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I want to see Spain vs Canada

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I definately feel the same way, but honestly after working in the industry my passion now borders on frustration and yes financial aspects are the major focus for any network like it or not. Unfortunately the complaints to most audience relations quickly find their way to the garbage file on the computer......if it's constructive and positive it's more likely to find its way to a producers or managers desk. My boss always used to tell me, "don't come to me with your problem unless you have a solution."

I understand your frustration and point on the fishing and what-have-you, but those type of shows are not produced by Sportsnet, therefore very cheap to produce and if it's sponsored, it's already making a profit...so again $$$ is the bottom line.

I know this point really does not matter, but as pissed off as we get at times there is still more free professional soccer live in this country than anywhere in Europe. A couple of months ago I had some friends over from London and unless they subsribe to a Sky or BBC sports package they certainly don't get up to five games a week on cable. It's tough not to think the glass is half empty sometimes. (sigh)

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If Sportsnet can't sell the advertising spots to make a Canada/Spain or Canada/Portugal friendly profitable, then they need to sell the men's rights back. It won't do. The CSA is actually getting high profile friendlies and no one is seeing them.

How many ads did Sportsnet sell for the Gold Cup? About four? The annoying CIBC Jon Stewart wannabe, the Impossible is nothing Adidas ad, and err there must have been a couple more. Of course they don't tease the Gold Cup with a high profile Portugal friendly or the home Honduras friendly.

I know we complain a lot about Sportsnet, but when they show everything tape delay, if at all, and it's live on the fourth Snet channel, but not the main, third or fifth and is on a different tape delay on the second. You can see why the ratings aren't gangbusters. It's a ratings struggle to start with, but if you can make a profit with Wales/England then I can't see why you couldn't make a profit with Portugal/Canada.

The less were on TV and the less exposure we get (with tape delay etc) when we are on, the more it affects the gate. Poor gates affect the perception of the sport in this country. I know some people lay all of the blame for this on Frank Yallop or the CSA, but I think there are a lot of factors as to why the program is very low profile right now and the recent home gates have been pretty poor.

Who's up for a jaunt to a pub to watch Canada/Spain in Ottawa? First round of tapas is on me.



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patriot, the frustration we are feeling is partly because of how poor the response is from their customer service. "We have no plans to broadcast this match" is very similar to "We have no intention of broadcasting this match" and both sound, absent of other info, like "We have no interest in broadcasting this match". Considering that the responses are via email (where yo have all day to think up a careful response that shows one's company in the best light to its customers), one would think that someone in customer service would provide a better response than something which suggests that they aren't showing the match because they can't be bothered. A response akin to what your saying ie. "We would love broadcast this match but we can't as the Spaniards price for the rights is too great than we can afford for a single match" etc. would be far more satisfactory, and would result in somewhat less aggravation there than the one that's been quoted by a few people in this thread.

I realize that customer service isn't your dept. so there's probably little you can do about this, but I'm just pointing out why the reaction here amongst the people who do care can be so derogatory, and why Sportsnet reputation suffers as a result.

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  • 2 weeks later...
quote:Originally posted by Sigma

If they don't have the broadcasting rights for this game, who does?

Most likely no one. Sportsnet have first choice for all Canada matches, but they still have to purchase the rights to each individual match. My question is, at what point, if at all, is another channel allowed to obtain the rights to a particular match? Do they need permission from Sportsnet, or do they just have to wait for a certain amount of time to pass without Sportsnet obtaining the rights?
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It is too bad that the Canada/Spain Friendly will not be on the Television. I think it would have been fun to see this one. What is interesting to note that this is beeing played on a WCQ weekend (Labour Day weekend) as well I also Noticed that Sportsnet will be showing a friendly between the Canadian Womens team against the German Womans Team.

I am also curious that morning of September 3rd if Rogers Sportsnet will be showing an England WCQ??

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Sportsnet will be taking the game into the building on September the 3rd and packaging it for a later air date. Unfortuately they can't do it live as Gerry and Craig are in transport from Vancouver to Edmonton for the Women's game on the 4th.

I'm not sure if "better late than never" is the right phrase here or not, because I have no idea when the intend to actually air the game.


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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

Nah. It was Gerry and Helen Stoumbos.

I believe Gene Principe filled in for a game somewhere around then. Might have called a game off the monitor but what tourny or friendly I can't recall. What I think Daniel is trying to get at is isn't there a backup broadcast team when Gerry is unavailable? I thought Gene called a game sometime.
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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthyI believe Gene Principe filled in for a game somewhere around then. Might have called a game off the monitor but what tourny or friendly I can't recall. What I think Daniel is trying to get at is isn't there a backup broadcast team when Gerry is unavailable? I thought Gene called a game sometime.

Someone other than Gerry called the Finland game (Principe? I don't remmeber). If Helen is doing colour, why can't we have that someone and Forrest. Hell did up Bobby Lenarduzzi to do colour if Craig is busy. I suspect we'll be getting some clips on Soccer Central and nothing more.

Where can we pull it out of the sky? I know someone will figure it out . . .



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quote:Originally posted by matthew

Someone other than Gerry called the Finland game (Principe? I don't remmeber). If Helen is doing colour, why can't we have that someone and Forrest. Hell did up Bobby Lenarduzzi to do colour if Craig is busy. I suspect we'll be getting some clips on Soccer Central and nothing more.

Where can we pull it out of the sky? I know someone will figure it out . . .



Yes, Principe called the Finland friendly.

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

It's settled then.

G-L will do PBP, and Cheeta is the colour commentator ;)

Ha! Well they had better provide for AT LEAST a 6 second delay (all though I suspect it well be a much longer one).

And yeah, it's starting to get on here. Three weeks away. Time to start scrambling for alternate coverage and juggle my work schedule.

What time's kick off? That's about the only worry I've got when it comes to finding a place which might cover the match. They have to be open after all.

Pssst. Hey. Who's the mole over at SportsNet?

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quote:Originally posted by DJT

Most likely no one. Sportsnet have first choice for all Canada matches, but they still have to purchase the rights to each individual match. My question is, at what point, if at all, is another channel allowed to obtain the rights to a particular match? Do they need permission from Sportsnet, or do they just have to wait for a certain amount of time to pass without Sportsnet obtaining the rights?

The way I see, if channel X (not sportsnet) is willing to pay more to show the match, then Sportsnet would buy the rights to show this particular match at their regular price, and then immediately sell those rights to channel X for the higher price. It doesn't make sense for them to just sit idle and wait for another channel to obtain the rights.

But since its a friendly I find it hard to imagine another channel will suddenly choose this match to start showing the Canadian MNT.

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