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Infamous CSA


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The foibles (to put things mildly) of the CSA are becoming known outside Canada. Did anyone else notice during the Deportivo-Barca match that the commentator, while talking about De Guzman, said that if the Canadian federation ever got its act together that Canada would do well qualifying for S.A. 2010?

On a non-related but very Canadian topic, while registering to join this forum, I was asked for my city and "state". If there had been an option to give my province, that would still be mildly annoying, since this is a Canadian forum about Canada, but the choice of province isn't even available. It reminded me of a Petro-Canada thingy I was given once that asked me for my "zip code" without even mentioning postal codes. It's not like using an American spelling or letting other Americanisms creep into everyday Canadian English. It's like saying "I had to see the district attorney", something that does not even exist in Canada.

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Watched it, heard it, didn't read too much into it (ie the commentators observation that Canada could be a serious contender in CONCACAF). The GolTV team has been very flattering of The Guz this season and they certainly aren't the 1st to make that observation, ie Canada shows HUGE potential if they're not handicapped by their governing body.

Watch the Gold Cup last year? You would have heard lots of that. How about that last match against Estonia in the snow storm? More of the same. The CSA's reputation, internationally, is a sad record which gets replayed quite frequently of late.

Does that amount to a hill of beans? Negative international opinion. Shrug. Probably not. And yeah, it's sorta interesting when it gets mentioned but in these parts it takes something a little more dramatic to get the attention of the Vs when it comes to CSA criticism/bashing.

We're sort of numb to it all you see...

Now if you want to debate the use of The Guz as pertains to Canada in comparison to Depor (ie attacking midfielder or deep holder) you're going to get some activity in a topic. And likely lively debate considering the dramatically different roles he fills with each side.

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If my investment works out I promise that I will move back to Canada and start a professional Canadian soccer league

I should have enough money for at least four seasons, but by the end of season two I will look to sell the teams to individual owners (if it is growing and showing signs of a potential future profit)and put most of the money back into it.

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I am new to digital TV, and I'm also new to this board. (so no, I didn't see the gold cup nor the Estonia match). I mentioned this thinking that it was interesting that even people outside Canada know we're handicapped by our own association, but the CSA doesn't seem to be aware of itself. Does anyone at the CSA actually watch De Guzman (and other Canadians)play in situations like this?

I was thinking, if I were some jerk at the CSA and I heard someone on international television point out that the association I'm working for might as well be run by a team of trains squirrels, I might take note.

For some reason, the responses I'm getting from posting this seem to be people frustrated with me, rather than the CSA. I thought as a Canadian hoping and dreaming of our country one day competing at the level that it should be, that we would all be in this together, but it seems my question isn't very welcome here.

Allez les rouges, vive le Canada, but I feel as welcome here as I would in Teguchigalpa or howwever it's spelled.

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Honestly, what good does a response like "pulls up a chair" do?

and "if you're running from the law..." What's that have to do with anything?

Thank you to TheModelCitizen for the only serious and friendly response.

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Tintin, it's not a reflection on you or even your OP if looked at in isolation. If you read some of the threads on the ineptitude of the CSA you'll see that a lot of people on here have put themselves through the wringer on the issue. The responses (or lack thereof) you are getting reflect the drained nature of a lot of people regarding this issue especially given the lack of evident progress.

Don't despair and keep adding to the discussion. Most people on here are passionate in a friendly sort of way.

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Tintin...its quite an insular group here. I have been ignored, in various guises, since 1998. Don't take it personally.

By the way, after spending two years in Europe, I knew from the get-go, that Americanisms would color my daily life after re-entry into Canada. Gotta watch Law and Order. See ya.

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I never got the feeling this board was an insular group. Some new people here just start posting straight away instead of feeling the board out a little (and noticing you've posted something that's been discussed ad naseum so holds little further interest, it's not because you're new and it's nothing personal) so the long time posters take the piss. It's like kicking the door open at a Vegas casino and announcing that you like to gamble, what kind of response do you want?

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I'm sorry that I didn't really feel like reading every post in the history of the Voyageurs to count how many times this issue has been brought up. If I were a regular on here and I had seen an issue that had been brought up over and over, I would have told the person politely, "this has been brought up before".

Anyway, whether's it's been brought up on here before or not, it's still new to me that even people outside Canada are aware of what a load of clods the CSA are...and THAT was my point.

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Thank you for posting that information Tintin. I watch some soccer on TV, but I had not heard the comment to kindly pointed out. As you have correctly assessed the situation, the CSA is a cancer to soccer in Canada. There is some hope that the CSF will be able to take over the running of the national programs and relegate the CSA to running the men and women leagues.

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Touche Tintin, welcome to the board no worries [8D]

The players always seem eager to let the media know whatever they've accomplished is in spite of the CSA not because of it. Maybe its come up in interviews between Julian and the Spanish press privately if not publicly that the CSA is in shambles, though I'd say their record of 1 world cup appearance speaks for itself amongst any knowledgeable pundits.

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CSA can learn from Hockey Canada in terms of instilling pride & runnung a class operation:

Back when the likes of Steve Yzerman would answer the call for Canada, the world championship was viewed as a kind of consolation prize for good NHLers on bad teams, Hockey Canada was an unknown quantity and many wouldn't be bothered making the often thankless trek across the Atlantic.

That's all changing, and it speaks volumes for how Hockey Canada has instilled a sense of patriotism into players, identifying stars at a young age and enrolling them in the national program.

They'd play in international tournaments like the Under-17, the Under-18, or the pinnacle for some – the world junior. Well treated, with families invited and involved, players these days grow up in the program.

"Hockey Canada has done such a phenomenal job of instilling that it's a great experience, an incredible tournament, they treat you first class," said Doan. "All they want from you is to do everything they ask you to do, as hard as you can."

Yzerman says the built-up loyalty means players will buy philosophically whatever Hockey Canada sells.

"I think being part of the national program means a lot to the players today," said Yzerman, now the general manager of Team Canada. "They grew up in it, they know the people in Hockey Canada, and they've built relationships with them.


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