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Nash for Gold Cup


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agreed, are there better options? definitely. but i don't think he is any worse in his position in comparison to say Braz, Gervais, Poz, or Reda are in theirs and those players don't seem to get nearly the same vitriol as Nash does

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I have no problem with him coming in the last 15-20 minutes of a game if we have stalled and need something to happen. I really don’t think the comparisons to Carlo are fair. Regardless of his suggested lack of speed, he seems to have the ability to make things happen when he is in a position to cross the ball.

Interesting stat:

“He established a new team record for longest ironman streak, playing 69 consecutive games over three seasons. The record had previously belonged to Domenic Mobilio with 98 games from 1990 to 2005.”

Seems to be fit at least and he is a veteran of this tournament. My sentimentality may be clouding my judgement.

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quote:Originally posted by brandon

agreed, are there better options? definitely. but i don't think he is any worse in his position in comparison to say Braz, Gervais, Poz, or Reda are in theirs and those players don't seem to get nearly the same vitriol as Nash does

Braz and Gervais started getting called up with sutton and grande when montreal had like an unbeaten season or something like that, They were completely in another class then the rest USL at that time and this was before Toronto FC, I think a star player on a normal USL team may be just about bordeline either way on the depth chart and I can't exactly agree because I don't think he's as good a player as Braz, Reda or Poz (on his day). Not to say I don't think Nash should be given a chance, I just don't at all agree with the comparison.

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I was thinking of making the trip to Florida but now I'm reconsidering. I want to see Hirschfeld, Radzinski, Stalteri, Simpson, Nsaliwa...not Sutton, Nash, Gervais etc. I don't care how good you are, if you are playing USL1 you should not be considered for the national team. It is not a high enough level. With all the players we have playing in Europe and MLS, there should be no need to call up these players either. In fact, throw Reda on that list too cause he looks USL at best.

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Guest Dave
quote:Originally posted by stacks

If Nash is so good then why hasent Toronto FC picked him up yet?

Because Mo is waiting for Frank Yallop to sign him for the Galaxy... than MoJo can trade a first round draft pick and allocation money to LA for him.... and then Mo will turn around and cut Nash from the roster the next week when he signs some 35 year old journeyman from the Championship to take his place.

-end of rant-

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quote:Originally posted by Johnnie Monster

You can ask any of the Southsiders - I'm usually the first to gripe when Nash puts a shot or set piece into the stratosphere, but this year he's been very, very impressive.

Wheaties, perhaps?

Maybe his brother let his personal trainers have a go, who knows? I hope he's found his way again because if he looks anywhere near the player most recently in my memmory he's got no business on the national team.

Which is a shame because I used to quite like Nash and was hoping he'd evolve into a NT regular.

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Guest Jeffery S.

In principle there is no reason why a USL Div 1 player could not be with our national team.

It would not be the first time. We have brought in second and 3rd tier Scandinavians, and third tier in England before, so it is not entirely out of the question to look at lower leagues. And if Open Cup results are any indication, the level between the top club in USL and the lower middle of MLS could not be that great.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

I didn't here a lot of griping when 4 or 5 Impact players were chosen for the 2005 Gold Cup team.

Then you weren't reading the forum. In the Impact's case they did have two players (Sutton and Braz) who were above USL level but the selection of guys like Gervais, Pizzolito and Leduc has always been controversial on this board. I don't like the selection of Nash because unless we have massive injuries or a coach making ridiculous selections ala Yallop WCQ I can't imagine even an improved version of Nash being a WCQ selection. It does worry me with a BC coach coming in that this might be a factor in his selection though it is hard to say whether it is Hart or Mitchell making the selections at this point. Since the coaching selection process showed how much regional interests are influencing CSA decisions it also worries me that selections in the future will be made to appease certain regions/factions, ie. Nash and Gervais being selected to make the Caps/BC and Impact/Quebec happy. If we are going to select USL players I would much prefer we select younger players with more potential than veterans like Nash, Kindel, Gervais etc. If we need to give guys like Nash a run out just in case we need them for depth players in an emergency I would rather do it in a single friendly than a prolonged tournament in which we should be trying to play our future WCQ team players as much as possible.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

Nash has been great this year and has helped the Caps go undefeated so far. I didn't here a lot of griping when 4 or 5 Impact players were chosen for the 2005 Gold Cup team. While we're at it let's throw Steve Kindels name into the ring.

I've watched all of the Caps games this year, so I know that Nash has played well. Plus I agree with you about Kindel, he has been awesome. However, I still believe that if one wants to play for the national team they should be playing at a higher level. You need to play against tougher competition day in and day out. The Canadian Whitecap players are beating up on unorganized minor league teams. I believe playing against Costa Rica is something completely different.

With regards to the Impact players on the 2005 Gold Cup team, I could almost live with that at the time for a couple of reasons:

1) We had already been bounced from World Cup qualifying so Yallop could look at a wide variety of players

2) Toronto FC was not around, thus not giving some of those domestic based Canadians a chance to play at a higher level. Obviously Sutton and Braz have since made the step up.

3) I think our talent pool is deeper now than ever. There isn't one Canadian USL player I'd rather have over his European based counterpart at the same position.

Plus, we need to have our A+ team at this tournament. Even though Hart is still at the helm this is the best opportunity for the "new" coaching staff to tinker with a lineup of our best players with at least 3 meaningful games in a short period of time. And, not only is it the CONCACAF championship with a birth in the Confederations Cup on the line, but they are also the only competitive games under which the new coaching regime will have to test themselves. WCQ is just 1 year away.

I'm not saying Nash isn't a good player. He has been instrumental in the Caps great start. What I am saying is that if playing for Canada is of great importance to him, he should find a better league to play in.

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I've always liked Nash's vision and his distribution in the final 3rd of the field. If he's got himself in top shape and his focus is on then I'd love to see him play with the national team, yes, even start in the Gold Cup. We need goals, and this is a guy who can help make them, especially surrounded by our best Euro stars. I look forward to Martin getting one more chance.

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I understand completely why some would be relunctant in choosing a USL player. I'm not backing Nash because he is a west coast player but for many other reasons.He is looking extremly fit.He has become wiser over the years and reads the game better and anticipates better.He has a lot of pride and is hungry for success. His standards are high and will show up to get results. At this point we are in no position to overlook anyone no matter which league they play in.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan


He is looking extremly fit.He has become wiser over the years and reads the game better and anticipates better.He has a lot of pride and is hungry for success.

Good to hear. His passing and head for the attacking side of the game where his strong points I thought. Always thought he had good vision and good delivery ON THE ATTACKING SIDE. Could threaten the odd goal to which is always nice.

I could almost live with the lack of defending bite if he had better legs for football.

Maybe MLS coming to Canada has lit a bit of a fire under his ass. Given him an achievable goal. If that's the case then great. That's what MLS is suppose to be there for.

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quote:Originally posted by masster

I was thinking of making the trip to Florida but now I'm reconsidering. I want to see Hirschfeld, Radzinski, Stalteri, Simpson, Nsaliwa...not Sutton, Nash, Gervais etc. I don't care how good you are, if you are playing USL1 you should not be considered for the national team. It is not a high enough level. With all the players we have playing in Europe and MLS, there should be no need to call up these players either. In fact, throw Reda on that list too cause he looks USL at best.

Nonsence!. How do know that the calibre of play in those tiny little obscure Euro leagues, that some of our players play in, is better than the USL?

Why do so many underestimate our domestic leagues? Only in Canada does this happen where: :if its canadian its no good...

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Nonsence!. How do know that the calibre of play in those tiny little obscure Euro leagues, that some of our players play in, is better than the USL?

Why do so many underestimate our domestic leagues? Only in Canada does this happen where: :if its canadian its no good...

What are the "tiny, little, obscure leagues" that our Euro based national players play in? Norway, Denmark, German B2, CCC, Czech Republic...

I have never watched a whole match from the Norwegian league. I doubt any of us has. But firstly, based solely on the quality of goals that we see from the hi-lites, in my opinion, finishing is better in Norway than USL1. Secondly, lets look at the top teams in each of the divisions: Rosenborg & Lillestrom vs Vancouver and Montreal. We've never seen them play head to head so it is speculation but I'd take Rosenborg and Lillestrom. Finally, the competition they play against...Norway is a solid 14 team division that offers players the opportunity to play in the Champs League and Uefa Cup. In the USL you can look forward to playing in front of 500 people in Miami and a California team in hand me down uniforms. Where would you rather play? What atmosphere do you think better prepares you for international football? Where is there more pressure?

Same goes for Denmark. Look at the top teams there, Copenhagen, Brondby, Odense...teams with internationals from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Issey and Gerba are playing regularly against better competition.

I must admit I know nothing about the Czech Republic. Also, I don't think anybody would consider B2 and CCC "tiny obscure Euro leagues".

I don't think I hold the position that if its Canadian its no good. I'm happy with the level of play in MLS and don't mind any TFC players representing Canada (except Reda perhaps). Yes, maybe the Whitecaps and Impact could compete in MLS, but the fact is they don't.

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