tells a lot about tonight's Canada.

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Gotta love Sportsnet. I do usually, but they decided to show the final score on their ticker in the first half...It was still 0-0 and they showed the final score. So much for me staying away from the internet for the day. I encourage everyone to write in about this.

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quote:Originally posted by tukkijätkä

it seems that you can score goals only from offside positions

assistant referees:(

92 minutes played

On the first goal (at least), the television replay clearly showed that Radzinski was level with the defender as the ball was played forward. Being such a slow pass, I can understand your confusion but the replay was definitive. The only blame to be cast on that play is to your defender who was evidently taking a nap.

Re. the second goal, I'm still waiting to see a replay that showed where anybody was on the play. You may be right but on the first goal, you are most certainly wrong.


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Well, watched the game on Sportsnet and we were really horrible in the first half. The only chance coming was Bents miss and tripup on an empty net that I thought should have been a goal. In the second half, the inclusion of DeRosario livened things up a bit and I think Canada was definately the better side in the second half. I thought that Bircham played fairly well, aside from a few giveaways.

The team needs to work just a bit more as a unit, once this happens, so will the results.

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I was surprised we started Stalteri out there. He did not look good at all and we need him in the middle of the park. I thought all of the back four was bad in fact. Too bad Jazic got subbed out early, but he didn't do much. More and more I think he's a left back candidate only.

We started to play a little bit once we got someone in the midfield who could create. With Hume, DeRosario and Radzinski showing back to the ball we were able to makes some decent moves. Imagine if we had DeGuzman involved and Stalteri in his natural position we might be on to something. Pesch isn't a started in my opinion and DeRo and Radz are the key men.

Bent had his moments and I liked Bircham's fire though it wasn't one of his best games. I thought Imhof was really poor today. That's on first look and since I don't plan on taking a second look at that you can feel free to point out his positive points.

I wasn't impressed with Miller. Glad the boys showed some fight in the second half, but the game was well over and a first half of Onstad hoofing back passes at Pesch, Radzinski and Bent was obviously futile.

I'm glad all these great Finnish fans were hear on our message board rubbing our face in it rather than being in Tampere to support a very good team. Your team is pretty good, your supporters are another matter.

On to more shocking developments - I can't believe Sportsnet had the score at the bottom! Shocking. I didn't even see it thankfully. My brother did and was rightfully pissed but didn't say anything until after the game.

Lot of work and we need a lot of improvement in the back if we want to build.



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quote:Originally posted by matthew

I was surprised we started Stalteri out there. He did not look good at all and we need him in the middle of the park. I thought all of the back four was bad in fact. Too bad Jazic got subbed out early, but he didn't do much. More and more I think he's a left back candidate only.

We started to play a little bit once we got someone in the midfield who could create. With Hume, DeRosario and Radzinski showing back to the ball we were able to makes some decent moves. Imagine if we had DeGuzman involved and Stalteri in his natural position we might be on to something. Pesch isn't a started in my opinion and DeRo and Radz are the key men.

Bent had his moments and I liked Bircham's fire though it wasn't one of his best games. I thought Imhof was really poor today. That's on first look and since I don't plan on taking a second look at that you can feel free to point out his positive points.

I wasn't impressed with Miller. Glad the boys showed some fight in the second half, but the game was well over and a first half of Onstad hoofing back passes at Pesch, Radzinski and Bent was obviously futile.

I'm glad all these great Finnish fans were hear on our message board rubbing our face in it rather than being in Tampere to support a very good team. Your team is pretty good, your supporters are another matter.

On to more shocking developments - I can't believe Sportsnet had the score at the bottom! Shocking. I didn't even see it thankfully. My brother did and was rightfully pissed but didn't say anything until after the game.

Lot of work and we need a lot of improvement in the back if we want to build.



Much of the same for me save for a few. The first half was probably one of the worst that I have seen Canada play. right up there with the WCQ at Port of Spain. Clearly unfamiliarity played a major part. Bircham played pretty much as I recall him playing in the past and for that reason he is the exile that I missed the most. Not that he had a great game by any stretch but he does add some creativity with ball and adds alot of energy. But defensively, He was suspect on several occasions and this showed in the first half when there seemed to be poor defensive support from the MF's which created a ton of open space and scoring chances from the Finns. Another reason I favour his addition is his set pieces and this was something very noteworthy that I recalled from him versus mexico in Nov 2000. But I can't decide whether or not he should be a starter. There is no way he should replace stalteri, deguzman or maybe even Brennan or Imhof.

As far as the other exiles, I saw nothing that I hadn't seen before. I didn't recall what Jazic was like, but he was pretty much invisible in this game and likely didn't earn himself any gold stars from the coaching staff. Having said that, it would be unfair to judge him solely on one game.

No one besides you mentioned on this board that Stalteri was moved to Right back. Given the level of experience of those that were placed in central MF, this decision has to rank as one of the most puzzling by Miller. Right up there with the exclusion of DeGuzman. The one good thing about Miller is the fact that he didn't favour the the hoof and run as I feared.

Your point about Imhof might apply to this game and some of his other games in the past such as the Confed cup. But IMO, he has played alot of very strong games for canada such as: GC 2002, versus Panama in winnipeg in WCQ 2000, and versus Mexico at Varsity in WCQ. So I would agree that he is inconsistant but I still think that he has his place on the team, especially if you are going to include some of the others who have been given a lifetime of chances to prove themselves.

The positives, as in the swiss game, DeRo and Rad worked superbly together. Mckenna also should be a fwd as he is much more effective in that position. But with Rad and DeRo that would mean that he would have to come off the bench. With McKenna and DeRo on the bench the coaches could use Mckenna as a late sub in situations were a goal a needed and Pesch to preserve a lead ( if that).

The backline is clearly a major problem as is the defensive support from MF. Yet one would think that we have a multitude of players who play these roles at the club level. That is a strange one to understand.

Regarding the GK's, I have alaways found it hard to fault Onstand for the goals that he gives up, but for some reason, it seems that we have such a terrible record when he plays. Again, this is another strange one to figure out when you consider that Onstad is having so much of a better pro career than Hirshfeld.

Overall, lets not kid ourselves, we were dominated by quite a large margin when the game was on the line. This along with other recent results has to be a major cause for concern with WCQ only 3 mos away. That win over the Swiss seems like such long time ago doesn't it. Oh BTW, the Swiss won thier group in Euro 2004 qualifying

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What I liked:

The determination and attitude. Heartening from a bunch that haven't played together.

What I didn't like:

Our back line. Woe is us if that continues.

What I'd like to see:

DeGuzman in uniform, period. More of Bircham and Bent winning balls; more of those runs off the ball and DeRo and Radz together again and again and again.

Great servants but time to head off:

We gotta start incorporating more of the young guys. Buh-bye to Onstad, Watson (thanks, but time has ticked by) and even the threat of Dasovic[xx(]. Time for Kenny S., Marco Reda and other youngsters.

What we need:

Time together and everyone dedicated to wearing the shirt.


What did everyone think of Principe? I actually liked him better than Gerry Dobson (sorry, GD).

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Curious about Staltieri: usually plays central midfield for Canada but plays right back or right wingback for Werder Bremen. Didn't look that effective today at right back (until the second half) so probably should be back in a holding role in central midfield.

Bircham has a good motor but seemed careless with his decision making; not the first choice as the midfield playmaker, probably would prefer to see DeGuzman.

Imhoff as the holding midfielder seemed lost; provided little of the defensive shield in front of the central defenders; hardly knew he was on the field.

Hope we can keep De Rosario and Radzinski together.

Bent: works hard, gives the ball away, not sure what to make of him.

Jazic: fairly anonymous probably because he had to play in front of Hastings.

Hastings: when beaten I wasn't sure if he was sprinting back on his recovery runs or mowing the lawn. Slow! (is this the same guy who scored the Gold Cup winning goal vs Mexico?)

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I just love how all of these Finnish idiots are complaining about the allegedly offside Canadian goals (even though the first one was clearly on-side, by any angle the cameras showed), when all the time keeping quiet about the two obvious & flagrant fouls in the box that the Fins got away with. Note to the ref - when a keeper comes out & misses the ball but takes the feet out from under an opposing player, that's a penalty, even if that player has dreadlocks. And I believe it was Imhof who got that push in the back just before Canada's second goal. I do think the 2nd goal was offside, though it's not offside if Radzinski keeps it himself & scores (as he could have easily done). The far left defender was keeping him on-side when he received the Bircham pass - I even paused by VCR to confirm it :) - but De Rosario was offside, and we can hardly argue that he wasn't interfering in the play since he scored the goal! However, given that we were denied two penalties, I don't think the Fins can harp on about the officiating. And I don't know why they'd want to since they won the bloody game.

In any event, we played so poorly in the first half through disorganziation that we didn't really deserve to win, but the #1 positive for me is that the players played the 2nd half as though it meant something, even though it was a meaningless friendly. I also like the way we tried to play in that half, which was an attempt at possession-oriented football. It looks to me as though Miller wasn't trying deliberately to play that long-aerial-ball style that I despise (and which we are no good at), but due to his choice of certain personnel at the back, we were doing so in the first half. Certain players back there are not talented enough on the ball to do anything with it, so we ended up seeing a million back-passes to Onstad which led to high, aimless aerial balls that (to no one's surprise) our 5 foot 6 strikers could not come down with against their 6 foot counterparts. In the second half we were not only much more organized, but tried to play the ball to foot, and were certainly a lot more successful at it.

I thought Jazic showed a lot more skill than I've ever seen Hastings show, both offensively & defensively - he didn't seem invovled as much, but difficult to say if that's simply because of unfamiliarity with his teammates. Nice to see him there though, we certainly need to get him staring more often rather than Hastings at left back (especially after watching Hastings & Watson combine for that first Finnish goal).

I am also un-convinced about Miller's selections in other respects - why play Stalteri at right back when you could play Imhof, Bent, Nsaliwa or Pozniak back there? It seemed like such a terrible waste, and Nsaliwa should have been used at some point.

I suppose we should cut them some slack for being so disorganized in the first half, but really it just means we need more games, because this always seems to happen (remember a certain 3-0 Egyptian lead at the half?). The match was encouraging in some respects (mainly team attitude & style of play in 2nd half), but there are still many discouraging aspects that I hope a new coach will get rid of - he'll have to if we want to make it - and the one hope there is that we actually have the tools to do so, should we seek to use them

PS. Yes Principe was much better than Dobson - and I think he must read this board as he knows his stuff. :)

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