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First Impact MLS Game in Vancouver on March 10th


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You paying? :)

I will buy a round. Two if you can convince Grizzly to join you. I still have an Ultras scarf acquired in a deal with Kurosawa (quite a bit more stylish than the SS offering, I must admit -even though it has always smelled a bit like hippie). I won't be wearing it March 10, not that most of the numpties in my section would know the difference.

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Ya probably not a good idea for Toronto - Montreal on the 17th.. you want your first home game to be packed with Impact fans.

Haha ok there....

Its been what, a year and a half that I've been saying just how bad a game in the Big O between TFC and IMFC would be, but I guess it takes people a while to figure out this complex message:

It is in tfc fans best interest, to NOT play at the Big O. Not not not, a good idea.

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Regardless of whether that's what is best. I'd be surprised if that game isn't going to be Toronto...

I dont know, from a business sense its better to not use tfc like that.

The games against tfc are a draw regardless, as are the games at the big O, why put one sure draw in the place that will make bull**** teams like chivas USA a draw?

Plus, you want to kick off your first year in a new league by playing someone you've already played a lot? it would be refreshing to be anything but toronto or vancouver at the start, but we're already wasting one of the first on vancouver, might as well waste the second on toronto and bat 1.000

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I dont know, from a business sense its better to not use tfc like that.

The games against tfc are a draw regardless, as are the games at the big O, why put one sure draw in the place that will make bull**** teams like chivas USA a draw?

Plus, you want to kick off your first year in a new league by playing someone you've already played a lot? it would be refreshing to be anything but toronto or vancouver at the start, but we're already wasting one of the first on vancouver, might as well waste the second on toronto and bat 1.000

Absolutely, you are going to sell out the Big O regardless in your first few games.. you don't need demand from TFC fans, not being cocky just saying. Let it be a Montreal event and play Kansas City or another joke team.

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