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Friendly - England vs. Canada - April 7, 2013 [R]


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Another lacklustre from Herdman's team. Don't understand what are they playing at.

He knows his problems tactical problems and mind set problems on the team, they are going to be solved by shipping out some of the veterans, and no veteran is safe, if they think they are they can pull the blankets over their heads and cry in their bedrooms for six months when they are told its over.

The friendlys do not matter, they are run outs and not meaningfull we do not have meaningfull game until 2015.

No qualifiers, no cups, no way to make the players compete unless its self motivated for the veterans that is not happening.

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I echo the sentiments already posted. The only thing I'd like to add is Buchanan continues to impress. She's tremendously composed.

Indeed, Buchanan at 17 years of age is playing far better that the veterans put together. If Herman is going to cut the veterans, he should have done that by now. Pussy footing with doing changes as to not upset anybody is not strong enough from a coach. Again Moscato, McLeod and Buchanan carried the whole team. The rest were not more than also runs, perhaps Matheson is an exception. The new blood seems to bring spark to the team but they are put in too late.

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Indeed, Buchanan at 17 years of age is playing far better that the veterans put together. If Herman is going to cut the veterans, he should have done that by now. Pussy footing with doing changes as to not upset anybody is not strong enough from a coach. Again Moscato, McLeod and Buchanan carried the whole team. The rest were not more than also runs, perhaps Matheson is an exception. The new blood seems to bring spark to the team but they are put in too late.
Not to late but getting there, I note you did not mention Sinclair, thats the elephant in the room, the CSA is funding the old guard to play in the new Women's league, so those players think they are un-touchable cause the CSA would have egg on face paying them a salary then not having them on the squads. Herdman cannot cut Sinclair yet, and he is in a tight spot trying to change our tactics and mix of players as long as she is viewed as being Canadian women's soccer, she has lot supporters in the back rooms, Herdman is building his creds but he cannot do a drop her from the team to wake her up ... process cause he wont be supported by the bloggers ( see Squizz ) or the casual sports reporter, see all the talking heads, they will rip him apart if he drops her too soon and does not get results.
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I pretty much have to echo what is being said. I'm not yet ready to anoint Buchanan as the second coming but considering her age, she doing ok so far. Not sure what bringing in a close to 26 year old Kylla Sjoman was meant to accomplish aside from having a look. Usually I'm the last one worried about a player's age if they can do the job but seeing as the intent is to build for 2015, it's kind of puzzling although Sesselmann made her debut at 28.

I agree that Moscato and McLeod seem to be improving while some of the other vets have regressed the past few games. If they don't/can't raise their game it looks like it's time for some of the vets to become depth players on the pine. They also got to get another keeper in there ie Labbe or D’Angelo etc to get some experience pre-2015

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Herdman cannot cut Sinclair yet, and he is in a tight spot trying to change our tactics and mix of players as long as she is viewed as being Canadian women's soccer, she has lot supporters in the back rooms, Herdman is building his creds but he cannot do a drop her from the team to wake her up ... process cause he wont be supported by the bloggers ( see Squizz ) or the casual sports reporter, see all the talking heads, they will rip him apart if he drops her too soon and does not get results.
It's a ridiculous idea to begin with. Nobody on the team has close to her talent. She could use a wakeup call, I agree, we all can when we get complacent but that will come when her cronies start to get dropped. Let's not forget she has been the face of Canadian soccer almost since she was 16 years old, she could use a break but until someone comes to take the crown (and I haven't seen it yet or even close) she's still Queen Christine.

Besides, I doubt by the way Herdman speaks about her that's he's even contemplated dropping her. In this omni present multi media platform world we live in, if you have nothing good to say you say nothing. Herdman has always been effusive with his praise of Sinclair.

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It's a ridiculous idea to begin with. Nobody on the team has close to her talent. She could use a wakeup call, I agree, we all can when we get complacent but that will come when her cronies start to get dropped.

It's a thin line guys. The women got a LOT of support after the London games, after the loss to the US in the Semis and then the Bronze Medal victory. Then FIFA suspends Sinclair, everyone back home is in an uproar. Canada goes to China to play a tournament without Sinclair and doeas fairly well. I even rmbr writing in one of the threads that I was happy that the team played without Sinclair. She is still an amazing player I think she will show it in the game against the US @ BMO Field, as nothing makes our blood rise more than a game against the US. I could see Sinclair staying with the team to 2015 and later taking on a role as an ambassador for the CSA or something like that.

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Herdman cannot cut Sinclair yet, and he is in a tight spot trying to change our tactics and mix of players as long as she is viewed as being Canadian women's soccer, she has lot supporters in the back rooms, Herdman is building his creds but he cannot do a drop her from the team to wake her up ... process cause he wont be supported by the bloggers ( see Squizz ) or the casual sports reporter, see all the talking heads, they will rip him apart if he drops her too soon and does not get results.

Wow, thanks for reading my mind and knowing what I would write in a hypothetical situation. Sure saves me the trouble of doing it, since you seem to be ever-so-certain about your prognostications.

For what it's worth, I've been saying for a while that this team relies far too heavily on Sinclair -- and has for years -- and that when she retires in a few years or whenever it is, the drop-off will be potentially catastrophic for the program if plans aren't put in place to prepare for that eventuality.

So if Herdman decided he was going to drop Sinclair from some of these friendlies in 2013 or 2014 to send a message that no one is untouchable, or as a means of evaluating the goal-scoring talent he'll have at his disposal in the years to come, I would actually support that.

If you're talking about dropping Christine Sinclair from the squad entirely at this point, well, that's a different story. I could give you my opinion, but I won't bother, since you seem content putting words in my mouth as it is anyway.

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For what it's worth, I've been saying for a while that this team relies far too heavily on Sinclair -- and has for years -- and that when she retires in a few years or whenever it is, the drop-off will be potentially catastrophic for the program if plans aren't put in place to prepare for that eventuality.

You see you are at it again ... potentially catastophic if Sinclair is gone, but my feelings are that if Sinclair is retired from national team duty, there are players to be found and brought in and the team can move on to a more fluid style that can be sustained long term. You see a sharp falling off, and I see the team that needs to let players in the pool emerge to lead.

So if Herdman decided he was going to drop Sinclair from some of these friendlies in 2013 or 2014 to send a message that no one is untouchable, or as a means of evaluating the goal-scoring talent he'll have at his disposal in the years to come, I would actually support that.

So if you support a dropping of an eligible Sinclair why not write about it ? You have not done so yet and you have been a Sincliar fan for as long as you have been blogging about the National Women's team, sitting Sinclair for six months would be good, for the team and her as person and player. It would let her concentrate on her pro career and play meaningfull games every week. That would be a plus.

If you're talking about dropping Christine Sinclair from the squad entirely at this point, well, that's a different story. I could give you my opinion, but I won't bother, since you seem content putting words in my mouth as it is anyway.

Hey I am open to your opinion, but I am not sure you want to put it out terms of her leadership ability, which I regard in off field terms as questionable, to me the heart and soul of the currrent senior players is Matheson, Sinclair leads when she scores, but does not lead her team in terms of of the pitch involvement from what i have seen.

Perhaps you want to reach out to some of the former players and ask some off the record questions.... I would love to hear what they say to you in terms of Sinclairs leadership over the years. The responses they give you might shape your opinions as this squad moves forward under Herdman, whether he lets her go before 2015 or after if he is renewed.

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So... because *you* believe that Sinclair should be dropped, and because *you* believe that teammates would say that her leadership isn't all it's made out to be, *I* should come out writing about how she should be dropped, and *I* should embark upon a mission to root out these players for no discernible purpose other than to produce a hatchet job on one of the greatest Canadian soccer players ever.

Well, if we both worked for a media outlet where you were my boss, I suppose I wouldn't really have a choice. But then, I'd also collect a paycheque every two weeks for doing it. This scenario, of course, is not in any way a reflection of reality.

Therefore, how about this: I continue writing about the subjects that I find interesting, and arguing the positions that I honestly believe in. And if you feel your opinions deserve a wider audience, I can gladly direct you to one of the many websites that will allow you to create a blog easily and free of charge.

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Don't quote me on this, but I thought she wanted to stay until 2016 if possible and play at the Rio Olympics. She's played at Old Trafford, why not Maracanã?

The way some of the Building issues are being reported Regarding Rio 2016, no one might be playing there.

I'm jesting of Course.

But I would agree that the Central Contract thing, added to the less than educated press media. could become a burden on Herdman's back. Imagine an ex-hockey Anchor on a general sports desk, screaming for the boss'l head because her leaves her out due to lack of form? Not that SHE EVER LOSES FORM!

My own knowledge Central contracts is really limited to those used by the ECB in connection with international cricket, which in some extent take the pressure of the Managers back as teams are drawn up by a selection body.

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Therefore, how about this: I continue writing about the subjects that I find interesting, and arguing the positions that I honestly believe in. And if you feel your opinions deserve a wider audience, I can gladly direct you to one of the many websites that will allow you to create a blog easily and free of charge.

So your implied message ... you will write what you want, fair enough, but do not let anyone critic your opinion or viewpoints ?

Seriously you are getting all upset cause you have one view about Sinclair, I have another, you would rather argue over me commenting that if Herdman dropped her the bloggers and I inserted ( see Squizz ) would then come down on him .... yet here you are coming down on me ( which is fine I can make my own way in life ) but the reality in your responses today is you will protect you view of Sinclair as "being one of the greatest players who ever played the game...." (and yes you have written that or at least a very close paraphrase of it ) your invested in her and your opinion of her as person and player, no problem, but dont think your viewpoint is not capable of being countered ... here in the forums.

If thats an issue for you dont respond on the forums, as to whether I need your help in becoming a blogger should I so chose... not my metier as they say, your the wordsmith, I am just a fan of the game and the national teams.

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It's evident you've missed the actual point of my previous messages, so let me be as clear as I can. I've decided to weigh in because *you* saw fit to presume what my thoughts would be on a situation that has not happened (i.e. that if Herdman decided to drop Sinclair, that I wouldn't support the move).

You decided to specifically call me out, for whatever reason. You didn't need to write "(see Squizz)", but you did. Perhaps you thought I wouldn't read it, or wouldn't follow up on it. But guess what, I did... and when you're going to call out a specific person, you can't be surprised or play the victim when they actually respond to what you've said.

Whether or not I've shown myself to be a fan of Christine Sinclair's (I have, and I've made no secret of it) or whether or not I would support Herdman in that hypothetical situation (I don't know what I'd do, since the situation *hasn't happened*) makes absolutely no difference to the point I am making. I'm not "coming down on" you because we have differing opinions on Christine Sinclair; in fact, you've actually raised an interesting point about her place with the CanWNT going forward. What I take "issue" with is having my name specifically attributed to a statement or viewpoint that I have not expressed.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion of Christine Sinclair, or any other subject they choose. But people are not entitled to attribute statements or opinions to another person unless that person has actually made that statement or expressed that opinion. Surely we can all agree on that, regardless of who the involved parties are, no?

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I can gladly direct you to one of the many websites that will allow you to create a blog easily and free of charge.
Don't bother because the post by Trillium is one of the most ludicrous I've ever read. Just reeks of the old anti-CSA there are better players out there routine but you never get to find out who the "better" players are.

Yes, put our only truly world class player out to pasture because the others can't keep up with her and no one has emerged to lead. Sinclair should be blamed because the other players can't step up when she's around? Ridiculous! So we can't have world class players anymore because the rest of the players will sit back and let them do all the work? The whole premise is goofy.

Sinclair is a reluctant leader and I highly doubt she chose to be in that position, she leads by example. Matheson heart and soul? LeBlanc is likely the team "leader"

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Yes, put our only truly world class player out to pasture because the others can't keep up with her and no one has emerged to lead.

So in your view Joe... we only have one "truly" world class player, I am sure the other players with Bronze olympic medals all agree that they do not come up to be world class, and they know Sinclair was the only reason they were on the pitch to feed her balls.

Sinclair is a reluctant leader and I highly doubt she chose to be in that position, she leads by example.

Essentially in a team sport a player can only lead by example on the pitch, other leadership attributes for a team have to be exhibited off the field, with coaches and relationships with them and with other players, demanding excellence and hard work to achieve team goals, if you feel Sinclair does this good on you, I do not, it is a difference of opinion, but of one thing I am sure, she is not the only "world class" player on the Canadian Women's National team as you have said.

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