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Guest irishwhisper

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Yap BMO Field. There were 9 TV cameras and 21 various reporters.Spoke to the site super and everything is on time and on budget.The bubble will be up next winter only.From the outside in early december the stadium would look completed. The turf is going in early November.Don Garver indicated that by 2010 there will be a 16 team league.This thing is really getting to be very big and seeing all that media there well as i said before this is very very historic.I guess I have to find some way to get Ajax up here.

Did not see any Voyageurs so I guess I am it for the time being.

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Hey this was no small patatoes, the size and name of the bank as well as all the important people flying from all over the USA and Canada.I guess that the media tour which was scheduled as well maybe of interest to a lot of viewers and showing the progress of this project.Just a nice media event and especially for soccer.

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Hey this was no small patatoes, the size and name of the bank as well as all the important people flying from all over the USA and Canada.I guess that the media tour which was scheduled as well maybe of interest to a lot of viewers and showing the progress of this project.Just a nice media event and especially for soccer.

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The Star is at it again. They have their story on the naming-rights on their website this morning (and presumably in the print edition). The headline is "Profit made on tax-funded stadium". Tell us what you really think, Star. (And no, it's not even Dave Perkins.)

An equally valid headline would have been "For-profit company acts in the interests of its shareholders". That doesn't have quite the same tabloid-y ring.

Edit: Dave Perkins was unavailable to write the story because he's attending the Ryder Cup at the posh K Club in Ireland. "Sportswriter takes Expense Account Trip to Fancy Golf Resort", I think sums it up nicely.

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The very 1st thing, they have GOT TO put a stand under the scoreboard.

Roof would be nice for keeping the noise in and the wind and rain out, you know, spectator comfort sort of stuff, but there are of course only so many dollars in the kitty. But something as simple as even a set of high bleachers behind that open goal line would improve that park 100%.

Nice pictures by the way. That one smaller grandstand seems to be set back pretty far from the touch line though.

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

Unless the story itself is nothing but bull, I don't see the problem here with this headline. It's rare that a tax-funded stadium can turn a profit, and turn it this quickly.

I guess to each his own (interpretation).

The sub-head from the article is "Laugh all the way to the bank after naming rights deal - `Now we're happy campers,' says COO Anselmi"

The point, as I read it, is not that the stadium turned a profit. It's that greedy MLSE took all this money from the various levels of government and then makes a profit on their own investment of $10 million. It strikes me (especially the "laugh all the way to the bank") as a gratuitous shot.

Here is the link.

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I guess any publicity is good publicity.It sounds that these guys are also good business men. The site super working for PCL did say that they pay there bills right on time and they have a great working relationship with MLSE.Everybody is happy ,but not as happy as me!

This is very big guys and the very best that ever is happening in soccer.Drooling stuff!!!

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