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MLS NEXT, Logo and more


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Never liked it at all at first glance but I have really warmed up to it. Very clean and I like how they thought outside the box by changing the colours for each club. Very innovative. 


Hope the Canadian news he's talking about isn't lip service.


Back to the logo though, doesn't it ever irk people when designers talk about their motivation for a creation. "The slash represents the pace and power of our sport" "The two portions of our crest represent two halves" "The red is suppose to represent Canada". I am paraphrasing from memory here, but don't you ever just get the urge to call BULLSHIT on these things or is it just me?? 

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Back to the logo though, doesn't it ever irk people when designers talk about their motivation for a creation. "The slash represents the pace and power of our sport" "The two portions of our crest represent two halves" "The red is suppose to represent Canada". I am paraphrasing from memory here, but don't you ever just get the urge to call BULLSHIT on these things or is it just me?? 


I don't. They wanted their shield to mean something about them. If they just said hey there's a new logo, boom. And no explanation, it would be ridiculous.

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I like honest explanation where it is needed and I don't like necessary fluff.    



"The outside limit of the logo represents the limits of the field of play" ....


No...you just wanted to design a shield. No explanation needed, end of story.


It is silly to design something and then make up a lame reason for the inspiration behind it. I feel the 3 stars are valid (club, community, country), I feel the red white and blue colours are valid (USA), but don't tell me that you intentionally created the slash at 45 degrees to "represent the accelerating improvements of the league" (paraphrasing again). That is ridiculous fluff intended to add value where it doesn't exist. 


Or, maybe I don't understand because I am not a graphic designer. I don't know lol

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Crappiest sports league logo EVER.


It was designed "in-house" which I am guessing means someone let their ten-year old play with MS paint and called it innovative when the kid forgot to trim the diagonal line that went outside the shield.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's pretty silly to have a sports league logo not even include the ball or equipment needed to play said sport. Save the NHL who frankly if not for the history of that logo, would be a pretty lame logo, I don't know of many leagues that do that.


I mean other then Serie A (which has the center of the pitch) I don't know of a single soccer league that doesn't have the ball as part of the logo. It's also, really bland. Half the logo is white space and other then those three stars, doesn't really scream this is a US League or Canada is a part of the league.


Is it better then the somewhat lame soccer ball and cleat? I'd say yes and no, I mean the design looks more pro and less kiddie, but at the same time the fact this logo could represent any three letter acronym based out of the US, is such a silly way to try to brand a league. Sure, the three stars say "Yeah this is a US league" although why you'd red white stars on red an not blue confuses me, and putting stars and not a red maple leaf in that giant white space, tells me you don't really care about Canada's presence.


I do agree logos have to evolve, but not get replaced, and certainly not by something so generic.


Thumbs down

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