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Portland bid hits Brick Wall


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This sets up an interesting situation.

Does the MLS stall the process until Ottawa City Council votes in April?

If Garber waits till March 19 to help Portland get its vote from City Council...

then why not stall the announcement till May to get Ottawa in?

I see no argument why they shouldn't. Do you?

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quote:Originally posted by SteveBeau

You guys should read some of the comments the readers posted after the article, the ignorance is mind-boggling!!!

Here is one of the gems:

"having a soccer team would make us a second or third class sports city."

Wow [?][?]

In fairness, maybe the poster currently thinks Portland is a fourth-class sports city, and that MLS would improve things.

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I think it was Dobson's article that pointed out that Vancouver will be on the only city announced the week of March 19. I would have to agree as both Portland and Ottawa are in no position to commit now let alone the MLS cut off date.

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I have no idea how having a MLS team makes you a fourth class sports city.

So is Paulson pissed off? Why doesn't he ask his Dad (the former Treasury Secretary) for some money?

After all, it was his Dad Henry that ran Goldman Sachs and gave $ 700 BILLION to the big banks.

If Henry (part owner of the Beavers) has $ 700 BILLION for the banks, why doesn't he have $ 120 million for MLS / PGE upgrades?

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No, Paulson wants the City of Portland to fork out $ 85 million in taxpayer-backed bonds to fund:

1. improvements to PGE Park to make it more soccer friendly

2. build a new Baseball Stadium near the Rose Garden for the Beavers.

Paulson owns both teams. Paulson would kick in the $ 40 million expansion fee if the City of Portland agrees to $ 85 million from the taxpayers to fund both stadium projects.

The City owns PGE Park.

In contrast, Greg Kerfoot is proposing to build Vancouver's Waterfront Stadium entirely with his own funds; not a penny of taxpayer money.

Quite a contrast eh? Kerfoot's Stadium is a GIFT to Vancouver.

In Portland, Paulson's Dad Henry gives $ 700 BILLION to the banks as a THANK YOU for screwing up the world's economy, but they ask the Portland taxpayers to foot the bill for the stadiums.

And remember that Henry Paulson is part owner of the baseball Beavers.

The American way always makes sense

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The Portland vote comes down to two swing votes. There are five voting members of the council and right now they have one that will absolutely support it and one that will absolutely not support it. The mayor has said that he's pretty much going to support the task force recommendations, which were positive. So that's two votes for and one against with two unknown. If one of those supports the plan Portland it in.

If not...

Yeah, they’ll likely wait to April 22 to see what Ottawa does. If St. Louis were going to get a team it would have been named at the draft. It might be $9 million (as I reported) it might be $15. But the bottom line is that it isn't enough.

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If the talks fail, could they relocate the Beavers? Put the Beavers up for sale? Move the Beavers to Vancouver?

We lost our AAA team to Sacramento. The Canadians are just single A.

And what's the Ottawa stadium situation presently? All the talk has simmered down

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quote:Originally posted by lazlo_80

Wow, did not see that coming. Good news for Ottawa.

Dude, every single team could drop out leaving just Vancouver and Ottawa, and Ottawa still won't get in. MLS would CRAWL back to Montreal...BEGGING them to come back before it ever came to Ottawa.

You guys keep dreaming...but Ottawa is merely a bargaining chip. I'm sorry to keep having to say so.

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

Dude, every single team could drop out leaving just Vancouver and Ottawa, and Ottawa still won't get in. MLS would CRAWL back to Montreal...BEGGING them to come back before it ever came to Ottawa.

You guys keep dreaming...but Ottawa is merely a bargaining chip. I'm sorry to keep having to say so.

I hate to say it because I would love to see 4 or more Canadian teams in the top league but I have to agree with your assessment. Yes Garber has said very nice things about Ottawa but when he speaks think "used car salesman" and you will understand what he really means.

Get something going on the USL1 side and build from there. I really think Garber was/is using Ottawa to force Montreal's hand. Saputo just can't be intimidated into bad business. Montreal may get in this round or they may have to wait for a relocation but they will get in and on their terms not MLS's.

I think if Portland can't and Miami won't then Garber will bend the rules for St Louis before he would let Ottawa in. Just the way MLS is.

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quote:Originally posted by Calgary Boomer

Dude, every single team could drop out leaving just Vancouver and Ottawa, and Ottawa still won't get in. MLS would CRAWL back to Montreal...BEGGING them to come back before it ever came to Ottawa.

You guys keep dreaming...but Ottawa is merely a bargaining chip. I'm sorry to keep having to say so.

I think Joey is more and more comfortable with USL-1 and its revenue potential winning the Voyageurs cup is easier from the USL then from the MLS, and the Champions league revenue stream is enticing, pick up the Scientifico as striker and you can bet Montreal will beat TFC this year.

He could easily be loaned out in the off season to help Montreal make its run once the Mexican season is over.

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